在Ross2010申请Aug.1 2009开始, 但是Full Time MBA有一个Applying to Ross through The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management的链接,有人了解这个program吗?和正常的ROSS程序冲突吗?我看了这个项目的简单介绍,还提供奖学金,挺有吸引力的,希望知道详情的人具体说说申请流程。
several specific questions,just trying to scheduling the time:
1 I can see that application fee should be paid once we submit application. So how long does it usually take for electronic payment reach B-Schools?
2 When do you usually ask testing centers to send iBT and GMAT scores to ensure they can arrive in time. if delay occurred due to system problems, will the application be considered in the next round or AD can forgive several days' postpone?
3 How about transcript. I learned that the school requires us to self-report first. but I wonder whether we still need scanned version during application, and whether we need to mail official ones directly from university upon admission.
4 Lastly...Ross seems need Degree Certificate (学位证书) upon admission?