
标题: [求助]我应该今年申请吗? [打印本页]

作者: jubel    时间: 2003-8-8 19:50
标题: [求助]我应该今年申请吗?
作者: lewis    时间: 2003-8-8 20:19

感觉很对. 再加上interview的准备. 口语的流利程度.


没错对于top 20的学校来说, 你这样的背景本身不算独特. 但, 你的ESSAY如果写得有特色的话, 还是可以脱颖而出的.


如果9月考G一次成功的话, 大多数TOP20学校的第一轮还是来得及; 就是时间比较仓促.
二,尤其是三轮一般来讲不利点, 但也不一概而论, 例如: DUKE的第一轮就比较倾向于再申请人.
作者: sillycat    时间: 2003-8-8 23:25
I suggest no matter you apply or not, transfter to M&A bussiness unit.

of course, you will have extremely limited time, but you can  try 2-3 schools this year. maybe you can make it. The worst possibility is you are ding, but you will get better position in next season.

作者: jubel    时间: 2003-8-9 13:24
我有个朋友今年申请出去了,和我一个公司的,比我高两级。他说早出去一年是一年。我觉得我的工作经验(upon admissoin, not upon application)三年和四年没区别。他说像我这种公司,在adm. com.看来什么部门都差不多。我的担心就是怕今年太仓促。再就是我准备考试也有两个月了,虽然是断断续续的,但是现在感觉还不错。不过如果转到那个部门可能就没时间考试了,因为要马上出差,所以就要等明年重考。总之现在很混乱。
作者: chipmunk    时间: 2003-8-9 14:08
M&A unit maybe a good choice to you. Remember, b-school is just one step, you need to consider your career after b-school as well. At that time, you could use that experience to secure job offers.
作者: invisiblewy    时间: 2003-8-10 13:20
以下是引用jubel在2003-8-9 13:24:00的发言:
我有个朋友今年申请出去了,和我一个公司的,比我高两级。他说早出去一年是一年。我觉得我的工作经验(upon admissoin, not upon application)三年和四年没区别。他说像我这种公司,在adm. com.看来什么部门都差不多。

作者: jubel    时间: 2003-8-12 20:45
作者: chipmunk    时间: 2003-8-13 01:17
M&A also covers some soft spot, such as: future of industry, management team. Most part of decision is based on the expectation about the future of the company after merge.
作者: funnytiger    时间: 2003-8-13 03:15
hehe, if M&A is that easy to transfer too, nobody should be worrying about his/her future.

well, I hope you will do well in GMAT and your spoken and written english is up to par. To stand out of pool of chinese applicants may not be as bad as you think. A better essay and english that american can understand, these two things can put you MILES ahead of a lot of people
作者: jubel    时间: 2003-8-15 23:48
hehe, if M&A is that easy to transfer too, nobody should be worrying about his/her future.

作者: leonc    时间: 2003-8-22 03:22
作者: funnytiger    时间: 2003-8-22 03:42
Merger and Acquisition

Jubel, I think I misunderstood your post. I think moving to that department is more important than applying for B-school this year. Remember, it is always hard for international students to change career. So postpone your american dream if possible and stay focused on your job, that will benifit the most

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