阅读我都想哭,准备这三天把PP2做完,昨天做了20篇163题,70%恶心 准备把他们再分析一便。我就是省略不了。 并且同步在按套路总结OG 10号开始纵向做杨既,一天15篇,按经济,黑人之类的看它怎么出题。 接下来在看OG。这期间顺着阅读的分类总结单词。总结机警 我的作文更可怕,只写了摸版,和一小部分文章。但只有感觉,还不能快起来。 是不是把机警写一下就好了。我的时间不多了 小妹没什么奢求,上650就行,但现在没底。原来太爱玩了。现在急了。 很紧张哦。 请大家指点啊 顺便说我摸考总走神,哎,不知考试时会怎样。作者: plmnpl 时间: 2003-8-8 19:27
PRINST 610。640 bu hui bah?作者: martinawy 时间: 2003-8-8 21:14
说实话我和我同学都是这样我们的KAPLAN和PRIN成绩几乎差不多。 我还郁闷呢,一点底没有 因为普林狂出阅读,我真的看了就恶心,做过一次遇到11篇阅读。真的很恐怖 还是我们一起买的软件有问题 怎么会都是相差不了多少呢 我都快绝望了,侃侃KAPLAN还有点盼头,再看PRIN完了作者: mindfree 时间: 2003-8-9 09:30
Hope that you have written down something, like grammar points, CR reasoning, etc. If you have, go over the stuff before you take the test.
If you have marked out the problems you did wrong, go over those.
Do not panic. A good portion of GMAT problems are so easy because you have seen similar types of problems before. Just remember, open your mind when you work on math. When you see a strange problem, break it down to basic concepts. That is my real experience when I saw a problem I have never seen before. I was caught in surprise and could not figure out how to do it. Then I just use the basic concepts of angle measurement to crack it. So stay cool and think open-mindedly.
Good luck!作者: wpeng82 时间: 2003-8-10 10:32
楼主大人,我的情况和你太吻合了。不但爱玩,只要650,而且也是月底考,学习状况和模考成绩都差不多,不如我们俩互相督促吧!!!! ps:你可在站内发短消息我