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楼主: zhuyieqing
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发表于 2004-11-24 16:02:00 | 只看该作者

To gentlesam,

1. I am pretty sure that starting salary for MAcc is in range of 40k to 50k, depends on the location. if the job is in NYC, sure it may hits 50ks. I don't believe that new graduates with no experience at all will make more than 60k, even in NYC. if you know sb who make that much, possible that they have previous experience, or just exception. Go check www. to confirm.

2. Macc will make about 3k, at most 5k more than under, even from top school.The rank of school is not that big deal for acct students. I will say location of school counts more because they may have more intern chances. After you pass CPA exam, no body will care where you graduate from. of course go to best school as you can, but it's different from MBA.

3. Regarding you point that no american students will go to graduate school if no big difference in salary. one reason they want to go is more states require 150 credit hours(master degree) before you can sit for CPA exam.

I am not trying to augue but I want to clear it out and don't want to midleading others, especially those who are still in china or at school, and have high hope on Macc program.  Whether big 4 sponsor working visa, depends on individual offices. All big 4 have HR handle international visa/greencard issue, but they just don't bother so you will be told that they will not hire international students, if they can find americans.

I have been worked for 2 of big 4 and know several people in other 2, my words are first hand and from inside.  I pretty much agree what "zhuyieqing' said and the inf. she provided are more accurate.

 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-25 13:43:00 | 只看该作者

"Vivianjin" 能介绍一下你在四大的工作经验么。我现在已经进入第三轮interview了。Thanksgiving后第三次interview. 你的经验对我很有帮助。


发表于 2004-11-25 18:32:00 | 只看该作者

To zhuyieqing,

Which group are you interviewing? I am tax person so knows nothing about audit interview. for new graduates, they just want to see your personality and your transcript, it's very possible that you will get offer since you have enter 3rd round interview.

Regarding big 4 experience, busy, lot of pressure, but good training and build resume. That;s why so many new graduates want to go, not for high salary, just for gaining experience. In acct field, big 4 experience is just like degree from top school, you will benefit for your whole life. i never regret work for them but am happy I left them already. finnally i can have my life back.

good luck,

发表于 2004-11-25 23:20:00 | 只看该作者

请问vivian jin, 国外的big 4 压力也很大,需要常常OT,经常穿梭于不同的城市,没有自己的生活吗?

我现在在国内的big 4,厌倦了几乎没有私人空间的生活,想出去读书。可是有点迷惑,出去读个MSA再进国外的四大,而且可能又要从头做起。。。

感觉走回自己刚出国内大学时设计的老路,在BIG 4赚经验,再跳到企业。。。


发表于 2004-11-26 00:12:00 | 只看该作者


我刚刚从国内一个还算是名牌的大学毕业,挣扎了一年多,拿到了所需要的成绩和分数。放弃国内big 4的工作机会,自己有时候觉得很好笑:去美国念书就好像是自己在美国重新投胎一样,重复国内的生活,只是文化环境变了,语言变了,要远离自己亲人了。




发表于 2004-11-26 00:24:00 | 只看该作者

祝zhuyieqing interview 一切顺利  

祝vivianjin 工作顺利

发表于 2004-11-26 03:17:00 | 只看该作者




发表于 2004-11-26 03:34:00 | 只看该作者


Bentley College 和Suffolk University 你又觉得那个好一些呢? 这两个学校的情况是不是差不多?


发表于 2004-11-26 15:53:00 | 只看该作者

to vivianjin:

I have many friends and professors who are working or have worked for all of the Big 4 firms in America.  My information is also very inside and accurate.  They do have a starting salary of over 50k after MAcc. The only difference is that they hold MAcc degree from a top 5 accounting program.  So the reputation of the school MATTERS.  If people all have CPA licence, then the School name will be definitely very important.  

Regarding the 150 hour rule on CPA, as long as you have 150 credits, no matter they are from undergraduate or MAcc, you are eligiable to take the CPA exam in America.  You can check the AICPA website for detail information.

Different people meet different situations and have different views, we are here to provide information we have, not to argue!!  Also, thank you for your information.

发表于 2004-11-26 16:18:00 | 只看该作者

I do agree with gentlesam’s point of view!

The rank of the school DOES matter! Many of my classmates work for big 4 and my best friend is working for Deloitte & Touche. I know for sure that many students from small and infamous colleges and universities cannot even have access to big 4! On the other hand, big 4 come to my university to recruit every semester because we are the best university in the state, which is kind of small and backward state in America. My other friends from another colleges don’t even have opportunity to interview with big 4!

I agree with information that the location of the school does matter in some cases. But many of the graduates from infamous accounting programs can only get into local CPA Firms with lower starting salaries. So depends on what people’s individual needs, they can choose what they want.

Definitely, the best MAcc programs (for example, UIUC, UT-Austin) will have very good alumni networks upon graduation, which is very important for the career development of accounting professionals.

To vivianjin, please do not mislead the people who want to go to MAcc programs just because you didn't attend a top Macc program and the fact that you are working for a big 4 based on what you said. We should look at the trend on the job market rather than some special cases. Thank you for your intent to provide accurate information, although I don’t agree with what you said.

I think we Chinese students have good GMAT scores and hard working spirit, why don’t we go to top MAcc programs rather than “Bentley College 和 Suffolk University”. I strongly encourage our fellow Chinese students to apply to the top MAcc programs in America for the future of themselves and China.  

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