标题: 请问在北美工作的CDer当前老板的推荐信是怎么搞的? [打印本页]
作者: squirrel_hippo 时间: 2005-3-25 14:50
标题: 请问在北美工作的CDer当前老板的推荐信是怎么搞的?
作者: brace 时间: 2005-3-26 02:24
这个, 建议网上递交申请。
作者: testtech 时间: 2005-3-26 03:54
I suggest you do your homework on what most b-school are looking for from the recommendation letter. Then you will be able to give your boss a list of things that you want him/her to explicitly mention in the letter, such as buzz words that can catch adcom's eyes. Remember it is very likely your boss has no idea what weighs most when it comes to writing MBA recomm letters. My boss was very cooperative. He worked with me together on my letter and had me proof read it before signing it. I personally won't recommend you to write the letter on your own because first of all, you are not a native speaker, so your wording may sound a bit awkward. Also, the adcom people are professional readers so you don't want them to recognize your writing habit when they read your recomm letters. It's hard to pretend to be someone else even in writing, pretty much like you are trying to fake your fingerprint.
作者: squirrel_hippo 时间: 2005-3-26 06:22
作者: squirrel_hippo 时间: 2005-3-26 06:23
作者: testtech 时间: 2005-3-26 12:04
You got to do what you want to do. I belive making it to the b-school is your top priority now. Don't let the recommendation letters be the show-stopper. It is not such a big deal if you can't get an ideal letter from your boss anyway. You can make it up by putting together some good essays, or by scoring high in gmat. Good luck.
作者: testtech 时间: 2005-3-26 12:08
FYI, an inspring quote from Mr. Rumsfeld (with my little twist) - "We go to MBA application war with the recommendation letter we have, not the recommendation letter we want"
Hope it helps.
作者: squirrel_hippo 时间: 2005-3-27 03:05
This quote is really creative, hehe, thanks.
作者: danceindream 时间: 2005-3-27 10:03
以下是引用squirrel_hippo在2005-3-25 14:50:00的发言:我现在想换工作,但是不知道该不该把想今年年底申请的事情告诉新的老板?
如果你明年就要去读书了, 为什么现在还要换工作呢? 申请和面试的时候都要阐述换工作的理由, 建议还是慎重一些。 换成是谁在那个“新的老板”位置, 都不会愿意听到自己刚来工作的员工就提出要申请学校, 明年走人。 而且申请的时候你在新的工作职位上只工作了几个月, 老板怎么能够充分了解你的能力?
作者: squirrel_hippo 时间: 2005-3-27 13:06
以下是引用danceindream在2005-3-27 10:03:00的发言:如果你明年就要去读书了, 为什么现在还要换工作呢? 申请和面试的时候都要阐述换工作的理由, 建议还是慎重一些。 换成是谁在那个“新的老板”位置, 都不会愿意听到自己刚来工作的员工就提出要申请学校, 明年走人。 而且申请的时候你在新的工作职位上只工作了几个月, 老板怎么能够充分了解你的能力?
作者: danceindream 时间: 2005-3-27 23:40
这样啊。一般学校都会要你“当前”老板的推荐信, 如果你不想让新老板知道你在申请学校, 可以请原来的两个老板/同事写。 跟学校解释一下, 你因为原来公司的经济状况刚换工作, 新老板不太了解你,等等。 祝你好运。
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-27 23:41:31编辑过]
作者: squirrel_hippo 时间: 2005-3-28 04:24
以下是引用danceindream在2005-3-27 23:40:00的发言:
这样啊。一般学校都会要你“当前”老板的推荐信, 如果你不想让新老板知道你在申请学校, 可以请原来的两个老板/同事写。 跟学校解释一下, 你因为原来公司的经济状况刚换工作, 新老板不太了解你,等等。 祝你好运。
作者: goodstudy 时间: 2005-3-30 05:27
作者: testtech 时间: 2005-3-30 07:51
As far as I know, you have options to acquire the letters from your boss and mail them to the schools yourself. That way, your boss may think twice before making negative comments about you in the letter since he knows you may peek the letter before mailing it.
作者: maxiaoha 时间: 2005-3-30 11:31
作者: goodstudy 时间: 2005-3-31 05:20
以下是引用testtech在2005-3-30 7:51:00的发言:
As far as I know, you have options to acquire the letters from your boss and mail them to the schools yourself. That way, your boss may think twice before making negative comments about you in the letter since he knows you may peek the letter before mailing it.
作者: maxiaoha 时间: 2005-3-31 13:17
作者: testtech 时间: 2005-4-1 00:59
以下是引用maxiaoha在2005-3-31 13:17:00的发言:
Agree. It has to be a rare case. That is why it is utterly important to choose the right recommender.
作者: moominzz 时间: 2005-4-1 02:40
you can try HR. Most of the companies do respect employee's choice. A lot of my colleagues get recommendation letters from the HR. 1st, HR has your personal reviews on file(e.g. my company does quarterly review. each review was signed by bpth my boss and I, so the info is creditable),2ndly, if necessary or by request, HR could go ask your boss's opinions for you to make your letter look unique. I'll say as long as you do not have any verbal or written up from the records, more than 90% of the letters are very positive and helpful.
作者: dadada007 时间: 2005-4-1 20:46
以下是引用brace在2005-3-26 2:24:00的发言:
这个, 建议网上递交申请。
作者: janechen 时间: 2005-4-2 13:43
I read somewhere that ~1 in 10 applicants is deliberatly sabotaged by a recommender, particuarlly common when a "good friend" writes the recommendation. Choosing the recommender is an art in itself. I thought about asking an immediate supervisor who is a friend. I eventually decided against the idea, because I'm pretty sure that at best he'll write a pretty mediocre letter with faint praise, which would be just as deadly as a negative one. He is a friend when I am a submissive, happy-go-lucky, subordinate. We are still friends, but I wouldn't rest my future professional career on him!
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