标题: 困惑:MBA, or ACCOUNTING, or FINANCE? [打印本页]
作者: greenfish 时间: 2003-8-13 23:44
作者: chipmunk 时间: 2003-8-14 01:54
I'm not sure about the difference between Finance and Accounting. But, between MBA and Accounting, there is a lot of difference. MBA focus on management skill, although it covers some accounting area. It will give you more opportunity in different areas. Accounting master of course focus on accounting. Your career choice will be limited. So, over all, it really depends on what you're looking at your future career.
作者: feifeifeifei 时间: 2003-8-14 03:39
在美国, ACCOUNTING是ACCOUNTING, FINANCE是FINANCE,而不是国内所说的"财务". ACCOUNTING的定义国内外差别不大,具体FINANCE的定义,你在本坛好好搜索一下,会找到详尽答案的.
在MASTER LEVEL, 两者都是更注重实际操作,而非理论研究.
奖学金相比其他非商科专业来说,都更难拿,但不是没有可能. 难不难申请,奖学金多不多,都是相对的,还得看你自身条件如何,谁都不能给你一个绝对的答案. 有的学校第一轮是11月1日,后面的机会是不是更少也不是绝对的.我们这儿很多XDJM都是第二轮申请拿到OFFER的...
好象你自己都不清楚自己想干什么. 建议你自己先做一些RESEARCH,比如把论坛的贴子基本流览一遍,向相关学校网站搜索相关专业的信息,等等.
作者: greenfish 时间: 2003-8-14 17:04
作者: chengfang 时间: 2003-8-14 17:21
Hi, Fei MM,
I got to know that you were admitted as a MBA of 03 by Mcombs. I am still interested in apply for its MBS of 04 with concentration on SCN. A few points I need you to help me out:
1). In the website of the school, TOFEL score can be waived if your verbal is over 35. Is that true?
2). Is its SCN course strong in US?
3). Is my chance to get a scholarship possible? (G: 720; T: 647 8 working experience in a famous US company.
Your help is highly appreciated!
作者: feifeifeifei 时间: 2003-8-14 23:24
1). In the website of the school, TOFEL score can be waived if your verbal is over 35. Is that true?
Yes, it's true. If your verbal in GMAT is over 35, your TOEFL can be waived.
2). Is its SCN course strong in US?
(Sorry, but before I answer this question, I want to make sure what SCN is short for. )
3). Is my chance to get a scholarship possible? (G: 720; T: 647 8 working experience in a famous US company.
Are you an applicant outside Texas? Only non-residents and international students are qualified for most of its scholarships, since Texan residents are qualified for in-state tuition. Besides your scores and w/e, your essays and interview are also very important to help your get scholarships.
作者: chengfang 时间: 2003-8-15 09:02
HI, Fei MM,
Thanks for your quick response.
1). SCN means " supply chain network". I am working as a logistic manager.
2). I am an international applicant(working in Mainland China).
Appreciate your great support!
作者: feifeifeifei 时间: 2003-8-15 09:45
FYI, I don't think McCombs is strong in supply chain network. Actually the strength McCombs lies in is Energy Finance, MIS, and Accounting, etc.
Probably Michigan or CMU has stronger concentration in this field.
作者: chengfang 时间: 2003-8-15 17:03
Hi, Fei MM,
It is very kind of you to give us so many information, which help us out of most of our queries in the application. That's also why I like surfing in this forum. People here are friendly & responsive rather than abusing and gibing with each other in other forums.
Thanks FEI FEI, Wish you well in your study! Have a nice weekend!
Best Regards,
作者: greenfish 时间: 2003-8-16 21:58
以下是引用chengfang在2003-8-15 17:03:00的发言:
Hi, Fei MM,
It is very kind of you to give us so many information, which help us out of most of our queries in the application. That's also why I like surfing in this forum. People here are friendly & responsive rather than abusing and gibing with each other in other forums.
Thanks FEI FEI, Wish you well in your study! Have a nice weekend!
Best Regards,
Agree! Thank you so much, Feifei!
作者: feifeifeifei 时间: 2003-8-16 22:48
You are welcom!
相比CHIMPUNK, FUNNYTIGER他们, 我算是很懒了,见识也不多. 只是尽点薄力. 因为在我申请的路上,也受到很多人的帮助.
作者: greenfish 时间: 2003-8-17 10:56
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