标题: 一点米国jj(31日) [打印本页] 作者: feibafeiba 时间: 2003-8-3 13:30 标题: 一点米国jj(31日) 奇怪, 从来俺就考完便忘. 国内的高考完后,只记住了作文题目! 这二日来, 努力回忆的结果是想起了一个听力的长段是关于什么潜在的被误以为是冰雪的资源, 问了两个双选题, 一是它存在何地:1.地下管道里,2.地底下.另一个是人们为何能发现它不是冰雪:只记得正确答案是1. 因为管道密封了的.2.不是0度溶化. 别的听力怎么也想不出了. 对了, 俺也是30-25-55. 听力26. 阅读想起一篇是关于motion picture的. 主要讲KALEIDOSCOPE和CINEMASCOPE的发展过程. 有个词汇题STAGGERING(=SURPRISING). 作者: 困难是弹簧 时间: 2003-8-3 22:23
feibafeibaMM,谢谢你! 考得不错吧?作者: feibafeiba 时间: 2003-8-5 09:21
the average score is as expected but not the essay. It worries me so much. Here i would like to remind all friends to practice more essays before you take the test.作者: xiang1jp 时间: 2003-8-6 11:19
According to the information you provided as listening JJ, the resource, which was throught as snow and existed under ground pipeline and some cold formation (shallow layers under ocean floor or permafrost), should be "gas hydrate". This hydrate is a new natural gas resource. Hydrate only existed in high pressure with low temperature. It was formed by gas and water in high pressure-low temperature system. It looks like snow and can be burnt. 1 cubic meter hydrate can contain 151-171 cubic meter natural gas. Not all gas can form gas hydrate. Typically, only CH4, CO2, C2H6, C3H8, SO2, N2, H2S or any mixture of these gases can form gas hydrate.
Gas hydrate performance can not only guide us develop the non-convention natural gas resource. but also provide a creative mean to solve high CO2, SO2, H2S concertration problem in atmosphere. So, gas hydrate research is also helpful for environment conservation.