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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练】 【40-A】 一周精选 - Social capital

发表于 2014-8-7 00:26:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本期选文来自本期选文来自 小蘑菇开始打怪 的39-19越障部分,坦白讲本次的选文从阅读难度上来说应该是历来最简单的,但其本身描述的内容却让我感触良多(多是抱怨啦),Let's get start it.


Cultivating Social Capital

Knowledge workers are the fastest growing sector of today’s workforce. When Peter Drucker first coined the term, he described these workers as “high level employees who apply theoretical and analytical knowledge, acquired through formal education, to develop new products or services”.

啥是知识型员工,运用通过正规教育获得的理论和分析知识来发展新产品或者服务的高水平员工。这定义是Peter Drucker(德鲁克,接触过管理学的应该都知道吧,被誉为现代管理学之父)给的,这里有个词Coin,是不是很熟悉,没错,硬币,但本句明显不是硬币的意思,是 to invent a new word or phrase that other people then begin to use

Knowledge workers make decisions rather than products, and their work is often much less repetitive than that of their predecessors. Thus, managing teams of knowledge workers can be very difficult, and typically requires a different approach than managing more traditional types of workers.

The struggle to help teams understand ‘who knows what’ and to then develop effective strategies for both accessing distributed knowledge and for bringing it to bear when needed are often the most difficult aspects of managing knowledge workers. One approach to this problem is to better understand the role of social capital in knowledge work.

由于知识型员工是做决定而不是(直接)做产品的,他们的工作不像前辈那样重复,所以管理起来很困难。最大的难处就是帮助团队知道大家都会些什么,进而制定出既可以了解到分布的知识,又可以在需要的时候将其发挥出来。尽管有困难,但还是有方法的,就是更好的理解在知识型工作中社会资本的角色。啥叫social capital?一般用来形容the network of social connections that exist between people, and their shared values and norms of behaviour, which enable and encourage mutually advantageous social cooperation。
Bring it to bear:发挥

Social capital refers to the links, shared values and understandings that create trust between individuals and within teams. These links have the potential to either facilitate or constrain the flow of resources such as knowledge across the network links. Research suggests that teams who are successful at establishing strong social capital links enjoy increased collaboration, improved knowledge transfer, and higher productivity levels as well as greater responsiveness and higher quality solutions to increasingly complex problems.

Two types of social capital relationships are particularly vital for successful knowledge work. First, knowledge workers need to have effective relationships with their managers. Given the wide spans of control that are often present in today’s organizations, many managers have limited time to devote to developing relationships with their employees. But managers who are less involved in their team’s networks will lose touch with the pattern of knowledge flows in those networks. When problems or issues arise, these managers will be unable to offer their workers helpful advice on ‘who knows what’, or how to best access needed knowledge.

Second, the relationships within knowledge teams need to be effective as well. Extensive distribution of knowledge across a working group potentially makes it more difficult for members to tap needed information. Teams with strong social capital are better placed to capitalize on expertise because of their increased familiarity with one another and their potential willingness to share information. Internal transfers of knowledge are often difficult to achieve and require the expenditure of extensive time and energy in the transfer process.

Teams with strong social capital ties will be better positioned to work through these challenges because they communicate more extensively with each other and have higher levels of trust, making them more able and willing to share information.

4-7段告诉我们什么是social capital,以及它到底可以给团队带来什么好处?
按照作者的解释,social capital就是团队之间的联系,分享和理解。说白了就是深层次同事关系。这种联系可以帮助也可以束缚资源例如知识在团队之间的流动。而其中有两种social capital特别重要。


Fostering the growth and utilization of social capital among employees needs to be managed carefully. It’s easy to assume that social capital will just develop naturally as individuals work together. However, this is not the case. So here are four tips to cultivate social capital and help ensure that your teams maximize their potential for collaboration and knowledge exchange:

Lead by example. Demonstrate to your employees that sharing information and trusting one another are ‘the way things are done’ in your organization. We know that one way employees learn how to behave at work is by copying the behaviours that are modelled for them by their manager and other senior staff members. So, provide them with a strong example to emulate.

Encourage open communications. Ensure that your teams are meeting regularly enough to maintain open lines of communication. Consider asking them to complete team contracts, which set out the norms expected of all team members, including honest and meaningful communication. Make it clear that withholding information is not considered acceptable behaviour.

Give team members time to get to know one another. Create opportunities for them to socialize outside of their project meeting time. Research suggests that team members who are friends, and not just work colleagues, are more likely to share strong social capital ties. Celebrate birthdays, team milestones, and company successes with get-togethers that help employees build relationships.

Be extra attentive to your virtual teams. Geographically dispersed groups have a much more difficult time building the trust that is necessary for social capital development than do face-to-face groups. Think about how you can help your virtual team members share their expertise and skills with one another. Encourage strong norms of respect and timeliness in your virtual groups, and be aware of any cultural difference that may play a role in communication.

最后五段估计作者是听到了我的牢骚,给出了如何提升团队social capital的四条建议。
同样说说看我的感(牢)受(骚),以上四条建议都是非常好的,但经历过三家世界500强IT企业的我几乎还没有见过除了做数字之外还关心其他事情的经理。当然也有可能是我的运气不太好,但我的经历至少可以部分证明在中国,能有这样的管理意识,并且还能处在这样的工作氛围之下的经理实在是太少了。如果经理没有这种管理意识,或者说公司根本不关心,也不给这种机会,那么再好的建议也是白搭。举了很实际的例子,针对第二条的鼓励公开交流的建议,我目前所处的知名IT公司市场营销团队中,大家的确会交流,也都知道彼此目前都在做什么项目,但是你指望我会及时的,坦诚的把项目中的信息,遇到的困难,和自己的感悟跟你交流,那是白日做梦了。营销项目本来就是公司最机密的商业信息之一,机密的不是项目本身,而是项目的细节,比如你今年有多少预算,这个项目你打算用多少等等;这些信息经理不但不会鼓励交流,反而会告诫大家 it's confidential, guys

关于知识型员工的管理其实是一个非常大的话题,有兴趣了解的同学,给大家推荐一本优秀作品,多伦多大学洛特曼商学院院长罗杰马丁与宝洁CEO雷富礼合著的《战略制胜》(Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works)哈佛商业评论出版社,2013年


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发表于 2014-8-7 06:41:32 | 只看该作者

发表于 2014-8-7 08:30:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-8-7 08:51:13 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-8-7 09:37:26 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-7 09:40:54 | 只看该作者
ffffionabear 发表于 2014-8-7 06:41

ps····我能说我的部门就我一个人么~~妈蛋我都跟人事妹纸一起分享···八卦!!看来是 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-7 09:42:22 | 只看该作者
cherry6891 发表于 2014-8-7 08:30
谢谢Ace,个人感觉直线经理和公司氛围很关键,我们小组氛围还可以,大家开诚布公,大组的workshop就流于形式 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-7 09:43:55 | 只看该作者
疏离无罪 发表于 2014-8-7 09:37

发表于 2014-8-7 10:07:13 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-8-7 13:31:35 | 只看该作者
感谢楼主自己的工作经验分享。其实我想说,有时候我们受客观条件和环境限制,更多地去遵循 rules ,而忘记了 去 尽最大努力给身边的人和事物以积极的影响和改变。看了这篇文章,我对自己做人做事的格局进行了烦思
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