
标题: 6.29 一战惨败,放狗 [打印本页]

作者: volodya_1985    时间: 2015-7-1 01:28
标题: 6.29 一战惨败,放狗
作文:关于开一个well-equipped gym ,5月JJ的第一篇
IR: 有公司按标签3X 4A 4 B 等等分service 和 manufacture那道,没看懂,哎!还有一道是两个类似于麻将似的纸牌一组,上面有数字,问两个加起来等于8的概率,,满屏幕的麻将啊,得仔细去数,还有一个满屏的流程图,假设京东吧,从下单到送货的流程,中间某个环节出了问题就会怎么怎么样,问题是如果在送货前需要补货的话,说明怎么怎么样,仔细看的话应该不难选……
阅读:四篇全中, 语系传播的,大理石雕像的,outsourcing 还有保险公司发行灾害债券那篇,和机经上的题目都差不多,秒选下来后得分不高……
1. JJ120,补充下应该是体育馆总人数为4X,如果700人seaged, 多少空座位,按印象选的3300,不知对错
2. JJ 100 秒选E
3 JJ 87 选的是3/14
4. 给了一个圆形花坛的直径和高,说要往里填土,每天一立方土是3美元,问填满花坛需要多少钱。
5. JJ73 一样
6. JJ48 ,答案也是48
7. 3^90+4^90 的个位数是多少?记得选5
8. (根号2+根号3+根号5)(根号2+根号3-根号5)
9. 关于敲钟,12:30考试敲第一次,每隔1/4小时敲一次,问到5点45一共敲多少下?
10. 前面有两道关于最大公约数的DS题估计做错了,下面一道直接问两个数X和Y的最大公约数是多少?
11. (6X^2Y^3)^3/(2 X^2Y^2)^2  
12. 一道比较有难度的题,但真的不会, 说统计一年的降水量最少和最多的两个月是0.2和 10.2 foot, 已知一年的平均降水量是35 , 问一年降水量的中位数最接近多少?说实话完全没有概念啊……可恨的是如果这个知识点不会,它就反复地考你,一连有好几道题是关于中位数和平均数比较的 ,大爷!
由于在第一题纠结了3分钟左右,所以记得比较清楚:the parliament enacted legislation -which changed private contracts by nullifying clauses that stipulated payment in gold - over opposition ... 对比了很久还是觉得A比较合适。

最后,本人文科出身,数学一直是弱项,大学学的是小语种,多年不接触英语和数学,真不好意思拉低了中国学生的整体数学分数,提供的考题可能过于简单,供大家参考吧 !最近需要冷静下,准备再战!

作者: ysy1007    时间: 2015-7-1 02:40
作者: 豆腐店的86    时间: 2015-7-1 03:03

The parliament enacted the legislation-which changed private contracts by nullifying clauses that stipulated payment in gold-over the heated opposition of many legislators.

A. legislation-which changed private contracts by nullifying clauses that stipulated payment in gold-over
B. legislation nullifying clauses in private contracts, stipulated payment in gold, over
C. legislation changing private contracts, to nullify clauses stipulating payment in gold, over
D. legislation, which nullifies clauses, in private contracts that stipulated payment in gold over
E. legislation-to change private contracts, to nullify clauses, to stipulate payment in gold-over

A 无疑
作者: FlyingC2    时间: 2015-7-1 03:44
豆腐店的86 发表于 2015-7-1 03:03

The parliament enacted the legislation-which changed private contracts b ...

这题出处是哪? 我看着也眼熟,没想到有人已经找到原题了
作者: FlyingC2    时间: 2015-7-1 03:56


10. The parliament enacted the legislation-which changed private contracts by nullifying clauses that stipulated payment in gold-over the heated opposition of many legislators.

A. legislation-which changed private contracts by nullifying clauses that stipulated payment in gold-over
B. legislation nullifying clauses in private contracts, stipulated payment in gold, over
C. legislation changing private contracts, to nullify clauses stipulating payment in gold, over
D. legislation, which nullifies clauses, in private contracts that stipulated payment in gold over
E. legislation-to change private contracts, to nullify clauses, to stipulate payment in gold-over

翻译:议会颁布的一项法律 -modifier -遭到了许多立法者的激烈反对, 中间的modifier我不太理解。
In this sentence, you want to make it clear that the legislation changed private contracts. In choices (B) and (C), the gerund (nullifying and changing) is not specific enough; it could describe either the legislation or the parliament. Conversely, "which" must refer to the preceding noun, which in this sentence is "legislation." "Which" thus makes it clear that what follows is describing legislation. Eliminate (B) and (C).

In choice (D), the phrase "which nullifies clauses" is a modifier. That means that, if the modifier is removed, the sentence should still make sense. However, If the phrase is removed, the sentence reads, "The parliament enacted the legislation in private contracts that stipulated payments in gold..." This version of the sentence does not make sense and can be eliminated.

In choice (E), the parallelism between the hyphens (to change, to nullify, to stipulate) changes the original meaning of the sentence. The sentence needs to say that the legislation changed private contracts by nullifying clauses. A list of 3 actions does not show that relationship.

In choice (A), the entire phrase between the hyphens is a single modifier. The sentence makes sense when it is removed: "The parliament enacted the legislation over the heated opposition of many legislators." Also, the modifier correctly expresses that the legislation changed private contracts by nullifying clauses.

Answer choice (A) is correct.

作者: 豆腐店的86    时间: 2015-7-1 04:18
FlyingC2 发表于 2015-7-1 03:44
这题出处是哪? 我看着也眼熟,没想到有人已经找到原题了

作者: volodya_1985    时间: 2015-7-1 09:46
FlyingC2 发表于 2015-7-1 03:56


作者: yuemoon1989    时间: 2015-7-1 16:54

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