
标题: UIUC 专贴 [打印本页]

作者: Jeffrey-N    时间: 2003-3-22 00:05
标题: UIUC 专贴
Who is admitted by UIUC, pls join here! Any financial aids?

作者: 子溪    时间: 2003-3-22 03:33
作者: pegasus_BMW    时间: 2003-3-22 13:02
I am adimitted into UIUC's MSF program, but with no aid. The official told me there is not scholarship for this program.
作者: luoe    时间: 2003-3-22 21:11
I was admitted into MSF at UIUC, But I defer it. I think the program is just one year and you can not improve yourself and find a job in such a short time. Please think about it again if you want to stay in USA for more time.
作者: hard    时间: 2003-3-22 21:36
以下是引用子溪在2003-3-22 3:33:00的发言:



作者: Jeffrey-N    时间: 2003-3-22 22:32
Admission but no money, maybe I will choose others, since I heard last year 5 admitted in Beijing were visa  rejected!! Really rough!
作者: hard    时间: 2003-3-22 23:36
UIUC?where are this data from.
作者: 子溪    时间: 2003-3-23 05:03
作者: Jeffrey-N    时间: 2003-3-24 08:56
Hard Bro and 子溪MM,

I've consulted one MM last year admitted by UIUC, she told me last year all of 5 UIUC MBA admitted in Beijing was rejected by Visa!! I really think US embassy hate UIUC MBA!
作者: Ulsa    时间: 2003-3-24 15:53
Wow! Is it too terrible!
Try to change another place, such as Guangzhou!

Best luck for all of you!
作者: hard    时间: 2003-3-25 10:11
how to change to another place?
作者: Jeffrey-N    时间: 2003-3-26 08:53
Maybe it's OK! I know Beijing's US Visa is most rough of all!!! Go South, to try your luck!
作者: hard    时间: 2003-3-26 10:13
作者: feifeifeifei    时间: 2003-3-26 11:01

作者: hard    时间: 2003-3-26 13:48
还要编理由为什么好好的要去广州... ...sigh
不那么容易... ...
作者: Jeffrey-N    时间: 2003-3-31 09:32
hard Bro, looking for a agency of Guangzhou, several 1000RMB will be OK, they will arrange your everything!
作者: leo    时间: 2003-3-31 09:52
1000RMB? unbelivable! I heard that should be 20000RMB, they will arrange everything for you, including guangdongnese. But i think it is a little expensive. I will choose Beijing.
作者: Jeffrey-N    时间: 2003-3-31 14:58
leo Bro, I means several thousands RMB. Don't worry, if you have enough and creditable financial resource, I think the vise will be OK for you!
作者: Jeffrey-N    时间: 2003-4-6 00:25
University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
College of Commerce and Business Administration


Year program was founded: 1938

Institution is: U.S., Public

Length of program: 21 months

Total graduate enrollment 1,083
Full-time 387
Part-time MBA students (on-campus) n/a
Part-time MBA students (distance program) n/a
PhD program 169
Current total undergraduate business school enrollment 3,297
Increase in full-time students during last 12 months n/a


Female students in class 31%
International students (1) 43%
Underrepresented minority (2) students 6%
Married n/a

Percent students from following regions:
Africa n/a
Asia 37%
Central/South America, Mexico 4%
Eastern Europe 1%
Middle East n/a
North America
(Canada: n/a / U.S.: n/a  ) 57%
Oceania n/a
Western Europe 1%

North American students by region:
Canada n/a
Mid-Atlantic U.S. n/a
Midwest U.S. 84%
Northeast U.S. 5%
South U.S. 5%
Southwest U.S. 3%
U.S. Possessions and territories n/a
West U.S. 3%

(1) Students from countries other than the school's home country.

(2) Defined as U.S. citizens who are African American, Hispanic American, and Native American.


GMAT Scores
Average 640
Range (middle 80%) 570 - 700

TOEFL Scores*
Mean TOEFL score 627
Minimum TOEFL score required n/a

Work Experience (months)
Average 48
Range (middle 80%) 9 - 92
Enrolled students with one year or less of work experience 16%

Student Age (years)
Average 26
Range (middle 80%) 22 - 31

Average annual pay forgone to enter program n/a

* Paper-based equivalent. See TOEFL concordance table for computer-based score equivalents.


Application fee (resident): $40

Application fee (non resident): $50

1,157 people applied to the full-time MBA program in 2002. The school accepted 31% (selectivity) of those applicants, and 46% of admitted applicants (yield) enrolled in the program.

The B-school placed 112 applicant(s) on its wait list, from which 39 ultimately enrolled in the program. 8% of applicants had applied in prior years, and of those reapplicants 18% were accepted.

Applicant Profile: Female applicants 30%
International applicants (1) 76%
Underrepresented minority (2) applicants 3%
Applicants with one year or less work experience 19%

Interviews for MBA applicants are:
By invitation only

In 2002, the B-school interviewed 16% of its full-time MBA applicants, and 59% of its admitted applicants.

(1) Applicants from countries other than the school's home country.

(2) Defined as U.S. citizens who are African American, Hispanic American, and Native American.


Estimated TOTAL (not annual) cost of full-time MBA program (U.S. dollars)
Resident $30,552
Nonresident $48,400
Expected monthly rent $450
Recommended annual budget (1) $26,866

Application deadline(s)  Dec. 15, 2002
Jan. 15, 2003
Mar. 15, 2003

Rolling admissions? Yes

Financial aid deadline(s): Apr. 1, 2003

First-year MBAs:
Average financial aid package $18,500
Range (middle 80%) $0 - $38,250
Average first-year scholarship awards (not including loans) $4,683

Second-year MBAs:
Average financial aid package $18,500
Range (middle 80%) $0 - $36,850
Average second-year scholarship awards (not including loans) $5,475
Full-time MBAs receiving financial aid through B-school 21%

Graduate assistantships offered to qualifying MBAs? No

Scholarships are merit or need based?

4 full-tuition scholarships were awarded by the school to full-time MBAs in the past 12 months

Guaranteed loan? (2) No

Maximum amount students can borrow: n/a

Average outstanding loans for 2002 graduates: $33,000

Financial aid web-site:

(1) Student budget includes tuition fees and living expenses.

(2) Upon admission, any accepted applicant, regardless of nationality, and without the need of a cosigner, is eligible for a loan.

作者: 子溪    时间: 2003-4-12 15:24

UIUC msf 大家给点建议
有没有朋友去UIUC读 msf阿?我现在正在踌躇阿 不知道该不该去!  一年 30多万 另外我还在等待其他学校的消息. 有没有同去的朋友? 大家给点建议阿!!!!

2003-4-10 10:49:00   鲜花(0)  鸡蛋(0)   


Pls read this:


2003-4-10 23:38:00      


Right, UIUC does not offer even a cent to MSF students. However, it's really a good school. I think whether to go or not depends on your financial status. Maybe, you have better choices. Anyway, congratulations on your admission.


2003-4-11 9:28:00      


just called the program director for msf, i asked the composite of the students, most of them are from those developing countries in Asia and Africa, they will enroll 90 or so students but only 6 were US citizens. the 90 students will be broken into 2 classes with each class around 40-45 students

dont hold much confidence to this profit-earning program to future development

2003-4-11 10:00:00      




2003-4-11 12:34:00  

作者: Michey    时间: 2003-4-27 10:25
Hi there,

Got the MBA admission with scholarship. Any would-be schoolmate or classmate?

作者: ok    时间: 2003-5-15 11:59
A mail from UIUC reached me this morning. So, I can sleep deeply from today.
It is enough although no scholarship is mentioned in the letter.

Good luck to us.

作者: ok    时间: 2003-5-15 14:45

It is my pleasure. Hehe...
作者: EOT    时间: 2003-5-17 09:58
以前因为没有参加他们的面试, 所以被WAITLIST了.早两天让我确认依然留在WAITLIST里.今天就给我ADMISSION了.
作者: yyyzzz    时间: 2003-12-13 18:38
作者: 慧剑斩心魔    时间: 2004-1-16 11:55
作者: yyyzzz    时间: 2004-1-27 17:46
以下是引用慧剑斩心魔在2004-1-16 11:55:00的发言:

I was informed to have on-campus interview in Dec.
However, I can not go to USA for the interview, so I asked for an alumni or phone interview. They answered me that UIUC doesn't make phone interview and told me that they will make my application into final consideration.
And so I wait,wait,wait,still no information....
What does this mean?
作者: 慧剑斩心魔    时间: 2004-1-29 20:23
以下是引用yyyzzz在2004-1-27 17:46:00的发言:
I was informed to have on-campus interview in Dec.
However, I can not go to USA for the interview, so I asked for an alumni or phone interview. They answered me that UIUC doesn't make phone interview and told me that they will make my application into final consideration.
And so I wait,wait,wait,still no information....
What does this mean?

作者: yyyzzz    时间: 2004-1-30 20:22
作者: UIUCer    时间: 2004-4-13 15:49



UIUC的MSF是一个很intensive的课程. 听说两年前program设计是两年的,但是由于某种原因(我估计是财政方面的),课程被缩短为一年.首先我要说明,UIUC的finance全美排名不是很前(我没有确切的数字,只是知道accounting & engineering是前五--信息可能已经不update了,不好意思).我的roommate读得很辛苦,整天不是case study就是赶project.还有一个地方不好,就是没有提供CFA的review course(呵呵,比起accounting department提供的CPA review course来说,逊色了一些).

另外,记得前面有个朋友说过,如果想长远留在美国,找个工作的话,一年的课程对你的口语没有太大的提高.可是口语在你找工作的时候所扮演的角色是非常非常重要的. 我经常和我roommat抱怨这样短时间,口语进步不大,而且一年时间,可能只是你刚刚适应美国的生活,然后你就要出去社会了. 这样的弱点是非常明显的.

另外,不得不提的就是,UIUC的Biz School是按semester收学费的. 如果你想拖长来念,那是非常不划算的.不过我想,很多美国的学校(尤其私立)已经是采取这样的方式来收费的.



作者: x509    时间: 2004-4-13 23:52

To UIUCer,

Can you imput something about MBA program, such as the placement and the intern stats of this year? I guess a lot of the graduates go to Big4, is it right?

作者: UIUCer    时间: 2004-4-14 09:23

to x509,

Sorry, I have no more info than you regarding the MBA program at UIUC. I strongly encourage you to do investigation from certain resouces or just inquire of the director of the program about details. I think they will be more than happy to tell you what you need to know. You know, almost all MBA programs in the US are so hard-selling their own programs to make $$. Good luck!

作者: x509    时间: 2004-4-14 23:17
Thank you UIUCer.
作者: openjujube    时间: 2004-4-19 15:27

UIUC是很好的学校。MBA in rapid progress.实在很佩服他的Faculty

作者: njw    时间: 2004-4-21 22:19

Because of its new dean, I think

作者: eyesy    时间: 2004-5-28 23:48

Is there anybody going to UIUC this summer.

I am a MSF student. Classmates, please contact me!!

作者: unicorn0524    时间: 2004-5-29 08:07

dear eyesy, I am a MSF student too!

作者: Jasminezhao1975    时间: 2004-7-6 22:49

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-20 9:19:55编辑过]

作者: mnihyh    时间: 2004-7-11 12:26

hey, guys

the msf program in uiuc does offer scholarship. I have been rewarded the scholarship and in the program now.

作者: Jasminezhao1975    时间: 2004-10-20 09:16


can I know usually what's the amount of scholarship? does uiuc provides full-tuition waiver scholarship?

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-20 9:17:02编辑过]

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