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lsat 9 第二部分七问?

发表于 2003-4-14 23:07:00 | 只看该作者

lsat 9 第二部分七问?

9. It can safely be concluded that there are at least as many trees in Seclee as there are in Martown.

From which one of the following does the conclusion logically follow?

(A) More trees were planted in Seclee in the past two years than in Martown.

(B) Seclee is the region within which Martown is located.

(C) Martown is suffering from an epidemic of tree-virus infection.

(D) The average annual rainfall for Seclee is greater than the average annual rainfall for Martown.

(E) The average number of trees cut down annually in Martown is higher than in Seclee.

A distemper virus has caused two-thirds of the seal population in the North Sea to die since May 1988. The explanation for the deaths cannot rest here, however. There must be a reason the normally latent virus could prevail so suddenly: clearly the severe pollution of the North Sea waters must have weakened the immune system of the seals so that they could no longer withstand the virus.
11. Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the explanation given in the argument?

(A) At various times during the last ten years, several species of shellfish and seabirds in the North Sea have experienced unprecedented steep drops in population.

(B) By reducing pollution at its source, Northern Europe and Scandinavia have been taking the lead in preventing pollution from reaching the waters of the North Sea.

(C) For many years, fish for human consumption have been taken from the waters of the North Sea.

(D) There are two species of seal found throughout the North Sea area, the common seal and the gray seal.

(E) The distemper caused by the virus was a disease that was new to the population of North Sea seals in May 1988, and so the seals’ immune systems were unprepared to counter it.
答案是a,但是我觉得a 是无关的!请解释??

Consumer advocate: Under the current absence of government standards for food product labeling, manufacturers are misleading or deceiving consumers by their product labeling. For example, a certain brand of juice is labeled “fresh orange juice,” yet the product is made from water, concentrate, and flavor enhancers. Since “fresh” as applied to food products is commonly understood to mean pure and unprocessed, labeling that orange juice “fresh” is unquestionably deceptive.

Manufacturer: Using words somewhat differently than they are commonly used is not deceptive. After all, “fresh” can also mean never frozen. We cannot be faulted for failing to comply with standards that have not been officially formulated. When the government sets clear standards pertaining to product labeling, we will certainly comply with them
16. Which one of the following principle, if established, would contribute most to a defense of the manufacturer’s position against that of the consumer advocate?

(A) In the absence of government definitions for terms used in product labeling, common standards of understanding alone should apply.

(B) Government standards for truthful labeling should always be designed to reflect common standards of understanding.

(C) People should be free to the extent that it is legal to do so, to exploit to their advantages the inherent ambiguity and vagueness in language.

(D) When government standards and common standards for truthful labeling are incompatible with each other, the government standards should always take precedence.

(E) In their interpretation of language, consumers should never presume that vagueness indicates an attempt to deceive on the part of manufacturers unless those manufacturers would reap large benefits from successful deception.

17. Certain items—those with that hard-to-define quality called exclusivity—have the odd property, when they become available for sale, of selling rapidly even though they are extremely expensive. In fact, trying to sell such an item fast by asking too low a price is a serious error, since it calls into question the very thing---exclusivity---that is supposed to be the item’s chief appeal. Therefore, given that a price that will prove to be right is virtually impossible for the seller to gauge in advance, the seller should make sure that any error in the initial asking price is in the direction of setting the price too high.

The argument recommends a certain pricing strategy on the grounds that

(A) this strategy lacks a counterproductive feature of the rejected alternative

(B) this strategy has all of advantages of the rejected alternative, but fewer of its disadvantages

(C) experience has proven this strategy to be superior, even though the reasons for this superiority elude analysis

(D) this strategy does not rely on prospective buyers estimates of value

(E) the error associated with this strategy, unlike the error associated with the rejected alternative, is likely to go unnoticed

19. A recent survey conducted in one North American city revealed widespread concern about the problems faced by teenagers today. Seventy percent of the adults surveyed said they would pay higher taxes for drug treatment programs, and 60 percent said they were willing to pay higher taxes to improve the city’s schools. Yet in a vote in that same city, a proposition to increase funding for schools by raising taxes failed by a narrow margin to win majority approval.

Which one of the following factors, if true, would LEAST contribute to an explanation of the discrepancy described above?

(A) The survey sample was not representative of the voters who voted on the proposition.

(B) Many of the people who were surveyed did not respond truthfully to all of the questions put to them.

(C) The proposition was only part of a more expensive community improvement program that voters had to accept or reject in total.

(D) A proposition for increasing funds for local drug treatment centers also failed to win approval.

(E) The proposition to raise taxes for schools was couched in terminology that many of the voters found confusing.


So-called environmentalists have argued that the proposed Golden Lake Development would interfere with bird-migration patterns. However, the fact that these same people have raised environmental objections to virtually every development proposal brought before the council in recent years indicates that their expressed concern for bird-migration patterns is nothing but a mask for their antidevelopment, antiprogress agenda. Their claim, therefore, should be dismissed without further consideration.

20. Which one of the following questionable argumentative techniques is employed in the passage?

(A) taking the failure of a given argument to establish its conclusion as the basis for claiming that the view expressed by that conclusion is false.

(B) rejecting the conclusion of an argument on the basis of a claim about the motives of those advancing the argument

(C) using a few exceptional cases as the basis for a claim about what is true in general

(D) misrepresenting evidence that supports the position the argument is intended to refute.

(E) assuming that what is true of a group as a whole is necessarily true of each member of that group


21. For the claim that the concern expressed by the so-called environmentalists is not their real concern to be properly drawn on the basis of the evidence cited, which one of the following must be assumed?

(A) Not every development proposal opposed in recent years by these so-called environmentalists was opposed because they believed it to pose a threat to the environment

(B) People whose real agenda is to block development wherever it is proposed always try to disguise their true motives.

(C) Anyone who opposes unrestricted development is an opponent of progress.

(D) The council has no reason to object to the proposed Golden Lake Development other than concern about the development’s effect on bird-migration patterns.

(E) When people say that they oppose a development project solely on environmental grounds, their real concern almost always lies elsewhere.

22. Psychologists today recognize childhood as a separate stage of life which can only be understood in its own terms, and they wonder why the Western world took so long to see the folly of regarding children simply as small, inadequately socialized adults. Most psychologists, however, persist in regarding people 70 to 90 years old as though they were 35 year olds who just happen to have white hair and extra leisure time. But old age is as fundamentally different from young adulthood and middle age as childhood is---a fact attested to by the organization of modern social and economic life. Surely it is time, therefore, to acknowledge that serious research into the unique psychology of advanced age has become indispensable.

Which one of the following principles, if established, would provide the strongest backing for the argument?

(A) Whenever current psychological practice conflicts with traditional attitudes toward people, those traditional attitudes should be changed to bring them in line with current psychological practice.

(B) Whenever two groups of people are so related to each other that any member of the second group must previously have been a member of the first, people in the first group should not be regarded simply as deviant members of the second group.

(C) Whenever most practitioners of a given discipline approach a particular problem in the same way, that uniformity is good evidence that all similar problems should also be approached in that way.

(D) Whenever a society’s economic life is so organized that two distinct times of life are treated as being fundamentally different from one another, each time of life can be understood only in terms of its own distinct psychology.

(E) Whenever psychologists agree that a single psychology is inadequate for two distinct age groups, they should be prepared to show that there are greater differences between the two age groups than there are between individuals in the same age group.


24. Most disposable plastic containers are now labeled with a code number (from 1 to 9) indicating the type or quality of the plastic. Plastics with the lowest code numbers are the easiest for recycling plants to recycle and are thus the most likely to be recycles after use rather than dumped in landfills. Plastics labeled with the highest numbers are only rarely recycled.

Consumers can make a significant long-term reduction in the amount of waste that goes unrecycled, therefore, by refusing to purchase those products packaged in plastic containers labeled with the highest code numbers.

Which one of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the conclusion above?

(A) The cost of collecting, sorting, and recycling discarded plastics is currently higher than the cost of manufacturing new plastics from virgin materials.

(B) Many consumers are unaware of the codes that are stamped on the plastic containers.

(C) A plastic container almost always has a higher code number after it is recycled than it had before recycling because the recycling process causes a degradation of the quality of the plastic.

(D) Products packaged in plastics with the lowest code numbers are often more expensive than those packaged in the higher-numbered plastics.

(E) Communities that collect all discarded plastic containers for potential recycling later dump in landfills plastics with higher-numbered codes only when it is clear that no recycler will take them.


发表于 2003-4-15 05:47:00 | 只看该作者

9.集合题。B, 画个圆就可以明白了。



17. 原文的推理是这样的:如果定价过低,则产品销售会受影响。所以只要考虑价格不要过高即可。意即价格肯定会设高,但不能过高。可是文中并无具体说明过高有何副作用。换言之即C.
19.Yet in a vote in that same city, a proposition to increase funding for schools by raising taxes failed by a narrow margin to win majority approval.
20.However, the fact that these same people have raised environmental objections to virtually every development proposal brought before the council in recent years indicates that their expressed concern for bird-migration patterns is nothing but a mask for their antidevelopment, antiprogress agenda.
发表于 2012-6-26 13:44:01 | 只看该作者
Psychologists today recognize childhood as a separate stage of life which can only be understood in its own terms, and they wonder why the Western world took so long to see the folly of regarding children simply as small, inadequately socialized adults. Most psychologists, however, persist in regarding people 70 to 90 years old as though they were 35 year olds who just happen to have white hair and extra leisure time. But old age is as fundamentally different from young adulthood and middle age as childhood is---a fact attested to by the organization of modern social and economic life. Surely it is time, therefore, to acknowledge that serious research into the unique psychology of advanced age has become indispensable.

Which one of the following principles, if established, would provide the strongest backing for the argument?

(A) Whenever current psychological practice conflicts with traditional attitudes toward people, those traditional attitudes should be changed to bring them in line with current psychological practice.
(B) Whenever two groups of people are so related to each other that any member of the second group must previously have been a member of the first, people in the first group should not be regarded simply as deviant members of the second group.
(C) Whenever most practitioners of a given discipline approach a particular problem in the same way, that uniformity is good evidence that all similar problems should also be approached in that way.
(D) Whenever a society’s economic life is so organized that two distinct times of life are treated as being fundamentally different from one another, each time of life can be understood only in terms of its own distinct psychology.
(E) Whenever psychologists agree that a single psychology is inadequate for two distinct age groups, they should be prepared to show that there are greater differences between the two age groups than there are between individuals in the same age group.

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