1、University of Pittsburgh EMBA program; 总费用7W USD,无任何减免;项目相对轻松,每两周只有两天课,其他时间可找工作可自行安排
2、Boston University MBA program; scolarship 20000 USD per year, 看到他家奖学金给的很多,我属于below average; 自负总费用高过Pitts, 但是地理位置好
Hello there,
It is very hard for me to advise without knowing your full profile and your goals. Also I think you should only do an EMBA if you have a job and something to do the rest of the time. Otherwise it seems to me, you will be better off in a full-time program.
but feel free to write me with more details and I will try and advise you further,