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楼主: psyche89
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[语文] 高智威阅读机经26+1分析

发表于 2013-1-16 08:30:39 | 只看该作者

对比c选项,fatty tissue不能被化石化,所以图里有,而化石里没有,因此图也不能说是错的。不需要有其他的进一步说明。

其实这题我还有纠结的是e选项,因为它貌似最学术。不过好像不怎么make sense. haha


The last members of a now-extinct species of a European wild deer called the giant dear lived in
Ireland about 16,000 years ago. Prehistoric cave paintings in France depict this animal as having a
large hump on its back. Fossils of this animal, however, do not show any hump. Nevertheless, there is
no reason to conclude that the cave paintings are therefore inaccurate in this regard, since ______.

A some prehistoric cave paintings in France also depict other animals as having a hump
B fossils of the giant deer are much more common in Ireland than in France
C animal humps are composed of fatty tissue, which dose not fossilize
D the cave paintings of the giant deer were painted well before 16,000 years ago
E only one currently existing species of deer has any anatomical feature that even remotely resembles a

第一句讲最后一支现存的欧洲野生鹿种,叫giant deer,曾经生活在16000年以前的爱尔兰。

最要命在于这篇文章没有答案,我个人比较倾向于选D。因为我觉得这句话需要选的应该还是一句表述洞穴壁画如何如何的句子。A项没有啥说服力,其他动物画不画驼峰没有办法证明giant deer有驼峰是正确的。我觉得B项不对是因为,文章里并没有说没有驼峰的化石是哪里的。C项是纠结我的一个选项,我觉得这一项也挺好。E项读起来感觉像是在证明化石是正确的,壁画是错的。
-- by 会员 psyche89 (2013/1/15 2:54:35)

 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-16 12:04:30 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-16 12:06:10 | 只看该作者


对比c选项,fatty tissue不能被化石化,所以图里有,而化石里没有,因此图也不能说是错的。不需要有其他的进一步说明。

其实这题我还有纠结的是e选项,因为它貌似最学术。不过好像不怎么make sense. haha


The last members of a now-extinct species of a European wild deer called the giant dear lived in
Ireland about 16,000 years ago. Prehistoric cave paintings in France depict this animal as having a
large hump on its back. Fossils of this animal, however, do not show any hump. Nevertheless, there is
no reason to conclude that the cave paintings are therefore inaccurate in this regard, since ______.

A some prehistoric cave paintings in France also depict other animals as having a hump
B fossils of the giant deer are much more common in Ireland than in France
C animal humps are composed of fatty tissue, which dose not fossilize
D the cave paintings of the giant deer were painted well before 16,000 years ago
E only one currently existing species of deer has any anatomical feature that even remotely resembles a

第一句讲最后一支现存的欧洲野生鹿种,叫giant deer,曾经生活在16000年以前的爱尔兰。

最要命在于这篇文章没有答案,我个人比较倾向于选D。因为我觉得这句话需要选的应该还是一句表述洞穴壁画如何如何的句子。A项没有啥说服力,其他动物画不画驼峰没有办法证明giant deer有驼峰是正确的。我觉得B项不对是因为,文章里并没有说没有驼峰的化石是哪里的。C项是纠结我的一个选项,我觉得这一项也挺好。E项读起来感觉像是在证明化石是正确的,壁画是错的。
-- by 会员 psyche89 (2013/1/15 2:54:35)

-- by 会员 manad (2013/1/16 8:30:39)

发表于 2013-1-16 12:45:55 | 只看该作者


-- by 会员 psyche89 (2013/1/16 12:04:30)

 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-16 13:12:50 | 只看该作者
我懂你的意思了 嗯嗯。这种题做的好纠结啊,逻辑关系怎么找啊


-- by 会员 psyche89 (2013/1/16 12:04:30)

-- by 会员 manad (2013/1/16 12:45:55)

 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-16 22:53:03 | 只看该作者

In February 1848 the people of Paris rose in revolt against the constitutional monarchy of
Louis-Philippe. Despite the existence of excellent narrative accounts, the February Days, as this revolt
is called, have been largely ignored by social historians of the past two decades. For each of the three
other major insurrections in nineteenth-century Paris—July 1830, June 1848, and May 1871—there
exists at least a sketch of participants’ backgrounds and an analysis, more or less rigorous, of the
reasons for the occurrence of the uprisings. Only in the case of the February Revolution do we lack a
useful description of participants that might characterize it in the light of what social history has taught
us about the process of revolutionary mobilization.

Two reasons for this relative neglect seem obvious. First, the insurrection of February has been
overshadowed by that of June. The February Revolution overthrew a regime, to be sure, but met with
so little resistance that it failed to generate any real sense of historical drama. Its successor, on the other
hand, appeared to pit key socioeconomic groups in a life-or-death struggle and was widely seen by
contemporary observers as marking a historical departure. Through their interpretations, which exert a
continuing influence on our understanding of the revolutionary process, the impact of the events of
June has been magnified, while, as an unintended consequence, the significance of the Februaryinsurrection has been diminished. Second, like other “successful” insurrections, the events of February
failed to generate the most desirable kinds of historical records. Although the June insurrection of 1848
and the Paris Commune of 1871 would be considered watersheds of nineteenth-century French history
by any standard, they also present the social historian with a signal advantage: these failed
insurrections created a mass of invaluable documentation as a by-product of authorities’ efforts to
search out and punish the rebels.

Quite different is the outcome of successful insurrections like those of July 1830 and February
1848. Experiences are retold, but participants typically resume their daily routines without ever
recording their activities. Those who played salient roles may become the objects of highly embellished
verbal accounts or in rare cases, of celebratory articles in contemporary periodicals. And it is true that
the publicly acknowledged leaders of an uprising frequently write memoirs. However, such documents
are likely to be highly unreliable, unrepresentative, and unsystematically preserved, especially when
compared to the detailed judicial dossiers prepared for everyone arrested following a failed insurrection.
As a consequence, it may prove difficult or impossible to establish for a successful revolution a
comprehensive and trustworthy picture of those who participated, or to answer even the most basic
questions one might pose concerning the social origins of the insurgents.

12.1. According to the passage, “a useful description of participants” (lines 11-12) exists for which of
the following insurrections of nineteenth-century France?
I. The July Insurrection of 1830
II. The February Revolution of 1848
III. The June insurrection of 1848
IV. The May insurrection of 1871
(A) I and III only
(B) II and IV only
(C) I, II, and III only
(D) I, III, and IV only
(E) II, III, and IV only

12.2. It can be inferred from the passage that support for the objectives of the February Revolution was
(A) negligible
(B) misguided
(C) fanatical
(D) spontaneous
(E) widespread

12.3. Which of the following, best describes the organization of the second paragraph?
(A) The thesis of the passage is stated and supporting evidence systematically presented.
(B) Two views regarding the thesis presented in the first paragraph are compared and contrasted.
(C) Evidence refuting the thesis presented in the first paragraph is systematically presented.
(D) The thesis presented in the first paragraph is systematically supported.
(E) The thesis presented in the first paragraph is further defined and a conclusion drawn.

12.4. It can be inferred from the passage that the author considers which of the following essential for
understanding a revolutionary mobilization?
(A) A comprehensive theory of revolution that can be applied to the major insurrections of the
nineteenth century
(B) Awareness of the events necessary for a revolution to be successful
(C) Access to narratives and memoirs written by eyewitnesses of a given revolution
(D) The historical perspective provided by the passage of a considerable amount of time
(E) Knowledge of the socioeconomic backgrounds of a revolution’s participants

12.5. Which of the following can be inferred about the “detailed judicial dossiers” referred to in line
(A) Information contained in the dossiers sheds light on the social origins of a revolution’s participants.
(B) The dossiers closely resemble the narratives written by the revolution’s leaders in their personal
(C) The information that such dossiers contain is untrustworthy and unrepresentative of a revolution’s
(D) Social historians prefer to avoid such dossiers whenever possible because they are excessively
(E) The February Revolution of 1848 produced more of these dossiers than did the June insurrection.

12.6. Which of the following is the most logical objection to the claim made in lines 38-39?
(A) The February Revolution of 1848 is much less significant than the July insurrection of 1830.
(B) The backgrounds and motivations of participants in the July insurrection of 1830 have been
identified, however cursorily.
(C) Even less is known about the July insurrection of 1830 than about the February Revolution of
(D) Historical records made during the July insurrection of 1830 are less reliable than those made
during the May insurrection of 1871.
(E) The importance of the July insurrection of 1830 has been magnified at the expense of the
significance of the February Revolution of 1848.

12.7. With which of the following statements regarding revolution would the author most likely agree?
(A) Revolutionary mobilization requires a great deal of planning by people representing disaffected
(B) The objectives of the February Revolution were more radical than those of the June insurrection.
(C) The process of revolutionary mobilization varies greatly from one revolution to the next.
(D) Revolutions vary greatly in the usefulness of the historical records that they produce.
(E) As knowledge of the February Revolution increases, chances are good that its importance will
eventually eclipse that of the June insurrection.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-17 04:07:47 | 只看该作者

首先简单的科普下文章里提到的几个法国重要的事件和人物:July 1830,February Revolution,June 1848,May 1871,Louis-Philippe,Paris Commune。最主要的目的是了解一下这些事件哪些成功了哪些失败了,这是文章的关键。
由于统治不利,加之王室财政出现问题,以及美国独立战争的胜利等等影响,波旁王朝在1789年爆发的法国大革命中被推翻。但是由于法国大革命的不成熟和不彻底,波旁王朝复辟了。但是百姓的不满仍然在加深,因此发生了1830的七月革命(July 1830),推翻了复辟的波旁王朝,上位的是路易-菲利浦(Louis-Philippe),也就是文章第一句话里提到的那位,这个王朝也叫“七月王朝”。这个王朝的掌权者都是极有钱的地主、铁路大亨、银行家等等,文章里叫他们key socioeconomic groups。他们的统治又招来社会各个阶层人民的不满,因此在忍无可忍的情况下,1848年二月革命(February Revolution)就爆发了,它推翻了Louis-Philippe的七月王朝,成立的是法兰西第二共和国。但是这之后工人阶级的日子依旧不好过,于是在同年爆发了六月起义(June 1848),但是失败了。文章里还提到了巴黎公社(Paris Commune),它成立于1871年,它的存在受到了其他方面极大的阻挠,最惨烈的事件是同年发生的五月流血周(May 1871)。注意 惨烈 这个词,这与这篇文章的内容非常有关系,是文章作者认为二月革命被忽视的一个重要原因。当然May 1871和巴黎公社最后的结果是失败的。

第三句和第四句是个对比,也是全文的主旨句,文章最后一段完美呼应了这两句。既然前面讲了被忽视,这两句就讲和什么相比二月革命被忽视。和July 1830,June 1848,May 1871这三个革命相比,二月革命被忽视了。因为这三个革命至少都有对参与者的背景的记录,以及革命发生原因的分析。而二月革命缺少对参与者的描述,也无法告诉我们革命的进程是什么样子的。(这里就是我觉得矛盾的地方,前面刚说二月革命有excellent narrative accounts,这里就讲关于二月革命的记录缺这缺那。)第12.1题考这里,问哪些革命记录了参与者的背景,直接对照原文吧。

第三、四句把这两个革命做了对比,进一步解释原因。原文说白了就是,二月革命虽然成功,但是成功的太容易了,都没遇到什么反抗,也没有戏剧性的事件。而六月起义,人家虽然结果失败,但是却让当时的掌权者(key socioeconomic groups,我觉得指的就是前文科普里这个时期掌权的大资本家)陷入生与死的挣扎之中。其实查阅历史也会发现,六月起义获得的评价是灰常灰常高的。(同理,为什么偶像剧里的高富帅男主角,放着白富美不要,偏要找灰姑娘,因为白富美就输在情节没有戏剧性这点上了!)
第六句讲第二个原因,像其它“成功”的革命一样,二月革命没有产生令人满意的历史记录。(这里我的疑问有两个,第一,为什么原文的successful加了引号;第二,这句话与第一段第二句的“excellent narrative accounts”矛盾啊,不解。)


发表于 2013-1-17 13:54:03 | 只看该作者




12.6 我选的也是D,依旧不理解为毛正确答案是B。。。
我定位的是在“Second, like other “successful” insurrections, the events of February
failed to generate the most desirable kinds of historical records. Although the June insurrection of 1848
and the Paris Commune of 1871 would be considered watersheds of nineteenth-century French history”。

12.7 我选的是D。我的理解是因为文中对比了几个革命,因为记录方式和内容的不同,产生的影响也不同。
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-17 22:26:19 | 只看该作者



12.7 我选的是D。我的理解是因为文中对比了几个革命,因为记录方式和内容的不同,产生的影响也不同。
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-17 23:52:07 | 只看该作者
今天是第13篇 讲小说Mary Barton的,是篇老文章啦,看着有木有很眼熟的赶脚?

Mary Barton, particularly in its early chapters, is a moving response to the suffering of the
industrial worker in the England of the 1840’s. What is most impressive about the book is the intense
and painstaking effort made by the author, Elizabeth Gaskell, to convey the experience of everyday life
in working-class homes. Her method is partly documentary in nature: the novel includes such features
as a carefully annotated reproduction of dialect, the exact details of food prices in an account of a tea
party, an itemized description of the furniture of the Bartons’ living room, and a transcription (again
annotated) of the ballad “The Oldham Weaver.” The interest of this record is considerable, even though
the method has a slightly distancing effect.

As a member of the middle class, Gaskell could hardly help approaching working-class life as an
outside observer and a reporter, and the reader of the novel is always conscious of this fact. But there is
genuine imaginative re-creation in her accounts of the walk in Green Heys Fields, of tea at the Bartons’
house, and of John Barton and his friend’s discovery of the starving family in the cellar in the chapter
“Poverty and Death.” Indeed, for a similarly convincing re-creation of such families’ emotions and
responses (which are more crucial than the material details on which the mere reporter is apt to
concentrate), the English novel had to wait 60 years for the early writing of D. H. Lawrence. If Gaskell
never quite conveys the sense of full participation that would completely authenticate this aspect of
Mary Barton, she still brings to these scenes an intuitive recognition of feelings that has its own
sufficient conviction.

The chapter “Old Alice’s History” brilliantly dramatizes the situation of that early generation of
workers brought from the villages and the countryside to the urban industrial centers. The account of
Job Legh, the weaver and naturalist who is devoted to the study of biology, vividly embodies one kind
of response to an urban industrial environment: an affinity for living things that hardens, by its very
contrast with its environment, into a kind of crankiness. The early chapters—about factory workers
walking out in spring into Green Heys Fields; about Alice Wilson, remembering in her cellar the
twig-gathering for brooms in the native village that she will never again see; about Job Legh, intent on
his impaled insects—capture the characteristic responses of a generation to the new and crushing
experience of industrialism. The other early chapters eloquently portray the development of the
instinctive cooperation with each other that was already becoming an important tradition among

13.1. Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude toward Gaskell’s use of the method of
documentary record in Mary Barton?
(A) Uncritical enthusiasm
(B) Unresolved ambivalence
(C) Qualified approval
(D) Resigned acceptance
(E) Mild irritation

13.2. According to the passage, Mary Barton and the early novels of D. H. Lawrence share which of
the following?
(A) Depiction of the feelings of working-class families
(B) Documentary objectivity about working-class circumstances
(C) Richly detailed description of working-class adjustment to urban life
(D) Imaginatively structured plots about working-class characters
(E) Experimental prose style based on working-class dialect

13.3. Which of the following is most closely analogous to Job Legh in Mary Barton, as that character is
described in the passage?
(A) An entomologist who collected butterflies as a child
(B) A small-town attorney whose hobby is nature photography
(C) A young man who leaves his family’s dairy farm to start his own business
(D) A city dweller who raises exotic plants on the roof of his apartment building
(E) A union organizer who works in a textile mill under dangerous conditions

13.4. It can be inferred from examples given in the last paragraph of the passage that which of the
following was part of “the new and crushing experience of industrialism” (lines 46-47) for many
members of the English working class in the nineteenth century?
(A) Extortionate food prices
(B) Geographical displacement
(C) Hazardous working conditions
(D) Alienation from fellow workers
(E) Dissolution of family ties

13.5. It can be inferred that the author of the passage believes that Mary Barton might have been an
even better novel if Gaskell had
(A) concentrated on the emotions of a single character
(B) made no attempt to re-create experiences of which she had no firsthand knowledge
(C) made no attempt to reproduce working-class dialects
(D) grown up in an industrial city
(E) managed to transcend her position as an outsider

13.6. Which of the following phrases could best be substituted for the phrase “this aspect of Mary
Barton” in line 29 without changing the meaning of the passage as a whole?
(A) the material details in an urban working-class environment
(B) the influence of Mary Barton on lawrence’s early work
(C) the place of Mary Barton in the development of the English novel
(D) the extent of the poverty and physical suffering among England’s industrial workers in the 1840’s
(E) the portrayal of the particular feelings and responses of working-class characters

13.7. The author of the passage describes Mary Barton as each of the following EXCEPT:
(A) insightful
(B) meticulous
(C) vivid
(D) poignant
(E) lyrical
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