
标题: 全真 -48 [打印本页]

作者: yulin115    时间: 2005-4-8 11:21
标题: 全真 -48

1.        According to some analysts, whatever its merits, the proposal to tax away all capital gains on short-term investments would, if enacted, have a disastrous effect on Wall Street trading and employment.

(A) its merits, the proposal to tax

(B) its merits may be, the proposal of taxing

(C) its merits as a proposal, taxing

(D) the proposal’s merits, to taxA

(E) the proposal’s merits are, taxing

I don't understand why the answer is A. Why not B? Can anyone please advise? Thanks so so much!

作者: joe11    时间: 2005-4-8 20:51

楼主,这是 大全-48

pro‧pos‧al [countable]
a plan or suggestion which is made formally to an official person or group, or the act of making it
- see also propose
proposal for
the government's proposals for regulation of the industry
proposal to do something
The committee put forward a proposal to reduce the time limit.
approve/reject a proposal The French government has approved proposals for a new waste law.The original proposals were changed after over 500 objections were lodged.
proposal that
proposals that the President should be directly elected
when you ask someone to marry you
marriage proposal/proposal of marriage She politely declined his proposal of marriage.

作者: acdra99    时间: 2005-4-8 22:58



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