Tired from a whole day's works, a person usually selects his favoriteway to relax. Some individuals may turn to varieties of movies and books, makingthe assertion that it is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a bookthan by doing physical exercise. As far as I am concerned, however, thisstatement is somewhat exaggerated and in reality, doing exercises is an equalor even better choices.
Admittedly, nobody can disclaim that watching movies and readingbooks are both relaxing in some aspects. When individuals are attracted tothose appealing plots in books and movies, they distract themselves from fiercecompetitions and heavy pressures. This kind of relaxation, however, is oftentemporary. It means that when finish the magic stories, people have no otherchoices but to return back to their real life and face all those tough stuffsagain. In addition, this kind of relaxing also brings series of problems suchas eyesight degradation, poor physical health resulted from less exercise, anda lack of essential social interactions as well. By contrast, physical exercisefixes all these problems. Not only will individuals obtain enough relaxation,but they acquire qualities crucial for their future careers.
On the one hand, people will have easy access to enough relaxation throughphysical sports. Take playing tennis as an instance, instead of simply brainworks, people concentrate themselves on specific movements of the whole bodies,such as how to hit the ball from a right angle Without complex formulas andfiles filled with words, brains get valuable chances to relax. Moreover,through consistently shouting and laughing, people release their depressive emotions,totally cleaning up garbage deposited on minds. According to a recent research,students who regularly exercise tend to make better performances in academicsthan those who do not. Compared with the short-term effects from eitherwatching movies or reading books, the benefits of exercise are apparently morepractical and lasting. Because it helps people both relax well and concentrate on their tasks better in the long run.
On the other hand, through exercise, people gain qualities andabilities which contribute to their further advancement in careers. First, exerciseis a traditional way to strengthen bodies. And a strong body enables the personto work for a long time and deal with multiple tasks without being disturbed byfrequent sicknesses. Second, doing sports also enhance people's abilities ofteam works. During the process, people learn how to trust others whennecessary, present their unique ideas and maximize the achievements throughteam works. Just as people cooperate well with each other in a sports team, incareer, they will get along well with their colleagues, struggle to finish jobsbefore the deadline, and defeat other competitors in the market. Finally, they willstep in the success in careers. To this extent, physical exercise appears againto a better way to relax than movies and books since it brings people morebenefits besides just relaxation.
In a nutshell, doing physical exercise is so important a way to helppeople relax that it is in some extent even more efficacious thanwatching movies and reading books. This method helps individuals relax better,strengthens their bodies, and improves their skills in social interactions,enabling them to live better life in the future.