
标题: 大全199 [打印本页]

作者: fei123    时间: 2005-3-20 17:55
标题: 大全199

1.        Car owners who inflate their tires properly can substantially boost their vehicles’ fuel efficiency, since the increase in car-road friction can waste up to five percent of car fuel by underinflation.

(A) Car owners who inflate their tires properly can substantially boost their vehicles’ fuel efficiency, since the increase in car-road friction can waste up to five percent of car fuel by under inflation.

(B) Because the underinflation of tires can waste up to five percent of a car’s fuel by increasing car-road friction, car owners can substantially boost their vehicles’ fuel efficiency by properly inflating the tires.

(C) Their vehicles’ fuel efficiency is substantially boosted by car owners through the proper inflation of tires that, when underinflated, can waste up to five percent of car fuel by an increase in car-road friction.

(D) The proper inflation of tires by car owners, due to the fact that underinflation can waste up to five percent of a car’s fuel by the increase of car-road friction, can substantially boost their fuel efficiency.B

(E) Because up to five percent of a car’s fuel are wasted through the increases in car-road friction when the tires are underinflated, car owners properly inflating tires can substantially boost their fuel efficiency.

Why A is wrong? 而且整个题目也不太知道何从下手。盼望大虾们多多指教。

作者: dearjane    时间: 2005-3-21 10:53


我觉得a似乎是句意不如b不好,car owners who inflate their tires 不如car owners... by properly inflating the tires 好


作者: dearjane    时间: 2005-3-21 11:04


作者: echo0221    时间: 2005-3-21 18:04
A是先结果后原因, B是先原因后结果.
作者: dearjane    时间: 2005-3-21 23:29


作者: ford424    时间: 2005-3-22 22:42
感觉这里面一个是前因后果, 一个是by的被动强调, 但是也不是十分确定, 讨论!
作者: colacat    时间: 2005-3-22 22:56

我觉的A的问题是:the increase in car-road friction 应该是磨损的增加导致油耗上升,还是增加的磨损导致呢

显然没有increasing car-road friction 明确

作者: ford424    时间: 2005-3-22 23:20

我觉的A的问题是:the increase in car-road friction 应该是磨损的增加导致油耗上升,还是增加的磨损导致呢"?

作者: colacat    时间: 2005-3-22 23:28
这就跟og那道题目是the rising cost 还是the rise of cost是一个道理
作者: dearjane    时间: 2005-3-22 23:49

同意9楼观点,见原885 section 7 第8题

8   The rising of costs of data-processing operations at many financial institutions has created a growing opportunity for independent companies to provide these services more efficiently and at lower cost.

(A) The rising of costs

(B) Rising costs

(C) The rising cost

(D) Because the rising costC

(E) Because of rising costs


作者: kingsoft    时间: 2005-3-23 00:05
作者: ford424    时间: 2005-3-23 00:05
作者: enila_c    时间: 2005-7-14 15:50

我觉得此句是要说:underinflation 导致了 waste up , 于是做得对的owner可以得意了。 所以整句话的重心应该在 underinflation & inflate上。 B的前半句就选择了underinflation 来做主语。

作者: snowjing    时间: 2005-9-27 23:15


1.B通过了两个by+doing结构,明确表达了feul是怎么wast up, 以及car owner如何boost efficiency.




作者: huaxinzhu    时间: 2006-2-3 05:09


作者: huixia06    时间: 2006-8-4 22:09



A,increase in car-road friction can waste up to five percent of car fuel by underinflation

B,     the underinflation of tires can waste up to five percent of a car’s fuel by increasing car-road friction


作者: roric    时间: 2006-8-15 14:07

同楼上想法,这是谁是因谁是果的事情,其他判断依据如“since不用来表原因”,"两个by doing平行结构"都不能是考场状态下的主要判断依据吧


作者: sendme    时间: 2006-8-26 05:14


1, 结构,
人不可以直接提高机器的效率,一定 by something  A incorrect,

2, increase in car-road friction  强调 friction 的 增加, 难道不增加的 friction 就没问题吗??

   increasing car-road friction

作者: churfeng    时间: 2007-3-28 21:45


A强调的主要是Car owners can do something. B强调的是by inflating the tires.

这道题的意思应该是说,通过XX方式,可以做到什么. 而不是哪个人可以做到什么.所以选B.



作者: clevermonkey    时间: 2007-12-21 08:31

the increase in car-road friction的意思是强调"increase",但是increase本身不能waste fuel,而应该是friction waste fuel

waste up to five percent of a car's fuel by increasing car-road friction是指waste的是增加的friction


作者: rattledrum    时间: 2008-8-13 22:50
the increase in car-road friction can waste up to five percent of car fuel by underinflation
即:the increase can waste up car fuel 错,增加是不能浪费汽油的。

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-13 22:51:22编辑过]

作者: dustinxing    时间: 2008-8-14 02:51
以下是引用colacat在2005-3-22 22:56:00的发言:

我觉的A的问题是:the increase in car-road friction 应该是磨损的增加导致油耗上升,还是增加的磨损导致呢

显然没有increasing car-road friction 明确

分析的很有道理,the increase in car-road friction,强调的是increase;而increasing car-road friction,强调的是friction。代回原句,friction是导致的原因,而不是增加。(大家可以把修饰的部分全部拿掉,然后就能体会出来了)

作者: manasarovar    时间: 2008-8-26 16:14


作者: nerakuhs    时间: 2009-1-22 00:32
以下是引用huixia06在2006-8-4 22:09:00的发言:



A,increase in car-road friction can waste up to five percent of car fuel by underinflation

B,     the underinflation of tires can waste up to five percent of a car’s fuel by increasing car-road friction



作者: elric9    时间: 2009-7-21 23:59


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