
标题: OG-162 [打印本页]

作者: 小女公子    时间: 2005-4-11 22:03
标题: OG-162

162. Concerned at the increase in accident fatalities, Tennessee adopted a child-passenger protection law requiring the parents of children under four years of age to be restrained in a child safety seat.

(A)  the parents of children under four years of age to be restrained in a child safety seat

(B)   the restraint of parents of children under four years of age in a child safety seat

(C)  that parents restrain children under four years of age in a child safety seat

(D)  that children be restrained under four years of age in a child safety seat by their parents

(E)   children to be restrained under four years of age by their parents in a child safety seat


the parents of children under four years of age to be restrained in a child safety seat



作者: lilyzy    时间: 2005-4-11 23:07
通常是就近修饰, 但是有时候也可以跨越修饰. 还是要从意思看.
作者: advantage    时间: 2005-6-27 15:14

但是好像A of B结构,是修饰A的吧?

作者: maggielanlan    时间: 2005-6-28 04:03
I feel it is to modify children

作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-6-28 09:13
作者: titatita    时间: 2005-7-18 23:59


C)  that parents restrain children under four years of age in a child safety seat

in a child safety seat 是单数,前面的 children是复数

逻辑意义上不就成了 把所有四岁下的儿童限制在一张椅子上了?不通呀

作者: besideMars    时间: 2005-7-22 18:55

我也在想,为什么用单数 a child safety seat?

作者: sensornet    时间: 2005-7-23 06:19

应该是表示一类东西,是一种专门的可以在车上放小孩的座椅。试想改成child safety seats,好像意思比较模糊。

作者: brissa    时间: 2005-9-18 05:34
以下是引用薰衣紫草在2005-6-28 9:13:00的发言:

Choices D and E misplace the phrase under four years of age so the phrase dangles and seems to modify restrained rather than children.

OG说DE中的状语under 4 years of age有修饰歧异,但BCD中的in a child seat就不会有修饰age的歧异吗?

(B) the restraint of parents of children under four years of age in a child safety seat
(C) that parents restrain children under four years of age in a child safety seat
(D) that children be restrained under four years of age in a child safety seat by their parents

作者: brissa    时间: 2005-9-18 21:44

奇怪啊。我一开始以为介词短语做状语修饰离得最近的名词,但发现OG162没提 in a child seat的有可能是修饰age的歧异。然后我想也许是因为age包括在under 4 years of age这个状语里,所以两个状语并列共同修饰其前面的名词,

但是E中说E misplaces the phrase in a child safely seat to create the idea that the parents are in a child safety seat. 即parents包括在by their parents 这个状语里也有可能发生歧异。


Found throughout Central and South America, the sloth hangs from trees by its long rubbery limbs, sleeping fifteen hours a day and moving so infrequently that two species of algae grow on its coat and between its

OG解释说:The pronoun its shows clearly that the limbs belong to the sloth, not the trees.

trees 是在from trees这个状语中的,怎么就有trees by its long ...limbs的歧异(撇开its单复数问题不谈)。

作者: amacd    时间: 2005-10-19 21:56

Concerned at the increase in accident fatalities ---> modifies "LACE w:st="on">Tennessee"LACE>

my question is: if this sentence is in present tense, can it change to

"Concerning at the...", Tennessee adopts...???


作者: goodwish    时间: 2005-12-4 15:49

Confusing by the same question as above.

作者: bluedress    时间: 2005-12-8 15:45
以下是引用titatita在2005-7-18 23:59:00的发言:


C)  that parents restrain children under four years of age in a child safety seat

in a child safety seat 是单数,前面的 children是复数

逻辑意义上不就成了 把所有四岁下的儿童限制在一张椅子上了?不通呀


作者: titatita    时间: 2006-2-1 20:08
以下是引用amacd在2005-10-19 21:56:00的发言:

Concerned at the increase in accident fatalities ---> modifies "LACE w:st="on">Tennessee"LACE>

my question is: if this sentence is in present tense, can it change to

"Concerning at the...", Tennessee adopts...???






2.如果是瞬间动词得分词形式,表示动作得多次性,比如knocking the door就是一直不停地敲门




concern2 W3 [transitive]

1 [not in passive] if a story, book, report etc concerns someone or something, it is about them:

This study concerns couples' expectations of marriage.

The report concerns the drug traffic on the Mexican-US border.

2 to make someone feel worried or upset:

Issues like food additives do concern me.

3 [not in passive] if an activity, situation, rule etc concerns you, it affects you or involves you:

The tax changes will concern large corporations rather than small businesses.

concerned S1 W1

1involved [not before noun] involved in something or affected by it:

Divorce is very painful, especially when children are concerned.

Some of the farmers concerned suffer particularly from the low prices.

We are trying to reach an agreement with all concerned (=everyone who is involved or affected).

concerned with

all the people concerned with children's education

concerned in

There was no evidence that he was concerned in any criminal activity.

2worried worried about something

concerned about

She is concerned about how little food I eat.

concerned for

He called the police because he was concerned for Gemma's safety.

concerned (that)

Pamela was concerned that her schoolwork had deteriorated despite her hard work.

The drug came under strong attack from concerned professional observers.

作者: titatita    时间: 2006-2-1 20:18
以下是引用bluedress在2005-12-8 15:45:00的发言:



这题体现除了了gmat sc矮子里拔将军得原则,既然五个选项都有in a child safety seat就当是ets得疏忽,忍了,当没看见

但要是选项种有得选项是in children safety seats就得考虑进去了.


Concerned at the increase in accident fatalities,

Tennessee adopted a child-passenger protection law requiring the parents of children under four years of age to be restrained in a child safety seat.

(A)  the parents of children under four years of age to be restrained in a child safety seat父母被限制,

(B)  the restraint of parents父母被限制,of children under four years of age in a child safety seat

(C)  that parents restrain children under four years of age in a child safety seat

(D)  that children be restrained under four years of age in a child safety seat by their parents (under four years of age修饰restrained,意思好像说被限制在四岁以下)

(E)   children to be restrained under four years of age by their parents in a child safety seat (under four years of age修饰restrained,意思好像说被限制在四岁以下)

作者: KATIEUS    时间: 2006-12-31 02:34

作者: magico    时间: 2007-1-15 03:14
以下是引用titatita在2006-2-1 20:18:00的发言:


这题体现除了了gmat sc矮子里拔将军得原则,既然五个选项都有in a child safety seat就当是ets得疏忽,忍了,当没看见

但要是选项种有得选项是in children safety seats就得考虑进去了.


Concerned at the increase in accident fatalities,

Tennessee adopted a child-passenger protection law requiring the parents of children under four years of age to be restrained in a child safety seat.

(A)  the parents of children under four years of age to be restrained in a child safety seat父母被限制,

(B)  the restraint of parents父母被限制,of children under four years of age in a child safety seat

(C)  that parents restrain children under four years of age in a child safety seat

(D)  that children be restrained under four years of
                    age in a child safety seat by their parents (under four years of

(E)   children to be restrained under four years of age
                    by their parents in a child safety seat (under four years of

(D)  that children be restrained under four years of
                age in a child safety seat by their parents (under four years of

(E)   children to be restrained under four years of age
                by their parents in a child safety seat (under four years of


难不成改成children under four years of age to be restrained????


作者: eileenmu木    时间: 2008-2-23 20:51
以下是引用magico在2007-1-15 3:14:00的发言:

(D)  that children be restrained under four years of
    age in a child safety seat by their parents (under four years of

(E)   children to be restrained under four years of age
    by their parents in a child safety seat (under four years of


难不成改成children under four years of age to be restrained????




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