
标题: GWD2-Q19,求大牛们伸手相助 [打印本页]

作者: yeyulu87    时间: 2015-6-23 16:00
标题: GWD2-Q19,求大牛们伸手相助

作者: lululuna    时间: 2015-6-24 11:07

Possible long-term consequences of the “greenhouse effect,” the gradual warming of the Earth’s climate, may include melting the polar ice caps and a rising sea level.

A.      may include melting the polar ice caps and a rising sea level

B.      may include the melting of polar ice caps and the rising sea level

C.      may include polar ice caps that are melting and sea levels that are rising

D.      include melting the polar ice caps and sea levels that are rising

E.       include melting of the polar ice caps and a rise in sea level

1) 纵观ABC/ DE选项,第一个split在于may,那么先看may有没有必要,may 和possible语义重复,means predication with some uncertainty.
    kill A/B/C

    consequences include 极地冰雪融化 and 海平面上升

   不能include sea level 或者polar ice gap本身,而是应该着重在melting 和 rise 这两个动作名词上
    kill  A/B/C/D


作者: yeyulu87    时间: 2015-6-24 14:28
lululuna 发表于 2015-6-24 11:07
Possible long-term consequences of the “greenhouse effect,” the gradual warming of the Earth’s cl ...


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