1. 听力: 感觉很糟糕, 对话和段落很多,又很长, 好像老也不能集中。眼睛不知道往哪儿放。考了什么快忘光了。记得有一题讲水地表面张力。不过可能是自己下的功夫还不够,考前PP没做完。更没来得及复习。DeltaKey没来得及做。 2. 语法:不怎么难。只要仔细斟酌,应该没问题 3. 1.) glasspressing machine 2.) discovery of illustion of film by a french director by chance 3.) knifefish produce electrical signal compare with eel and birds 4.) 我应该错在单词上: facilitated -> aided 4. 作文:Some young children spend a great amount of their times practicing sport. Discuss advantage and disavantage. 作者: redpassion 时间: 2003-8-2 02:19
谢谢咯! 你做语法时间够吗? 我当时语法的句子都特别长,看了就发晕。呵呵
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-2 2:20:20编辑过]
作者: zhengzheng 时间: 2003-8-2 02:20
ask: could you tell me that can i take notes in the listening section? can i get scrtch-paper before this section ?作者: redpassion 时间: 2003-8-2 02:22
不可以的,发纸的时候你已经差不多做到阅读了作者: zhengzheng 时间: 2003-8-2 03:22
oh, thank you that means i can't take notes in the listening section . you all practice like this ?作者: xinxinzhu 时间: 2003-8-2 08:14
只可以带你的ID进去,自己不可以带纸。考试中心发的纸在考完后要如数退还,头一张纸上还要签字,很麻烦的。作者: nos36 时间: 2003-8-2 17:24
add background Surface Tension, condition existing at the free surface of a liquid, resembling the properties of an elastic skin under tension. The tension is the result of intermolecular forces exerting an unbalanced inward pull on the individual surface molecules; this is reflected in the considerable curvature at those edges where the liquid is in contact with the wall of a vessel. More specifically, the tension is the force per unit length of any straight line on the liquid surface that the surface layers on the opposite sides of the line exert upon each other. See Cohesion.
The tendency of any liquid surface is to become as small as possible as a result of this tension, as in the case of mercury, which forms an almost round ball when a small quantity is placed on a horizontal surface. The near-perfect spherical shape of a soap bubble, which is the result of the distribution of tension on the thin film of soap, is another example of this force; surface tension alone can support a needle placed horizontally on a water surface. See also Capillary Action.