Thanks, buddy! I apply for UCSD because I think it is a good place to study, though I am still wondering whether I can afford the high expenses. I heard San Diego is an attractive place where only rich people could afford to live in. Still looking for some source of financial aid!
CONG!!! Could you share your background? TNX
SAN DIEGO号称是The finest city of America呢。
Thanks all!
rital1209, I was graduated from university with a Bachelor's degree eleven years ago. My major is Business Administration and my minor is international business. I live and work in ShenZhen city. My Gmat scored 710, but my Toefl is a shame.
谢谢你的分享,非常详尽!我去过San Diego一次,真的很美,念书应该是不错的环境,听说加州最美的海滩也在那附近,但没有机会去,不过哪里蛮多有钱人居住的,所以我想生活费应该不便宜,祝你一切顺利!
San Diego以风景优美著称,正如ball2003所说,她号称The finest city of America!坛子上的很多热爱旅游的朋友可能都去过。
同时,San Diego是美国生物电子科技的麦加,这对于有心于从事科技创投和技术咨询的人来说是个待开发的处女地!
是的,我现在住在San Diego。
ball2003,谢谢您的提醒!我这就跟校方联系租房的事!很高兴知道你住在San Diego,希望和你作朋友!我想这个坛子上还有很多在San Diego附近居住的XDJM,也希望和你们作朋友!
hiddragon ,I came back to China yestday.
I was put on a waitinglist of a master program by Columbia.
wwty1314 MM, 感谢您的欢迎!关于我的背景请看第八楼。虽然UCSD名气比圣地亚哥州立大学的要大很多,但我想您还是要选择那个最适合您的。学费方面估计是$35000 for nonresident and $23000 for resident(尚不确定)。我觉得您既然在San Diego不如亲自前去学校询问,学校对首届申请人肯定是最热情的!Let's keep in touch and good luck to you!
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