标题: Darden [注意] [打印本页]
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-8-14 08:12
标题: Darden [注意]
Please check
Good luck to your application. Please feel free to ask questions regarding Darden.
作者: lewis 时间: 2003-8-14 08:27
迅捷版主已经被DARDEN录取为2004年入学的FULL-TIME MBA, 对申请DARDEN这所有哈佛第二之称的南方美丽商院有成功的经验. 请大家向迅捷版主咨询DARDEN申请相关的问题.
作者: siebel 时间: 2003-8-14 09:00
作者: Euphony 时间: 2003-8-14 09:23
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-8-14 13:35
先说说一些我的基本情况,我是今年五月初先收到的明年的defer admission,然后在六月底的时候,又收到了今年的offer, 但是由于个人的原因,被我拒绝了。我还是准备明年去的。希望对对Darden有兴趣的同学有所帮助。
作者: shazhi 时间: 2003-8-14 21:04
作者: dullpen 时间: 2003-8-15 14:35
作者: SusanaTsao 时间: 2003-8-25 11:01
Do you mind telling me your GMAT score and your working experience? I am truly interested in applying for UVA Darden. Thanks for your kindly help.
作者: qinmiju 时间: 2003-8-31 20:09
作者: lewis 时间: 2003-8-31 21:04
我来回答一下qinmiju, SusanaTsao关心的问题, 不准确的地方迅捷版主纠正.
迅捷版主在北京一所工科大学毕业, 后在一所美国大学取master degree in computer science. 然后, 在一家fortune 500 公司任一个部门的经理, 工作经历有4年左右(not sure). 写得一流的essays( 我有幸欣赏过的一篇就是Darden的). 做了on-campus的interview. 研究生期间就参加过NASA的软件开发工程项目. GMAT 700+, TOEFL免(已经有绿卡).
作者: 零点の至尊 时间: 2003-9-1 22:25
作者: siebel 时间: 2003-9-2 21:21
迅捷,好!darden综合排名了得,可是在分项排名里鲜见,能否介绍一下强项?比如:finance, gm还是别的什么?谢谢!
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-9-6 13:05
个人觉得,darden的强项就是case,也就是GM了。还有就是校友网络了。Finance and entreprenueship 也还不错的。
作者: qinmiju 时间: 2003-9-20 16:17
作者: CCAML 时间: 2003-9-22 11:42
请问first round 和second round在录取方面有明显的区别吗? Deadline for First round is 24 October. 太赶了。
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-9-23 10:17
9/24晚在上海波特曼, Darden在MBA TOUR上有展台,欢迎询问。
Darden Admission Commission Officer, Cheryl, Darden China Alumni and In-Coming Students will meet you there.
Time : 19:00-21:30
Venue: Ritz Carlton Portman
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-9-23 10:29
关于申请材料是否在面试看的问题, 我的个人理解是:
MBA Tour时的面试时,招生办公室的老师是不看申请材料的
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-9-26 03:02
多谢efz帮助回答问题。这几天因为hurrican Isabel, 一直都不能上网,连公司都关了三天。
Darden在招生的时候,我觉得是注重你的团队精神和个人的communication skill, 因为是case教学吗。
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-9-26 03:04
忘了说一句,如果对Darden是认真的话,一定要做好面试。Interview在darden的录取过程中占的比重非常非常之大。如果你的interview没做好,就是你其他方面再优秀,最好的结果也只能是waiting list了。
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-9-26 09:38
中国学生必须投前三轮,因为只有这样你才有可能申请奖学金, 建议第一轮和第二轮,这两者没区别.
Cheryl 在上海面试了6个人,明年2-3月份估计还会来一次中国做面试
作者: laobob 时间: 2003-9-26 10:35
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-9-26 15:34
去年DARDEN来了两位面试官,Rita and Cheryl.今年只有Cheryl会来
建议: 对学校的材料熟读,不要问太简单的问题如GPA,GMAT分数之类的问题
1)你是否口语,听力OK,DARDEN关心你能否在课堂上,Learning Team, Study Group上自由沟通
2)你是否是Darden Fit, Adcom自己会有一个判断
作者: 小新妹妹 时间: 2003-9-28 16:35
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-9-28 21:49
Top 10 Companines hiring International students from class of 2003 and 2004
2) Colfax Corporation
3)Merrill Lynch
4)Capital One Financial Corporation
5)Cargill, Inc
7)Eastman Chemical Company
9)United Technology Corporation
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-9-28 22:06
Welcome to apply Darden!
Fast Facts about Darden:
1) Though reputable in many areas, Darden is primarily a general management school, and as such seeks well-rounded candidates with exhibited leadership potential and strong interpersonal skills.
2) Learning in Darden in based predominantly on the case method of instruction. Cases developed by Darden are vastly taught in business schools and companies around the globe.
3) Darden is ranked # 1 internationally for General Management by the Financial Times.
Darden MBA's enjoy the advantages of a strong and extremely loyal Alumni network. The Economist Intelligence Unit ranks the Darden Alumni network as most effective in the world.
4) Darden faculty is ranked # 1 by both Business Week and the Financial Times.
5) Darden graduates enjoy high employment statistics even during a tough economy and practically the highest among peer schools. According to US News, in 2002 89.8% of Darden graduates were employed 3 months after graduation.
就我所知, 所有的2003中国学生都早已找到工作
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-9-28 23:23
efz老兄说的太好了,我也就不多说了。忘了介绍了,efz也是Darden Class 2006的一员。人在上海,欢迎以后大家和他多多联系。
作者: laobob 时间: 2003-9-29 09:38
不知道大家对darden essay 的第四篇:pls evaluate your own essay questions怎么看。
Darden review toefl as a total or review each part ? and any specific requirement?
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-9-29 11:17
GMAT: 684 (只要690就OK)
GPA: 3.4 (我是3.0,你应该比这个高吧)
TOEFL: 250 (机考) (>620 应该过关了吧)
DARDEN#4 ESSAY题目是否换了,原来是Pose and Address Your Own Essay Question, That means that you can write any topic you like.
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-9-29 11:33
在CLASS 2005班的同学去美国之前,在上海的校友两次为广州的新生送行
(不同的学生, 广州的学生从上海飞旧金山)
在MBA TOUR上见到了在中欧的做交换学生的二年级学生,很爽快的约定一起吃饭,教我们一年级生存技巧,
作者: laobob 时间: 2003-9-29 15:45
thanks, efz, the essay question is still the same as last year, I had read this question in a rush, so misunderstand it
Your information on academics is really helpful. As my toefl listening part is under 60, I was worried about it, although I had an intterview with Cheryl during MBA tour in beijing and did ok.I had wondered whether I should re-take TOEFL or need clarify with during the essay or by other ways.
I find all the Darden people are very nice
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-9-29 21:24
I don't think that low score of listening section in Toefl test is a big problem. The interview will give you a better chance to proof yourself. Please send a letter to Cheryl to ask whether it is advisable to include in additional essay. I believe that it will not hurt your chance.
It is good that you did the interview already. it is definitely a plus for the application.
Please better prepare your essay. It's much more important than Toefl test.
作者: laobob 时间: 2003-9-29 23:51
Really appreciated your motivation and valuable suggestions,I am sure it reflect Darden's culture.
I have already found an image in my additional essay, and thinking about how to combine the explanation of toefl there.
There is no wording limit on Darden's essay, what is your suggestions on controlling the words?
One question to discuss on the first essay:Specifically address your post MBA short and long-term professional goals. How Darden will assist you in attaining these goals? Should we emphaise past experience, I understand my career goal should linked to past experience, but there is danger to put more on this part, and make the Adcom think it is copied from another school's essay
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-9-30 04:46
no more than two pages should be ok.
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-9-30 09:27
Though Darden's essay has no wording limit, It is still advisable to make it concise.
Use your heart to write essay. You need your own judgement to determine. BE YOURSELF AND JUST DO IT.
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-9-30 10:44
Two of my esays had around 1000 words.
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-10-2 02:13
The Indian view of Darden
Virgin territory, yet
Rumu Banerjee
“Indian students are attractive as they provide a global point of view to the programme, besides being English-speaking,” says Prof. Elliot Weiss, Associate Dean, Darden Business School, University of Virginia, US.
Interested in an MBA from America? Then head to the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Virginia. Ranked No. 9 internationally by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), it’s come in 17th on the best B-school, world-wide, rankings of the Financial Times and 12th on the Business Week listings. But the really interesting bit of information is that Darden has dethroned names like Wharton and Harvard from the EIU list in its climb to the top. Incidentally, the University of Virginia has been ranked the No.1 public university (2004) by the US News and World Report team.
So, what makes this school so special? Is it the quality of the faculty (ranked No.2 by Business Week for quality of teaching); the strong alumni network (ranked No.1 by the EIU) or the committed placement centre (again ranked No.2 by Business Week)? Well, it’s all this and more. In an exclusive talk with HT Horizons, the Associate Dean of Darden Business School, Professor Elliot Weiss, spoke about what makes Darden the best choice for Indian students.
Why should an Indian student opt for Darden and not Wharton or Harvard?While I admit that Darden may not be as well know as perhaps Wharton, I’d say we offer better options. There are a number of reasons why Indian students should choose Darden: one, our faculty is the best —- we’ve been ranked No.2 for quality of teaching by Business Week. Our professors are on top of their field of specialisation; they remain close to actual business problems and decisions through academia, consultancy as well as our executive programmes. So they have their fingers on the pulse of the real business world. Two, our focus is not functional mastery but leadership, understanding the business of management and not only the theory of it. Three, the case method of instruction. Here, major business challenges are analysed through discussions in class and informal groups. However, it’s not just an analysis of past businesses and then going back to lectures. In fact, most business problems don’t occur within a single discipline; a case taught in a Finance class may also include issues covered in Ethics or Operations classes. This integrated approach allows our students to analyse issues from different perspectives.
But why shouldn’t they go to B-schools in Asia, like in Singapore etc.? After all, the business environment there would reflect home conditions more, wouldn’t it?
I don’t think so. Business principles are global, applicable everywhere. That our programme comprises 30 per cent international students reflects this; in fact, it represents a cross-section of the global population that would be hard to find elsewhere, it’s the ‘real’ world. Also, our case studies are international, from Latin America, Asia and Europe. Look, we obviously must be doing the right thing, for it’s very hard to fool those who come for the executive programmes. If they’re happy with our course and faculty, it means that we’re in touch with the trends in the business world.
What are the programmes that you offer?
We offer a two-year MBA as well as an Executive Education programme. There’s a common core in the MBA programme in the first year and then students can opt for specialisation later. Incidentally, we have a required course in the first year on Ethics (in fact, we were one of the first universities to have this mandatory course). The classes are usually divided into five sections of 63 students, who are then moulded into learning teams of diverse backgrounds. The Executive Education modules are short-term programmes for working managers.
What’s the percentage of international students at Darden?
Out of the 300 plus students in our two-year MBA programme, I would say around 25-30 per cent comprise international students, of which eight per cent are Asians in the Class of ‘04 and nine per cent in the Class of ‘05.
What about placement? Has that been affected by the economic slowdown?
To be honest, yes, it has been affected. Most of our students, both international and domestic, opt for placement in investment banking and consultancy positions. However, jobs in these sectors are not as many as there used to be. There are also visa restrictions that international students are facing now. But the internships have gone well this year (95 per cent got internships). I would say I’m more confident of our current first years who’ll be graduating in 18 months.
At a glance
Darden is one of the few B-schools to have an India Chapter of the alumni network. The President of the India Chapter is V. N. Dalmia, Vice-Chairman and MD of Dalmia Continental (P) Ltd. and Sunshine Tourism Services (P) Ltd. as well as President of Dalmia Automobiles (P) Ltd. His contact number is 23246198, email:
Darden has a Career Development Team that looks after the placement/ internship needs of students. It provides a variety of programmes like Career Discovery (to decide on a career pathway); individual career consultations; Professional Development Services to help pick skills ranging from writing resumes to facing an interview board; as well as workshops and special events.
It provides 130 merit scholarships to international students as well as GATE loans
Fees are around US$ 33,000 for the MBA programme while living expenses come to $1,500/month for the nine month period while at school
The median base salary for the Class of 2002 was $85,000 (median signing bonus approx. $15,000). Companies coming in for recruitment included the likes of AT Kearney Inc., Citibank/ Citicorp, JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch, Pfizer, UBS Warburg, Standard & Poors Corporation etc.
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-10-2 11:49
关于是案例教学还是授课教学那个更好,每人有自己的判断. DARDEN 和HARVARD都坚持采用案例教学法,是要培养学生综合思考,收集数据,作出分析,在60多人的教室里陈述你的观点,说服别人,维护自己的观点. 案例教学法还教会你倾听别人尊重别人.在现实工作中,我就经常需要在经理会议上说服别的同事接受我的观点.
2)GM 教育
DARDEN的综合管理是非常突出的. Financial Times Ranked Darden #1 General Managmenet in the World.
过去DARDEN 的毕业生通常1/3去咨询, 1/3去IB, 1/3去其他行业. 现在情况就不一样了,2002年毕业的学生40%去了Finance (27% IB, 3% VC and 10% Other Finance Service),去Consulting只有16%.
如果你的志愿是咨询行业,DARDEN 仍是一个好的选择.
所有的商学院都佷强调校友网络, Harvard, Wharton, Kellogg的校友众多.Wharton有本科,商学院, PHD. Kellogg 在芝加哥,新加坡和香港都有办学, 一年毕业生的数量远远超过好多小学校.
在美国DARDEN 和TUCK 的校友网络非常强.我觉得这种强是指校友之间乐于帮助. TUCK的冬天十分寒冷,学生没地方去, 常窝在一起;DARDEN 的课程很重,需要团队合作,一起完成. DARDEN现在是美国校友平均捐款数最多的学校.
作者: bloomingtree 时间: 2003-10-3 22:27
作者: danceindream 时间: 2003-10-3 22:59
efz31990, 你刚才提到2003年所有的中国学生都已经找到工作了。不知道有没有人回国工作?
作者: danceindream 时间: 2003-10-3 23:01
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-10-4 00:44
danceindream , good luck. Just relax and be yourself during the interview.
作者: ddozz 时间: 2003-10-4 03:43
标题: Some photos about Darden
Hi, I attach some photos I took in Darden. Almost every student falls in love with Darden at the first sight of it. It is very beautiful!
The weather is a little cold now. Last night the temperature is only 2'C.
Good luck to everyone's application!
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-10-4 12:28
Class 2003 没有听说回来的. They all land jobs in the states.
DARDEN校友Class 1999,2000,2002都有回来的, 工作都非常不错.他们一般都会在美国工作2-3 年后回来
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-10-4 15:56
作者: Wahoo 时间: 2003-10-6 23:00
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-10-6 23:31
其实校友前辈的去处对自己并不重要, 因为每个人的背景, 经历都不太一样. 重要的还是自己的实力.
作者: danceindream 时间: 2003-10-7 01:41
多谢efz 和 Wahoo。 我读完书后想直接回国, 因为在这边已经工作了几年, 不想在这里settle down, 觉得还是越早回去越好。所以选学校的时候也考虑中国的alumni network问题。不过, 如efz所说, 个人实力最重要。 我还是先把学校搞定再想其他的。
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-10-8 21:12
Batten Institute
如果你对VC, Entrepreneurship, Starting UP your own business after MBA immediately or a few years later, DARDEN 的Batten Insitute会是一个好的资源. 如果你有Entrepreneurship的背景,说不准还能拿个奖学金.
2000年Weather Channel 和 Landmark Communication的前CEO Frank Batten一下子捐了美刀60Million, 现在还是商学院单笔捐款的头名.
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-10-9 21:32
Some info from BW Forum Regarding Darden
1. How strong is Darden in offering international education and focus in its MBA program? I am looking forward to doing my internship and post MBA job in Asia. I was wondering how can Darden help me gain business knowldge and experience that will be relevant for Asia
1. Don't have an exact figure but I would say more than half of the cases we cover in class are on a foreign company. It allows students to see how different situations are handled differently in different countries. We also place a premium on input from foreign students. Darden also offers GE classes where you study abroad (for either a week, quarter or semester). In your case it might be benefitial if you do you first semester of your second year in Asia, which would give you a better opportunity to secure a full time offer in Asia. Darden's CDC has hired an account manager to recruit foreign companies to hire students on ground, so there is a big emphasis on expanding internationally.
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-10-9 21:34
Question: "How is Darden's reputation amongst consulting companies - especially the big 5, and also management consulting firms that have a business-technology practice? "
Answer: "We have an excellent rep with the big 5. The only one that does not recruit on grounds is McKinsley, but it is not hard to difficult to get hired into McKinlsey through the Alumni network. The reason that we were dropped from one of McKinsley's core school is b/c a couple of years ago they made several offers, but only one student ended up signing with McKinsley"
However McKinsley is still the top 1 recruiter for international students for class 2003-2004 according to Darden 2004 Brochure.
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-10-9 21:36
Question: ". What entrepreneurship education and programs does Darden MBA offer?"
Answer: "We have the batten institute (darden progressive incubator) which gives students the opportunity to develop their ideas. I know of a second yr student that received $4 million dollars to start his own company"
Author by Thestreet05 from BW Forum
作者: Wahoo 时间: 2003-10-11 08:49
learn more Darden at
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-10-11 10:35
Cheng Cui, nice to see you again. Nice website. Everybody, it is worth your time checking it out.
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-10-11 15:05
Very nice web! Good Job!.Wahoo兄是否就是Adam Cui?
讯捷: Class 2004, Harriton 在上海CEIBS做交换学生, Next Monday Night, We have Darden Shanghai 校友聚餐, I will update you.你年底回来,我们可以也安排一下.
作者: bloomingtree 时间: 2003-10-11 20:46
请问第四个ESSAY问题:pose and address your own question的意思是:自己出问题并且针对问题写essay吗?
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-10-11 21:02
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-10-11 23:20
Wahoo 应该就是Chen Cui老兄了。当时我去Darden,他是我的host。
efz,一转眼就要到年底了,can't wait to see you all in Shanghai.
To all the other applicants, 珍惜Essay第四题的机会,它是你脱影而出的一个最好的机会,可以用它说说你自己的事情,不用老说工作上的了。
作者: Wahoo 时间: 2003-10-12 01:53
我不是cuicheng了,只不过是个达顿商学院的忠实拥护者罢了,另外还有些在达顿的中国学生建立了网站,可是上不去。内容大概都是一样的。Essay第四题我写的是community service的内容。祝大家好运!!boot camp见。
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-10-12 03:00
作者: ddozz 时间: 2003-10-13 00:56
[迅捷]:it does not matter. If you want to contact CuiCheng, i can forward the message board to him. Now we are all busying fighting with our mid-term exams...
[Bloomingtree]: About the fouth essay question--"pose and address your own question", I wrote about some of my personal experience & activities that relate to my MBA career goal.
My takeaway from Darden essay writing is: Balancing your essay by talking about yourself as well as about your career achievement. Personal charactors are very important to a future business leader. Let the Admission office understand what kind of person you are and what you can contribute to the learning experience of your future class.
作者: skyever 时间: 2003-10-13 08:59
Hi, 迅捷. Nice to see you here. This is Cheng.
Danny and Derek introduced this board to me. You are doing a great job! Here is my little contribution. I just finished a new version of Darden Fact Sheet, which is shown to the President of a leading commercial bank in China for some cooperation ideas. I think it might benefit the Darden applicants as well.
The Darden Difference: Facts at a Glance
The MBA Program
Founded in 1954. One of the oldest business schools in the U.S.
Rated No.1 General Management by the Financial Times (2002).
Rated No.1 MBA career services by recruiters on Business Week (2002).
Rated No.2 Teaching Faculty by Business Week (2002).
Rated No.4 Most Innovative Curriculum by Business Week (2000).
Rated No.5 Best MBA programs by Business Week (1996).
Rated No.9 Global Overall MBA Programs by Economist (2002)
Rated No.10 Global Overall MBA Programs by U.S. News & World Report (2002)
Among the top 3 MBA programs, along with Harvard and Dartmouth, that uses rigorous case method predominately as the teaching method in broad management skills and allows for in-depth, functional study; Darden's cases are widely used in the top 10 MBA programs.
Participatory learning (via case discussion) requires students to develop acute listening skills, think creatively and analytically on their feet, and communicate effectively in group settings - skills that are essential in business.
The EMBA Program
Ranked No.1 U.S. Executive MBA program by Business Week (1999).
Ranked No.1 Faculty for Executive Education in the world by Financial Times (2000)
University of Virginia
Founded by Thomas Jefferson, Author of ‘Declaration of Independence’ and America’s third President, in 1819.
In a tie with UC-Berkeley, University of Virginia rated No.1 Best Public Institutions in U.S. News Rankings (2003).
Darden Students
Ranked among the top 10 by recruiters for Cream of the MBA Crop in the areas of General Management, Marketing, Finance and Technology (Business Week 2000).
Ranked within the top 10 by Business Week (2002) in Finance, Marketing, Global Scope, Technology and General Management. Darden is one of only 7 MBA schools whose students achieved this across the board rating.
30% of the 2004 class are international students.
Top recruiters in 2002 include Citibank, Merrill Lynch, IBM, A.T. Kearney, McKinsey, J.P. Morgan, Lehman Brothers, Wal-Mart and Conoco. Median compensation package for graduates in finance industry is $87500.
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-13 9:02:29编辑过]
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-10-13 11:14
Ok, hope this time I was right.
How was your internship in Baltimore? Did you like it?
作者: bloomingtree 时间: 2003-10-13 11:22
第二个essay问题:The Darden School seeks a diverse and unique entering class of future leaders. How will your distinctiveness enrich our learning environment and enhance your prospects for success as a leader?
中的distinctiveness是指独特的工作经历还是独特的personal qualities?谢谢
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-10-13 11:36
It varies from person to person. It can be one or the other or both. Remember, there is no hard set word limit so you should incorporate the most appropriate materials into these essays.
作者: hodgechen 时间: 2003-10-13 12:02
作者: ddozz 时间: 2003-10-14 05:30
Reply: 请教essay问题
第二个essay问题:The Darden School seeks a diverse and unique entering class of future leaders. How will your distinctiveness enrich our learning environment and enhance your prospects for success as a leader?
中的distinctiveness是指独特的工作经历还是独特的personal qualities?谢谢
---I think it refers to both your working experience and personal charactors. Darden applies Case method to every course. So, your contribution to the class is very important. You had better demonstrate that you can give more insights to the learning experience of other students by sharing your experience to them and making yourself distintive from other students, a charactor that is required for future business leader. I suggest you think about:
1) what you can contribute to the case study experience in your future class. what do you expect to get from your future class as a way to reflect your contribution
2) how to be a leader, how to earn the credibility from your future business parners or employees as well as from your classmates
Good luck to your future application!
作者: bloomingtree 时间: 2003-10-14 09:11
to all,3x a lot!
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-10-14 12:45
除了多看一些英文的书,电影增强听力和阅读速度之外,准备上个Accounting的夜校, 和上海的校友多Network一下, 还能做些其他的事吗?
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-10-14 13:52
Not much you can do I guess. For accounting, there should be a pre-term class offered by Darden. So I doubt whether you need to take it right now in Shanghai. Just relax and enjoy your free time.
作者: ddozz 时间: 2003-10-15 08:02
I think you had better prepare some skills on public speaking. In Darden, class discussion is very important. Asian students usually are too shy to speak in class. If you have no such problems, that will be great. And I would suggest you enhance your English listening skills. You will know how strange the accent of those Americans have when you arrive US. The problem is not you can not understand what the professor says. The problem is you can not understand what other students are disucssing in class and you will get lost at class discussion at the beginning of the study. Gradually, you will get used to it and understand, but it is kind of time-consuming. This is my lesson learn here.
About accounting, Darden will mail a CD to you after you pay tuition deposit. Learn from the CD carefully. I think it is enough. If you still cannot understand accounting, you can take the prematriculation course here before class begins but you will need to pay extra US$500 for the course.
作者: Wahoo 时间: 2003-10-15 09:42
At least two textbooks available in China:
1. Principles of Corporate Finance (Seventh Edition)
2. Quantitative Business Analysis (东北财经大学出版社)
Accounting should be the hardest one for most FYs, the accounting prematriculation should be $250 and the feedback was great. No advanced math skill needed.
作者: ddozz 时间: 2003-10-15 11:24
Another book is also available in China:
Guide to Managerial Communication (ISBN: 7-302-04734-0)
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-10-17 09:59
作者: SmileFM 时间: 2003-10-17 13:45
I try to catch up with the round one.
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-10-22 10:34
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-10-22 10:36
作者: efz31990 时间: 2003-10-22 11:24
I am right here waiting for you.
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-10-22 11:34
作者: laobob 时间: 2003-10-22 14:05
EFZ and Xunjie, two questions need your help:
- Can I send my official T/G score and transcript after the deadline and even after the offer release, as it meantioned that"the offer is unbinding until the official .. is received......."
- Is that any web link or information on "Batten Institute", btw, except batten institute, any other specific reason for me to start my business after gradution.
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-10-22 21:01
You at least have to send in you official T/G before the deadline. But double check with the school directly. I might be wrong.
You can send your official transcript later. Check out Batten here:
作者: laobob 时间: 2003-10-27 14:16
You are great, Xunjie!
I have spent too much time searching this website, but failed.
Thanks again.
作者: yhyz 时间: 2003-11-30 15:35
thank y for your information. i have been working in the Bank of China for 9 ys and had a one year training in HK. my gmat score is 690 and gpa 3.3. Is there any chance for me to be admitted by Darden?
btw, i can only take toefl next January.
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-12-1 00:19
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-12-1 00:21
作者: Wahoo 时间: 2003-12-1 06:39
690 is below average, but your W/E is outstanding. please spend more time on your essay and do not forget to contact admission office and request an interview in China. I guess they will fly back to china next March. good luck!
作者: sfish 时间: 2003-12-19 01:18
According my friend's suggestion, I prepare to apply Darden and try to catch round 3. I already scheduled my campus visit and interview on 1/12/04 and asked ETS to send my GMAT score to Darden. I will send email to Ad Com to ask waiver of Toefl because I have master degree from US. I have two questions:
1. Does Darden have some interest (or class) in healthcare?
2. Any tough questions in Darden's interview?
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-12-19 01:33
Sfish, I think you selected the wrong time to visit Darden since you will miss the oppotunity to visit a class. Class visit, in my opinion, is the most valuable expeirence in my school visit.
I don't know enough to answer your first quesiton. But I certaily can assure you that normally there is no tough questions during Darden's interview. Just relax. Actually you'll be the driver of the one hour interview session.
Good luck.
作者: sfish 时间: 2003-12-19 02:22
But I did schedule the class visit that morning from 8 to 9:25. And my application status shows the conformation of the class visit.
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-12-19 11:13
That was just my guess. But if I were you, I'd check with the Admission office to confirm it.
作者: sfish 时间: 2003-12-19 12:13
I will send them email to confirm this part. But I do not have a lot of choices. The deadline is Jan. 14, the system allows me to set interview as early as Jan. 7 and class visit as early as Jan. 12.
BTW, Xunjie, do you know any first year or second year Chinese students who I can contact before I go to Darden or stay at Darden. I may spend the whole weekend there and finish my interview on Monday (Jan.12), then drive back.
作者: Wahoo 时间: 2003-12-19 12:48
sfish: based upon my research, one surprise thing is that there are couple of health care firms recruiting at Darden (on campus).
Eli Lilly and Company; McKesson Corporation; Pfizer Inc.; Wyeth Consumer Healthcare; Medtronic, Inc., etc (all of them require US PR). At the same time, there are couple Bio firms used to hire Darden FY & SY such as Genzyme.
作者: petalfly 时间: 2003-12-19 15:11
I just got my MS degree in US, can I get my Tofel waived, Is the town very small, it is possible to get a part time job there?
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-12-19 22:00
It's unlikely that you'd have the time to take a part-time job during the first year.
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-12-19 22:02
sfish, that's why I was asking if class is in session at that time. If not, then I doubt if there is going to be any students in town.
作者: tania_zhang 时间: 2003-12-20 00:53
from Darden website:
FY starts at 1/7 (Wednesday). FY students do not have trational sections anymore such as section A, B, C... and they will be assigned to different "section" such as section 1, 2, order to share their learning experience with the diverse student body.
But the class format is exactly the same, no difference.
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-20 0:58:28编辑过]
作者: sfish 时间: 2003-12-20 05:42
Thanks you guys. I already sent email to confirm the class visit. Hope hear from Darden soon.
作者: winder 时间: 2003-12-20 06:15
Online status shows
"Your application has been received and is being processed. If you submitted paper recommendations or transcripts, it will take at least a week to update your Status Report. Please be patient."
Does it mean I caught the r 2 deadline?
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-23 2:04:12编辑过]
作者: 迅捷 时间: 2003-12-20 22:45
Winder, once your app is received by the school, I don't think it will matter any much which round you are in. Darden is a rolling based school, after all.
作者: ddozz 时间: 2003-12-25 03:20
To Sfish:
I am a Darden FY Chinese student. Welcome to visit Darden in January. The Spring semester in Darden will begin on Jan 7. On Jan 12, we will have Marketing class and Operations class. They are both interesting. If you want to know more about Darden, feel free to contact me. Or leave your email address, i will contact you. There are still some Chinese students staying at school during winter break.
To Winder:
Do worry about which round you are in. If the admission office think you are qualified, they will contact you. Last year, i had to wait for almost three months to get the interview notice. However, I would suggest all applicants try to meet the deadline around Jan 15, for the admission officers will fly to China for interview around late Feburary or early March.
Good luck to your application!
I just got a news from admission office that Darden is planniing to expand the class size next year, so you all have more chances to get offer this year. Be sure to well prepare your application.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
作者: ddozz 时间: 2003-12-25 03:22
To Winder:
Do NOT worry about which round you are in. Sorry for my wrong spelling.
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