
标题: OG30 [打印本页]

作者: x4444    时间: 2005-4-5 16:13
标题: OG30

What was as remarkable as the development of the compact disc has been the use of the new technology to revitalize, in better sound than was ever before possible, some of the classic recorded performances of the pre-LP era.

(A)  What was as remarkable as the development of the compact disc

(B)   The thing that was as remarkable as developing the compact disc

(C)  No less remarkable than the development of the compact disc

(D)  Developing the compact disc has been none the less remarkable than

(E)   Development of the compact disc has been no less remarkable as


作者: 三脚猫    时间: 2005-4-5 20:22

据我的经验,在这中类型题中,以no   less   than   or no  better  than开头的选项,就为正确选项。

就具体分析,OG的解释最为权威:Besides being wordy, the clauses beginning What was in A and The thing that was in B cause inconsistencies in verb tense: the use of the new technology cannot logically be described by both the present perfect has been and the past was. In B and D, developing the compact disc is not parallel to the use of new technology to revitalize... performances; in C, the best answer, the noun development is parallel to use. The phrases none the less... than in D and no less... as in E are unidiomatic; the correct form of expression, no less... than, appears in C, the best choice.

作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-4-6 02:13
以下是引用三脚猫在2005-4-5 20:22:00的发言:

据我的经验,在这中类型题中,以no   less   than   or no  better  than开头的选项,就为正确选项。

我认为应该具体题目具体分析. OG30最主要的原因是对称use---development, 再加上对时态的判断, 才选c.

OG242. Even their most ardent champions concede that no less than a technical or scientific breakthrough is necessary before solar cells can meet the goal of providing one percent of the nation's energy needs.

(A)  that no less than a technical or scientific breakthrough is necessary

(B)  that nothing other than a technical or scientific breakthrough is needed

(C)  that a technical or scientific breakthrough is necessary

(D)  the necessity for an occurrence of a technical or scientific breakthrough(C)

(E)   the necessity for a technical or scientific breakthrough occurring

这里A中的no less than 结构就不是正确答案. 因为不简洁.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-6 2:45:29编辑过]

作者: x4444    时间: 2005-4-6 02:13
就是说如果答案有no less/better than的就要优先考虑吗? 对于这种类型的题目还是不知道咱们下手。

作者: 三脚猫    时间: 2005-4-6 20:50

薰衣紫草MM说的对,242是个简洁的好例子,我对这类题没进行过总结,但做题的印象里,no better than 是比较地道的表达法,的确属于优先级。不知MM有何高见


作者: x4444    时间: 2005-4-6 21:32
作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-4-6 23:21

我总结了一些题目, 发现no   less   than   or no  better  than确实是正确答案的"长相". 但我总结的规律总能找到反例, 如OG242, 这就是ETS的高明之处---无论什么考点, 都能把它灵活变通. 因为每道题的组合是不一样的, 有优先级的选项到另一题里跟别的答案比较就不优先了.

总结也是辩证来用: 对于我们这些不是以英语为第一语言的人来说, 对语言的表达很难有直观的感觉, 即语感, 特别是在做语法题的时候. 总结的好处就在于省去很多比较的时间, 硬性地培养语感. 但这种强化的方式接触的表达比较片面(大全总共才900多题), 不可能有十足的把握哪种表达在任何题目里都是优先级最高(注意, 这是effectiveness). 利用总结至高境界还是要回到总结本身, 即怎么会总结出这个规律的. 就拿OG30来举例

要想一上来就看出use---development的对称对我来说很难. DE错的没商量, 因为no less than的固定结构被改错了, 剩下AB. 除了时态不对以外, AB 皆是不简洁表达. What + be + n. + has been...  很绕口, 为什么不直接写成 n. + has been.....  A非要用what引导的一个系表结构从句来作主语. what+系表结构做主语, 再+ 一个系表结构---太啰嗦了. 比如 What is the best is ...., 为什么不直接写成the best is....   B的结构也是一样. the thing that +n. 作主语, 可以直接写成n. 作主语.   再看OG242, DE不用看了, C 就是一个n.+系表结构, 只是前面少了修饰no less than. OG的解释是这种用法更简洁. the line of reasoning: 242和30中的no less than其实是不一样的. 30里的less修饰remarkable构成一个比较级, 而242里的less有实意, 即"少". 知道了这一点, 更领悟了简洁的真谛!

242: 不能a technical or scientific breakthrough is necessary 可以简写成 a technical or scientific breakthrough is necessary . (不能少和 necessary其实是语意重复的)

30: no less remarkable than 和后面的没有重复

这就是我所说的"回到总结本身". 要利用总结, 但临驾于总结之上. 利用语感, 但领悟语感的精髓. 不仅要知其然, 还要知其所以然. 总结的最高境界不是背下所有的优选结构, 而是让自己变的ETS(形容词)起来, 出神入化, 以毒攻毒.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-13 5:54:11编辑过]

作者: 三脚猫    时间: 2005-4-7 11:56
作者: x4444    时间: 2005-4-7 22:10
作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-4-8 01:23

大家过奖了. (真的不是假谦虚)

复习语法之前, 看了一些大N的帖子, 发现他们靠的不是题海战, 而是有水平的总结. 一直很想学, 努力当中, 但还远远不够. 其实语法的考点, OG十有八九都涵盖了, 但作题时为何仍拿不准? 关键在于对OG的理解不够深刻, 不能活学活用. 我也是这样.


可不可以请版主把这个讨论加入30, 242的讨论链接(别骂我皮厚啊), 方便后人使用. 以前做题时查阅过相关link,但没有类似讨论. 后来自己琢磨出来了.  

作者: jones79    时间: 2005-4-14 11:35


值得好好回味,其实总结还能帮我们这些foreigners从题海战术中脱离出来,真正的crack gamt

作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-4-16 01:44

总结的很好, 和我的想法完全相同!




总结不是目的, 目的是必杀ETS.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-1 14:54:58编辑过]

作者: EASYSUMMER    时间: 2005-6-10 23:35

我认为应该具体题目具体分析. OG30最主要的原因是对称use---development, 再加上对时态的判断, 才选c.


薰衣紫草 能不能再解释一下~!!


作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-6-11 03:31

时态确实是判断此题的关键, 我在另一个贴子里已经回答了你的问题.

但我主要在说no less than是否绝对优选的问题. 以下link就是相关讨论.


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-11 3:35:37编辑过]

作者: remona9t    时间: 2005-6-13 11:40

2005-06-11 03:31


作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-6-14 13:03
多谢关心. 很感动!
作者: matt_yuan    时间: 2005-6-21 10:23
作者: julietayue    时间: 2005-9-1 01:48
作者: 三脚猫    时间: 2005-9-1 15:06
作者: julietayue    时间: 2005-9-16 13:17

What + be + n. + has been...  很绕口, 为什么不直接写成 n. + has been.....  A非要用what引导的一个系表结构从句来作主语. what+系表结构做主语, 再+ 一个系表结构---太啰嗦了. 比如 What is the best is ...., 为什么不直接写成the best is....   B的结构也是一样. the thing that +n. 作主语, 可以直接写成n. 作主语.


211. The period when the great painted caves at Lascaux and Altamira were occupied by Upper Paleolithic people has been established by carbon-14 dating, but what is much more difficult to determine are the reason for their decoration, the use to which primitive people put the caves, and the meaning of the magnificently depicted animals.

(A)  has been established by carbon-14 dating, but what is much more difficult to determine are

(B)  has been established by carbon-14 dating, but what is much more difficult to determine is

(C)  have been established by carbon-14 dating, but what is much more difficult to determine is

(D)  have been established by carbon-14 dating, but what is much more difficult to determine are (B)

(E)   are established by carbon-14 dating, but that which is much more difficult to determine is




作者: julietayue    时间: 2005-9-17 04:31
作者: julietayue    时间: 2005-9-17 07:29


作者: liu977    时间: 2005-10-9 10:34

紫草JJ的意思是GMAT语法没有所谓的最完美最正确选项,只有最优选项,和no less than 的情况一样,what be的结构在本题的5个选项中都出现了,因而就211题来说不是考察what be是否简洁的问题,利用主谓一致等方法可以得出正确答案。。。

作者: weichenli    时间: 2005-10-17 01:26

according to og240


长难句后置, 前用what 来简化

og 30 的致命伤是时态 , 还有我发现大部份倒装使用what的句子都是用 “was"而非像og 30 用has been

og 211

B).....but what is much more difficult to determine is the reason for their decoration, the use to which primitive people put the caves, and the meaning of the magnificently depicted animals.

og 240

what brought the automobile company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special, governmentally sanctioned price increase allowed during a period of wage and price controls.

像og14 E, og43 D, gwd 11 q4 都是在无倒装的情形下啰嗦的!


作者: weichenli    时间: 2005-10-17 01:26

according to og240


长难句后置, 前用what 来简化

og 30 的致命伤是时态 , 还有我发现大部份倒装使用what的句子都是用 “was"而非像og 30 用has been

og 211

B).....but what is much more difficult to determine is the reason for their decoration, the use to which primitive people put the caves, and the meaning of the magnificently depicted animals.

og 240

what brought the automobile company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special, governmentally sanctioned price increase allowed during a period of wage and price controls.

像og14 E, og43 D, gwd 11 q4 都是在无倒装的情形下啰嗦的!

qing zhi3 jiao

作者: liweiseed    时间: 2006-2-10 12:09
其实看了上述的句子可以发现加了WHAT 的都是有动词不是BE如果单独一个BE,确实没必要用WHAT,表达复杂意思,用WHAT.
作者: 行缘    时间: 2006-3-13 16:46
以下是引用薰衣紫草在2005-4-6 23:21:00的发言:

我总结了一些题目, 发现no   less   than   or no  better  than确实是正确答案的"长相". 但我总结的规律总能找到反例, 如OG242, 这就是ETS的高明之处---无论什么考点, 都能把它灵活变通. 因为每道题的组合是不一样的, 有优先级的选项到另一题里跟别的答案比较就不优先了.

总结也是辩证来用: 对于我们这些不是以英语为第一语言的人来说, 对语言的表达很难有直观的感觉, 即语感, 特别是在做语法题的时候. 总结的好处就在于省去很多比较的时间, 硬性地培养语感. 但这种强化的方式接触的表达比较片面(大全总共才900多题), 不可能有十足的把握哪种表达在任何题目里都是优先级最高(注意, 这是effectiveness). 利用总结至高境界还是要回到总结本身, 即怎么会总结出这个规律的. 就拿OG30来举例

要想一上来就看出use---development的对称对我来说很难. DE错的没商量, 因为no less than的固定结构被改错了, 剩下AB. 除了时态不对以外, AB 皆是不简洁表达. What + be + n. + has been...  很绕口, 为什么不直接写成 n. + has been.....  A非要用what引导的一个系表结构从句来作主语. what+系表结构做主语, 再+ 一个系表结构---太啰嗦了. 比如 What is the best is ...., 为什么不直接写成the best is....   B的结构也是一样. the thing that +n. 作主语, 可以直接写成n. 作主语.   再看OG242, DE不用看了, C 就是一个n.+系表结构, 只是前面少了修饰no less than. OG的解释是这种用法更简洁. the line of reasoning: 242和30中的no less than其实是不一样的. 30里的less修饰remarkable构成一个比较级, 而242里的less有实意, 即"少". 知道了这一点, 更领悟了简洁的真谛!

242: 不能a technical or scientific breakthrough is necessary 可以简写成 a technical or scientific breakthrough is necessary . (不能少和 necessary其实是语意重复的)

30: no less remarkable than 和后面的没有重复


OG 30: no less +adj.+ than+be+noun,实际上是个系表结构,正确很自然;

而 OG242; no less than+noun+be+noun,版主说less理解为"少",但这里的"少"有是什么词性呢?我只查了Longman, 没有发现no less than+noun的用法:只有:

1) no less noun than noun; 如;The message came from no less a person than the prime minister.

2)如果不想在中间加入名词,则用 nothing less than+noun的用法,如:His appearance in the show was nothing less than a sensation.

所以,有没有一种可能性: 因为 no less than+noun的用法无法和后面的名词对应,或者no less than+ noun就是不对的?


作者: shanj    时间: 2006-11-22 19:46

什么时候需要 what is ,什么时候wordy呢?

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-22 19:49:29编辑过]

作者: zzzandy    时间: 2008-9-14 10:36


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