
标题: 补充250-205 [打印本页]

作者: wwwhahchn    时间: 2005-5-3 17:40
标题: 补充250-205

The federal government requires hospitals to tell a Medicare patient of their legal right of challenge their discharge if they feel they are being sent home prematurely.

(A) hospitals to tell a Medicare patient of their

(B) hospital to tell Medicare patients that they have a

(C) hospitals to tell Medicare patients that there is a

(D) that hospitals tell a Medicare patient of theirB

(E) that hospitals tell a Medicare patient that they have a


作者: wwwhahchn    时间: 2005-5-3 17:58
还有,题目是不是错了?怎么是a ... right of challenge their discharge呢?这里challenge明显是v.,应该是a ... right to challenge ... 啊!
作者: joe11    时间: 2005-5-3 22:30
seems a typo
作者: wwwhahchn    时间: 2005-5-3 23:06
以下是引用joe11在2005-5-3 22:30:00的发言:
seems a typo

作者: greenbow43    时间: 2006-4-29 00:06

这题问题挺多,除了单复数外 还有require 的用法

我查了一下require在OG里的用法,好像更多的是偏好require that sb +虚拟 所以这题我选择D

还有,我搜了一下关于require的帖子,看得我眼花潦乱,晕头转向,居然发现require sb that +虚拟这种用法一定错 为什么啊

那suggest\mandate\advice sb that +虚拟是不是对的呢?


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-29 2:37:49编辑过]

作者: jxjiao    时间: 2006-4-29 09:02

The federal government requires hospitals to tell a Medicare patient of their legal right of challenge their discharge if they feel they are being sent home prematurely. they refers to patients not hospitals, so "a patient" should be changed to "patients", as choice B/C do; But" there is " is not supported by ETS. So I choose B

(A) hospitals to tell a Medicare patient of their

(B) hospital to tell Medicare patients that they have a

(C) hospitals to tell Medicare patients that there is a

(D) that hospitals tell a Medicare patient of theirB

(E) that hospitals tell a Medicare patient that they have a

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