3.American Art History講一個美國的從事雕刻的女藝術家,剛開始介紹她的背景,其實她並不是美國人,而是俄羅斯人,之後在哪裡定居哪裡求學(我剛開聽的超清楚,居然沒有題).重點是在後面,有關於她的影響要注意.還有提到另外一個藝術家,要搞請楚她們兩個在文章裡面是拿來被比較還是怎樣#$%%...(應該就是死在這篇吧~)
作者: maki 时间: 2003-8-2 14:44
感謝您!!作者: nos36 时间: 2003-8-2 17:02
add background Coriolis Force Coriolis Force, also Coriolis acceleration, in mechanics, additional force or acceleration acting on the motion of bodies in a rotating system of reference. For example, an object moving above Earth in a generally northerly or southerly direction, and with a constant velocity relative to space, will be deflected in relation to the rotation of Earth. This deflection is clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere. The effect is named after the French physicist Gaspard de Coriolis, who first analyzed the phenomenon mathematically. Coriolis forces are of considerable importance in determining prevailing winds and ocean currents and also in the analysis of the flight paths of missiles and rockets. 作者: 困难是弹簧 时间: 2003-8-2 21:14