
标题: 谨请注意!!去年5月的CR-JJ, 今年好像也已出现,但还没好好讨论... [打印本页]

作者: xinfaxian    时间: 2005-5-15 11:15
标题: 谨请注意!!去年5月的CR-JJ, 今年好像也已出现,但还没好好讨论...

Which of the following most logically completes the passage

Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) is potentially fatal; consequently, patients with symptoms strongly suggesting appendicitis almost always have their appendix removed. The appropriate surgery is low-risk but performed unnecessarily in about 20 percent of all cases. A newly developed internal scan for appendicitis is highly accurate, producing two misdiagnoses for every 98 correct diagnoses. Clearly, using this test, doctors can largely avoid unnecessary removals of the appendix without, however, performing any fewer necessary ones than before, since:

A: the patients who are correctly diagnosed with this test as not having appendicitis invariably having medical conditions that are much less serious than appendicitis
B: the misdiagnoses produced by this test are always instances of attributing appendicitis to someone who does not, in fact, have it
C: all of the patients who are diagnosed with this test as having appendicitis do, in fact, have appendicitis
D: every patient who is diagnosed with this test as having appendicitis has more than one of the symptoms generally associated with appendicitis
E: the only patients who are misdiagnosed using this test are patients who lack one or more of the symptoms that are generally associated with appendicitis

晕! 我选A, 各位呢?

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-17 9:42:49编辑过]

作者: dashasha    时间: 2005-5-15 12:35
作者: questionmark    时间: 2005-5-15 18:41
作者: xinfaxian    时间: 2005-5-15 22:43

如果B 对,那C 呢?意思不是基本一样吗?

作者: xinfaxian    时间: 2005-5-17 09:58



A: the patients who are correctly diagnosed with this test as not having appendicitis invariably having medical conditions that are much less serious than appendicitis


所以,A 解释了2者,即减少了不必要切除手术病例,但又没有减少由必要的病例。(Clearly, using this test, doctors can largely avoid unnecessary removals of the appendix without, however, performing any fewer necessary ones than before)

而,B, C都只是解释了一个方面,without performing any fewer necessary ones than before。没有解释doctors can largely avoid unnecessary removals of the appendix 呀?

我是转弯转的太多吗?有没有那位N 人帮忙疏通一下?


作者: xinfaxian    时间: 2005-5-17 23:55


作者: wwwhahchn    时间: 2005-5-18 15:46

B说被误诊的都是没得病的被诊断为得病,再加上题目给出的条件,其他98%(高于原来的80%)都是正确诊断,这样就可以推出“unnecessary removals的几率下降,同时necessary ones的几率又没有变少”


原来的情况:80个人是正确诊断,20个人是unnecessarily performed surgery,也就是得病的50个人都被诊断为得病,没得病的50个人有30个被诊断为没得病,还有20个被诊断为得病了。



(1)largely avoid unnecessary removals of the appendix(从20到2)

(2)without performing any fewer necessary ones than before(从50到50,没有变少)


C说被诊断为得病的人确实得病,但是没说被诊断为没得病的人是否得了病,所以不能判断necessary ones的几率是否变少

作者: xinfaxian    时间: 2005-5-18 21:29


我一直以为unecessary removals 指得范围是你所举例的那80个被确诊的人里面,而不是100个人里。

也就是说如果是80个人里出现unecessary removals 的话,就一定要考虑病的严重不严重的问题了对不对呀?有如A的回答,对吗?我也觉得奇怪,怎么会这么想的,题干里从来没有这么说过呀。。。看来还是我钻牛角尖了

谢谢wwwhahchn mm  

作者: xinfaxian    时间: 2005-5-18 21:42


现在的情况:98个人是正确诊断,2个人是错误诊断,如果按照B说的,2个人是没得病的却被诊断为得病,那就是说得病的50个人都被诊断为得病,没得病的50个有48个被诊断为没得病,还有2个被诊断为得病了。→→→这样,如果这两个也会被手术的话,还是有2个unnecessary removals?   原来是20个,只不过现在是2个。不过题目说largely avoid...所以这是所允许的范围吗?可以这样理解吗?

作者: wwwhahchn    时间: 2005-5-18 22:30
作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-5-19 09:06

不同意选B, 文章的最后说新技术可以避免不必要的错误切除, 这个是since前面的的核心, 也就是要去解释的部分, 如果按照B的说法, 误诊总是发生在那些本来没有得病的人身上, 这不就不符合要去解释的部分了吗?

我认为是C, C正好说明了, 所有被诊断有病的都确实有病, 言外之意是那2%属于本来有病但是却没有诊断出来, 因此降低了不必要切除的可能性, 而且对应文首的"patients with symptoms strongly suggesting appendicitis almost always have their appendix removed", 暗示了其实有些时候反应不严重, 但是还是存在潜在的问题.

作者: tanlian    时间: 2005-5-19 12:47



作者: airsigh    时间: 2005-5-19 16:19
以下是引用xinfaxian在2005-5-15 11:15:00的发言:

Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) is potentially fatal; consequently, patients with symptoms strongly suggesting appendicitis almost always have their appendix removed. The appropriate surgery is low-risk but performed unnecessarily in about 20 percent of all cases. A newly developed internal scan for appendicitis is highly accurate, producing two misdiagnoses for every 98 correct diagnoses. Clearly, using this test, doctors can largely avoid unnecessary removals of the appendix without, however, performing any fewer necessary ones than before, since:


作者: xinfaxian    时间: 2005-5-19 16:38


airsigh mm, 这句话如果我没有理解错的话,就是说 doctors 在新机器的帮助下,可以减少不必要的盲肠切除手术,但是必要的手术病例并没有比以前少

到底是a,b,c 哪个啊?

作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-5-19 19:57

A本身结构是错误的, 不符合语法:

the patients who are correctly diagnosed with this test as not having appendicitis(定语修饰patients) invariably having medical conditions that are much less serious than appendicitis (定语修饰condition), 似乎since后面引导的应该是一个句子吧, 这里没有谓语, 我就把having改成have理解, 翻译过来就是: 那些用这个新方法正确检查出来没有阑尾炎的病人基本上是属于阑尾炎的情况没有那么厉害的.

这个似乎和原文的手术是否无效率的多进行无关, C正好说明了, 所有被诊断有病的都确实有病, 言外之意是那2%属于本来有病但是却没有诊断出来, 因此降低了不必要切除的可能性, 而且对应文首的"patients with symptoms strongly suggesting appendicitis almost always have their appendix removed", 暗示了其实有些时候反应不严重, 但是还是存在潜在的问题.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-19 19:59:38编辑过]

作者: airsigh    时间: 2005-5-20 09:23
以下是引用xinfaxian在2005-5-19 16:38:00的发言:


airsigh mm, 这句话如果我没有理解错的话,就是说 doctors 在新机器的帮助下,可以减少不必要的盲肠切除手术,但是必要的手术病例并没有比以前少

到底是a,b,c 哪个啊?

谢谢MM的解释,那么只有B才能很好的连接上一句啊,上一句是“但是必要的手术病例并没有比以前少”,那就是因为since 失误的都是把没有盲肠炎的归到有盲肠炎的案例,所以需要进行手术的都是有动手术,没有因为误诊而没有动手术。

作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-5-20 13:02

我还是同意C, 尽管B说的也不错, 仅仅从字面意思似乎两个都对, 但是B说的是always, 也就是存在例外的情况, 而C说的是all, 一个全称判断, 我觉得如果题目没有问题的话应该是C, 因为它更肯定.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-20 13:06:52编辑过]

作者: airsigh    时间: 2005-5-20 15:17


如果说是没有测试到的也有存在盲肠炎的,那就违背了without, however, performing any fewer necessary ones than before

作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-5-20 20:16

B: the misdiagnoses produced by this test are always instances of attributing appendicitis to someone who does not, in fact, have it

C: all of the patients who are diagnosed with this test as having appendicitis do, in fact, have appendicitis



作者: youyoull    时间: 2005-5-21 05:16




作者: wwwhahchn    时间: 2005-5-21 12:36

不同意选C,C明显不符合without performing any fewer necessary ones than before的要求

而题目的结论中看似提出了两个要求:1。largely avoid unnecessary removals of the appendix;2。without performing any fewer necessary ones than before





作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-5-21 16:25

B: the misdiagnoses produced by this test are always instances of attributing appendicitis to someone who does not, in fact, have it

精简的说就是: 实际上有病的但是却被误诊为没有病(其实这些有病的是要手术的, 也就是本来necessary的), 这不是"performing fewer necessary ones than before"了吗?

wwwhahchn, 可否解释一下C为什么不对, B为什么对?


作者: airsigh    时间: 2005-5-21 18:37



作者: wwwhahchn    时间: 2005-5-21 18:56
以下是引用Avantasia在2005-5-21 16:25:00的发言:

B: the misdiagnoses produced by this test are always instances of attributing appendicitis to someone who does not, in fact, have it

精简的说就是: 实际上有病的但是却被误诊为没有病(其实这些有病的是要手术的, 也就是本来necessary的), 这不是"performing fewer necessary ones than before"了吗?


wwwhahchn, 可否解释一下C为什么不对, B为什么对?

C说被诊断为有病的确实有病,但没有说实际上有病的人是不是全部被诊断为有病,可能还有些实际上有病的人却被误诊为没病,因而没有进行移除手术,这不就是performing fewer necessary ones了吗?C不能rule out this possibility,当然不对


作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-5-22 22:01


理解错误了! 再次感谢!

作者: xinfaxian    时间: 2005-5-22 23:17

感谢大家积极的讨论,充分体现了CD团队复习的精神,呵呵。支持B !

严重感谢wwwhahchn mm 的耐心解释

作者: youyoull    时间: 2005-5-23 10:49
我是理解错啦。谢谢 wwwhahchn mm.

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