比如余数,楼主在把所有所有的余数题目整理到了一起,解题方法放在旁边,一眼望去,顿时发现这种题目也不过两种解题方法:1. 代入数字(如题一);2.利用公式(如题二)。
If n is a positive integer and r is the remainder when (n - 1)(n + 1) is divided by 24, what is the value of r ?
(1) n is not divisible by 2.
(2) n is not divisible by 3.
If r is the remainder when the positive integer n is divided by 7, what is the value of r
(1)when n is divided by 21, the remainder is an odd number
(2)when n is divided by 28, the remainder is 3
这位筒子我现在要郑重的感谢你!!可能只是你不经意的一句话,但这句话现在每天都对我有不同的意义。我希望其他的筒子们在看这篇小文的时候也能理解到它的含义!现在每次碰到曾经会让我低落消沉的事情,我都默念好多遍:这只是人生的一个小插曲而已,cheer up!同理,这是一个可以随便你考几次的考试,起码比那个一年只能一次的高考要仁慈太多!而且与生老病死,生死离别相比,这一个考试实在太微不足道了!你现在才20/30多,人生还没有走到1/3,不要因为一个小考试消沉而忽略了身边的人和风景!记得另外一位800分的NN在留学几年回头看自己的心经精华帖感叹自己当年幼稚。要知道她/他当年考了800,也经历了人生ups and down了,和我们差不多,几年以后就笑看当年的自己有多幼稚(楼主一点没看出来-_-),这不就是过几年的我们么?现在感叹这些压力,考试的折磨,选校申请的繁琐,一切过去之后回过头来看,当年的自己是不是有点小题大做?
1.Grasp the big picture 纵观大局
Verbal5 Q26 The Sports Medicine Programs of the Olympic Training Center, a complex where final tryouts are held for athletes representing the United States in the Olympics, is geared toward enhancing athletes' performance and toward their preparation for international competition.
(A) is geared toward enhancing athletes' performance and toward their preparation
(B) is geared to enhance the performance of athletes and to prepare them
(C) are geared to enhance athletes' performance and their preparation
(D) are geared toward the enhancement of athletes' performance and toward preparing them
(E) are geared toward enhancing the performance of athletes and preparing them
一定要看清楚全句的意思,如果training center 是主语的话,training center作为一栋建筑怎么能够提高运动员的表现?仔细看清楚句子就知道,主语应该是The sports medicine programs。是项目改善运动员的竞技水平,而不是一个complex.
f the sum of the three different numbers is 54, what is the largest number?
(1) The largest number is twice the smallest number.
(2) The sum of the two smaller numbers is 30.
答案B.[陷阱]:X+Y+Z=54,要知道最大的数Z,只需要知道X+Y,也就是 (2)做题的误区就是太深陷每个选项的分析,而忘记了题干问的是什么。很多时候DS就是问这种脑残问题,但是如果没有一个big picture的话,可能就会忽略了(2)已经提供足够条件回答题干问题。
2. Attention to detail 注重细节
133. 14229-!-item-!-187;#058&010329
What is the average (arithmetic mean) height of the n people in a certain group?
(1) The average height of the tallest people n the group is 6 feet 2 inches, and the average height of the rest of the people n the group is 5 feet 10 inches.
(2) The sum of the heights of the n people is 178 feet 9 inches. 【答案】A [错选D]
这题可能看起来也很白痴,但是我想知道多少人图快的选了D?我觉得这就是GMAC想通过GMAT告诉我们的道理,don’t take granted of everything.别把什么事情都想的理所当然,就算是最简单的common sense也要勇于challenge它。
3. Time Management 时间管理技巧
你知道every other even number is a multiple of 4吗?1/8,7/8转换成小数是多少?连续的三个数,如果中间那个不能被3整除,那么另外两个中一个肯定能?任意两个正整数XY,他们的乘机=X,Y的最小公倍数*X,y的最大公约数?
还有 SC中的那些idiom, just as…so, regard…as, estimated to be…,dated at…这些如熟记你的考试时间讲大大缩短,给其他的难题的时间增加,也能获得更好的成绩。
4.Apply knowledge into real life概念和公式的转换
If A<Y<Z<B, is |Y-A|< |Y-B|?
(1) |Z-A| < |Z-B|
(2) |Y-A| < |Z-B|