
标题: OG 249 [打印本页]

作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-4-5 08:15
标题: OG 249

搜索了类似的讨论, 但没有找到能说服我的解释.

249. Bluegrass musician Bill Monroe, whose repertory, views on musical collaboration, and vocal style were influential on generations of bluegrass artists. was also an inspiration to many musicians, that included Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia. whose music differed significantly from his own.

(A)  were influential on generations of bluegrass artists, was also an inspiration to many musicians, that included Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, whose music differed significantly from

(B)   influenced generations of bluegrass artists, also inspired many musicians, including Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, whose music differed significantly from

(C)  was influential to generations of bluegrass artists, was also inspirational to many musicians, that included Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, whose music was different significantly in comparison to

(D)  was influential to generations of bluegrass artists, also inspired many musicians, who included Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, the music of whom differed significantly when compared to (B)

(E)   were an influence on generations of bluegrass artists, was also an inspiration to many musicians, including Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, whose music was significantly different from that of

og中解释, E中的 that 没有先行词, 可我觉得它指代music非常顺口. 况且这个代词是不能省的.

我个人有一个解释, 但不是很确定. 先听听大家的看法, 以免你们先入为主.

作者: elite-william    时间: 2005-4-5 08:46

b is answer ,i think

that of我觉得可以省的 ,his own 就可以表示了.

还有 influenced  比were an influence

作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-4-5 09:07
作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-4-5 09:49

况且OG说的很明确: In E, the construction different from that of his own is confusing since there is no referent for that: different from his own makes a logical comparison.

错在that没有指代对象, 而不是重复.

作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-4-6 03:44

怎么就是没人回? 还是我自己解释一下, 大家看看对不对.

从单纯的语法角度讲, music---his own已经构成平行. 如果是music---him那就不对了. his own本身就是一个宾语的指代. 可麻烦在OG对that的解释是"no referent", 而不是为了简洁而省略, 让人颇费脑筋.

我认为his own是his own music的省略, 而且是一个习惯用法, 一般不加that.    If so, 加了that就牵扯出一个新的所有格, 若将其排序就是: Bill Monroe's own music's that (对不起 让大家看这个极其不符合语法规范的结构). 这样一来, that就没有指代对象.

大家想想, 给我点看法.

作者: scapier    时间: 2005-4-6 07:57
以下是引用薰衣紫草在2005-4-6 3:44:00的发言:

怎么就是没人回? 还是我自己解释一下, 大家看看对不对.

从单纯的语法角度讲, music---his own已经构成平行. 如果是music---him那就不对了. his own本身就是一个宾语的指代. 可麻烦在OG对that的解释是"no referent", 而不是为了简洁而省略, 让人颇费脑筋.

我认为his own是his own music的省略, 而且是一个习惯用法, 一般不加that.    If so, 加了that就牵扯出一个新的所有格, 若将其排序就是: Bill Monroe's own music's that (对不起 让大家看这个极其不符合语法规范的结构). 这样一来, that就没有指代对象.

大家想想, 给我点看法.

mm is right... "whose music" can be compared "his own [music]". but there is no mention of *that* of "his own [music]", such as rhythm?
作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-4-7 00:02
作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-4-9 08:18

B中的whose没有什么疑问的话应该是指代前面的EP&JG,但是E里面由于whose引导的从句中谓语动词是was,明显不可以再指代这两个人,因此whose music中的music本身就已然指代不清楚了,后面的that再指代前面的music?!


作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-4-10 06:27
以下是引用-Aquarius-在2005-4-9 8:18:00的发言:

B中的whose没有什么疑问的话应该是指代前面的EP&JG,但是E里面由于whose引导的从句中谓语动词是was,明显不可以再指代这两个人,因此whose music中的music本身就已然指代不清楚了,后面的that再指代前面的music?!


这个观点........(我不敢用祈使句   )

谓语动词的单复数不应该由所有格决定, 而是中心词决定. 如: the information of A and B is.....所以即便句子里用了was, whose依然可以指代两个人. 于是问题就归结于music这个词是不是个不可数名词.

from Longman:

mu‧sic [uncountable]

作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-4-10 07:27



这里面如果象E那样变成That of his music的话,of和his是双重所有格,应该是GMAT里面基本不用的表达,所以不好。

仔细看了一下OG,MM注意冒号后面的那句,感觉上是因为different from his own已经表达全了对比,所以这个that的插入才显得不知道指代什么。

作者: winnie    时间: 2005-4-28 16:03

如果没有东西可以指代,或者有东西指代也是错误的,那么就可以说: “错在that没有指代对象”。

从句中的that除了就近指代music没有其它的东西了,但是: music(that) of Bill或者 music(that) of his own music都不对;

somebody 'music is better,并且与whose music平行。

作者: Ambera    时间: 2005-7-7 16:52
以下是引用Avantasia在2005-4-9 8:18:00的发言:

B中的whose没有什么疑问的话应该是指代前面的EP&JG,但是E里面由于whose引导的从句中谓语动词是was,明显不可以再指代这两个人,因此whose music中的music本身就已然指代不清楚了,后面的that再指代前面的music?!


根据句意看,是指代EP & JG,但是也可以修饰JG,这样这个WHOSE不会引起指代不清吗?

作者: Ambera    时间: 2005-7-7 21:05
作者: 潜龙勿用    时间: 2005-7-8 06:00
Whose 这里是指代many musicians.而 including Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia只是做定语修饰成分.
作者: dreamerps    时间: 2005-7-11 17:52
同问薰衣紫草MM的问题,that 为什么不能指代music?大家不要转移话题啊~~
作者: weichenli    时间: 2005-8-22 16:18
以下是引用dreamerps在2005-7-11 17:52:00的发言:
同问薰衣紫草MM的问题,that 为什么不能指代music?大家不要转移话题啊~~

谢谢薰衣紫草细腻的思维, dreamerps 答案就在楼上啊! 很清楚了 (感激中)

浅龙勿近---我觉得是modify E &J , 根据 to discussion

作者: ustoday    时间: 2005-8-26 23:01

whose music ~ 不管whose 是誰 這裡的中心詞應該是music 吧

既然his own 已經代表了 它的音樂  前面有that of ~照理說應該是對於his own 作進一步的修飾

左看又看 好像只有music 符合that 條件

但放進句中並不合句意吧 "他音樂的音樂"?

所以才會說that 無(合理的)指代對象


作者: weichenli    时间: 2005-9-6 13:12
ustoday~完全同意你的看法, 真是个NN啊!
作者: mmfoolish    时间: 2005-11-21 22:57
以下是引用潜龙勿用在2005-7-8 6:00:00的发言:
Whose 这里是指代many musicians.而 including Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia只是做定语修饰成分.


(1)whose 指代musicians(原因:including只是插入语成份)

(2)whose指代EP and JG(原因:就近指代)



作者: titatita    时间: 2006-2-17 18:35
以下是引用mmfoolish在2005-11-21 22:57:00的发言:


(1)whose 指代musicians(原因:including只是插入语成份)

(2)whose指代EP and JG(原因:就近指代)






但如果按照2,3理解显然including 分词表示伴随,非限定修饰类似与从句所以级别上次了一级,如果按照2,3理解,whose修饰including中的ep and jg,则whose从句变成了比including更次一级的修饰语.





作者: amber0919    时间: 2006-3-9 22:07

我还是觉得that可以指代music.因为...of his own这种结构是可以的.并没有wordy.摘自Oxford:

He'd like a car of his own.

Children need toys of their own.


作者: amber0919    时间: 2006-3-10 19:07
作者: hyte    时间: 2006-3-11 18:35
以下是引用amber0919在2006-3-9 22:07:00的发言:

我还是觉得that可以指代music.因为...of his own这种结构是可以的.并没有wordy.摘自Oxford:

He'd like a car of his own.

Children need toys of their own.


您舉的第一個例子跟這題的表答方式不一樣! He'd like a car of his own. 這句中, his own=his own cars~~~表示他擁有很多台車! 是在強調很多台車的其中一台!   第二個例子我覺得redundant! 但說不上來~看有沒有nn能解答

作者: oncross    时间: 2006-6-27 10:56

帮忙顶一下, whoever has some definite answer, please help.

..., whose musice was significantly different from that of ...

1. whose 修饰谁, musicians or EP&JG? 似乎都有理. Any grammar rules can be applied here to straighten it out? 

2. why "that" can NOT refer to "music"? There are sentences, such as "please deal with the problems of your own.", listed in some dictionaries.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-27 10:57:07编辑过]

作者: oncross    时间: 2006-7-30 01:14

"whose music..." modifies "many musicians", since "including..."作擦入语

It seems that "whose music" is more parallel to "his own(music)" than to "that of his own".

My 2c.

作者: amy7777    时间: 2006-10-5 12:56

这个that不是指代music,而是Bill Monroe的什么东西,但是句子里又没有说,即没有指代对象。that of his own,一定要在Bill Monroe的东东里找到指代对象

既然有了HIS OWN 就不用再加THAT OF 。whose music和his own的比较

that of如果指music~那his是指啥呢?? his own其實就是指his (music) own呀~如果又加了that of不是變成that of his music own~~語意重複了

这里面如果象E那样变成That of his music的话,of和his是双重所有格,应该是GMAT里面基本不用的表达,所以不好。

仔细看了一下OG,MM注意冒号后面的那句,感觉上是因为different from his own已经表达全了对比,所以这个that的插入才显得不知道指代什么。

如果没有东西可以指代,或者有东西指代也是错误的,那么就可以说: “错在that没有指代对象”。

从句中的that除了就近指代music没有其它的东西了,但是: music(that) of Bill或者 music(that) of his own music都不对;

somebody 'music is better,并且与whose music平行。


whose music ~ 不管whose 是誰 這裡的中心詞應該是music 吧

既然his own 已經代表了 它的音樂 前面有that of ~照理說應該是對於his own 作進一步的修飾

左看又看 好像只有music 符合that 條件

但放進句中並不合句意吧 "他音樂的音樂"?

所以才會說that 無(合理的)指代對象

"whose music..." modifies "many musicians", since "including..."作擦入语

It seems that "whose music" is more parallel to "his own(music)" than to "that of his own".

以下是引用薰衣紫草在2005-4-6 3:44:00的发言:

怎么就是没人回? 还是我自己解释一下, 大家看看对不对.

从单纯的语法角度讲, music---his own已经构成平行. 如果是music---him那就不对了. his own本身就是一个宾语的指代. 可麻烦在OG对that的解释是"no referent", 而不是为了简洁而省略, 让人颇费脑筋.

我认为his own是his own music的省略, 而且是一个习惯用法, 一般不加that.    If so, 加了that就牵扯出一个新的所有格, 若将其排序就是: Bill Monroe's own music's that (对不起 让大家看这个极其不符合语法规范的结构). 这样一来, that就没有指代对象.

大家想想, 给我点看法.

以下是引用mmfoolish在2005-11-21 22:57:00的发言:


(1)whose 指代musicians(原因:including只是插入语成份)

(2)whose指代EP and JG(原因:就近指代)






但如果按照2,3理解显然including 分词表示伴随,非限定修饰类似与从句所以级别上次了一级,如果按照2,3理解,whose修饰including中的ep and jg,则whose从句变成了比including更次一级的修饰语.





这一题太难了,把所有我认为对的意见放在一起,再好好看看。看来时刻得注意平行和还that 指代的问题啊。

大家再讨论讨论这个that 的指代问题吗,为什么OG说that  没有指代对象呢????

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-5 13:03:31编辑过]

作者: amy7777    时间: 2006-10-6 13:42

大家来讨论一下这个问题啊,很多题都有这个that 指代呢,是我对这个题想得不对吗?


作者: wsdoll    时间: 2007-7-24 14:45

还是不清楚whose music.... 是修饰musicians, 还是 EP and JG, 还是 JG.

作者: hammyhui    时间: 2009-4-26 02:38


** be influential to.../.. has influence on /sb influence sb/ sb is influcening sb用法都是对的。

但是influential on是错的。

因为文中提到了Bill Monroe的repertory , vocal style还有music,所以that指代不明确.

如果没提到repertory , vocal style,后面的that 可省略,也可以保留.包括own都可以省掉.

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