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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障5系列】【5-09】文史哲

发表于 2012-7-30 08:25:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Eleanor Roosevelt, 1884-1962: She Was the Most Influential Wife of Any American President

STEVE EMBER: I'm Steve Ember.

SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: And I'm Shirley Griffith with People in America in VOA Special English. Today, we tell about the woman who was the most influential wife of any American president, Eleanor Roosevelt.

STEVE EMBER: Eleanor Roosevelt was the wife of America's thirty-second president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. She helped her husband in many ways during his long political life. She also became one of the most influential people in America. She fought for equal rights for all people -- workers, women, poor people, black people. And she sought peace among nations.

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born in New York City in eighteen eighty-four. Eleanor's family had great wealth and influence. But Eleanor did not have a happy childhood. Her mother was sick and nervous. Her father did not work. He drank too much alcohol. He was not like his older brother, Theodore Roosevelt, who was later elected president. When Eleanor was eight years old, her mother died. Two years later, her father died. Eleanor's grandmother raised the Roosevelt
children. Eleanor remembered that as a child, her greatest happiness came from helping others.

SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: In the early nineteen hundreds, many people were concerned about the problems of poor people who came to America in search of a better life. Eleanor Roosevelt could not understand how people lived in such poor conditions while she and others had so much wealth.
After she finished school, Eleanor began teaching children to read in one of the poorest areas of New York City, called "Hell's Kitchen." She investigated factories where workers were said to be badly treated. She saw little children of four and five years old working until they dropped to the floor. She became involved with other women who shared the same ideas about improving social conditions.

Franklin Roosevelt began visiting Eleanor. Franklin belonged to another part of the Roosevelt family. Franklin and Eleanor were married in nineteen-oh-five. In the next eleven years, they had six children.

STEVE EMBER: Franklin Roosevelt began his life in politics in New York. He was elected to be a state legislator. Later, President Woodrow Wilson appointed him to be assistant secretary of the Navy. The Roosevelts moved to Washington in nineteen thirteen.

It was there, after thirteen years of marriage, that Eleanor
Roosevelt went through one of the hardest periods of her life.
She discovered that her husband had fallen in love with another woman. She wanted to end the marriage. But her husband urged her to remain his wife. She did. Yet her relationship with her husband changed. She decided she would no longer play the part
of a politician's wife. Instead, she began to build a life with interests of her own.

In nineteen twenty-one, Franklin Roosevelt was struck by the terrible disease polio. He would never walk again without help. His political life seemed over, but his wife helped him return to politics. He was elected governor of New York two times.
SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Eleanor Roosevelt learned about politics and became involved in issues and groups that interested her. In nineteen twenty-two, she became part of the Women's Trade Union League. She also joined the debate about ways to stop war. In those years after World War One, she argued that America must be involved in the world to prevent another war.

"eace is the question of the hour," she once told a group of women. "Women must work for peace to keep from losing their loved ones."

The question of war and peace was forgotten as the United States entered a severe economic depression in nineteen twenty-nine. Prices suddenly dropped on the New York stock market. Banks lost their money. People lost their jobs.

STEVE EMBER: Franklin Roosevelt was elected president in nineteen thirty-two. He promised to end the Depression and put Americans back to work.

Mrs. Roosevelt helped her husband by spreading information about his new economic program. It was called the New Deal. She traveled around the country giving speeches and visiting areas that needed economic aid.

Mrs. Roosevelt was different from the wives of earlier presidents. She was the first to become active in political and social issues. While her husband was president, Mrs. Roosevelt held more than three hundred news conferences for female reporters. She wrote a daily newspaper commentary. She wrote for many magazines. These activities helped spread her ideas to all Americans and showed that women had important things to say.
SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: One issue Mrs. Roosevelt became involved in was equal rights for black Americans. She met publicly with black leaders to hear their problems. Few American politicians did this during the nineteen thirties and nineteen forties. One incident involving Mrs. Roosevelt became international news. In nineteen thirty-nine, an American singer, Marian Anderson, planned a performance at Constitution Hall in Washington. But a conservative women's group refused to permit her to sing there because she was black.

STEVE EMBER: Mrs. Roosevelt was a member of that organization, the Daughters of the American Revolution. She publicly resigned her membership to protest the action of the group. An opinion study showed that most Americans thought she was right. Eleanor Roosevelt helped the performance to be held outdoors, around the Lincoln Memorial.
More than seventy thousand people heard Marian Anderson sing.
Mrs. Roosevelt was always considered one of the strongest supporters of the civil rights movement.

SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: The United States was forced to enter World War Two when Japanese forces attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in nineteen forty-one.
Mrs. Roosevelt made many speeches over the radio praising the soldiers she saw on her travels. She called on people to urge their government to work for peace after the war was over.

Franklin Roosevelt died in nineteen forty-five, soon after he was elected to a fourth term as president. When his wife heard the news she said: "I am more sorry for the people of this country than I am for myself."
STEVE EMBER: Harry Truman became president after Franklin Roosevelt died. World War Two ended a few months later. The leaders of the world recognized the need for peace. So they joined together to form the United Nations. President Truman appointed Mrs. Roosevelt as a delegate to the first meeting of the UN. A newspaper wrote at the time: "Mrs. Roosevelt, better than any other person, can best represent the little people of America, or even the world."

Later, Mrs. Roosevelt was elected chairman of the U.N. Human Rights Commission. She helped write a resolution called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. That declaration became an accepted part of international law.

SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Mrs. Roosevelt spent the last years of her life visiting foreign countries. She became America's unofficial ambassador. She returned home troubled by what she saw. She recognized that the needs of the developing world were great. She called on Americans to help the people in developing countries.

A few years before she died, Eleanor Roosevelt spoke about what she believed in life. This is what she said:

ELEANOR ROOSEVELT: "This life always seems to me to be a continuing process of education and development. What we are preparing for, none of us can be sure. But, that we must do our best while we are here and develop all our capacities is absolutely certain. We face whatever we have to face in this life. And if we do it bravely and sincerely, we're probably accomplishing that growth which we were put here to accomplish."

STEVE EMBER: Eleanor Roosevelt gave the best she had all through her life. People around the world recognized their loss when she died in nineteen sixty-two.


The Supreme Court and Voluntary Integration
Comment by James E. Ryan

This past Term, the Supreme Court wrote the latest chapter on school desegregation. In Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1, a fractured Court struck down two voluntary school integration plans, one from Seattle and the other from Jefferson County, Kentucky. The Court found neither plan sufficiently narrowly tailored to survive strict scrutiny. A four-Justice plurality, in an opinion by Chief Justice Roberts, seemed inclined to go further and rule that voluntary integration does not advance a compelling interest, thus completely prohibiting the use of race in student assignments. But the opinion only hinted in that direction. Justice Thomas, who joined the plurality’s opinion in full but wrote a separate concurrence, would have taken that extra step and prohibited most if not all attempts to achieve racially integrated schools, which he described as an elitist fad.

Justice Kennedy provided the proverbial fifth vote, joining the Court’s opinion but not the plurality’s. He also wrote a separate concurrence to make clear that he would approve some consideration of race to achieve some measure of integration under some circumstances. Justice Breyer wrote a lengthy and passionate dissent, joined by Justices Stevens, Souter, and Ginsburg, which focused almost exclusively on the plurality’s opinion. Justice Stevens wrote a separate dissent, which asserted that the decision was a radical break from precedent. All of the Justices who wrote, like the parties and amici in the case, fought over who was more faithful to Brown and whether that decision today requires colorblindness or permits affirmative steps to assist and protect minority students.

There are many things one could say about this case, and undoubtedly much will be said in the months and years to come. Some will focus on doctrine and methodology, others on what the decision suggests about the direction of the Roberts Court, and still others on the views of individual Justices. Tempting as it might be, I cannot cover all of these topics in depth in one brief essay. Instead, I would like to discuss how this case fits within the broader context of school desegregation and education reform, and I would like to concentrate on a seemingly simple question: is this decision important and, if so, why?

My answer is mixed. On the one hand, this decision does not change much on the ground. The truth is that racial integration is not on the agenda of most school districts and has not been for over twenty years. Modern education reform efforts might still share the goal of equalizing educational opportunities for minority students, which the Court in Brown embraced. But integration is not generally the means of choice to achieve that goal, nor is the Supreme Court the key arena. Advocates and reformers have turned their attention elsewhere, and today battles are waged in legislatures and in state courts over school funding, school choice, standards and testing, and access to preschool. The dominant question, moreover, is which of these reforms will improve academic achievement as measured primarily, if not exclusively, by standardized test scores. The idea that schools should also teach students from diverse backgrounds how to cooperate in preparation for citizenship, like the idea of integration, has been pushed into the background.

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发表于 2012-7-30 08:50:18 | 只看该作者
Supreme Court's latest chapter on school desegregation about integration plan;
two places:S &JCK
JRpposite-use of race in students assignments
but,opinion-hint in direction
JT-plurality opinion, with extra step
JK-no.5 vote, join court's opinion but not plurality
JB-wrote a lenthy&passive dissent, plurality'sopinion
JS-wrote a seperate dissent, radical break
some focus on doctrin&methodology
others focus on decision
and others focus on views of individual justice
The author question:is the decision important, if so, why?
1.the decision does not change much on the ground
2.schools should also teach students from diverse backgrounds how to cooperate in preparation for citizenship .
发表于 2012-7-30 08:58:15 | 只看该作者

ER born in a wealth family, but she did not have a happey childhood. Her
father and mother lived a unnormal life and died early, and she was
fostered by her grandfather.
She is the wife if R, one of the American prisdent, She heled him a lot in
his career, thus the most influential wife of any prisdent.
after she graduated from school she become a teacher in a poor area, and
she thouht why poor? and she did a lot to help them.
She married with R, but then she found fell in love other women, she tried
to devorse, and R beged her to be his political wife. So she basical not
happen, bur she decided to live a interesting life for herself.
Her husband become the prisdent at 32, so young, and she traveling arond to
pronounce her political view. She also attended many orgnizations to
discuss the issues she interested in.
unlike the formar wife of prisdent of american, ER is active and help a lot
a black singer holding a performance in a place where belong to a women
union,   but but union refused since she is Black. and RE She helped her
fulfill. ER also do a lot for the Black.
At the World War 2, she make presentation to provoke the younge fight for
the peace of the World.
Her husband died, she said she felt more sorry for the American than for
after her husband died, she was appoint as the delegate of the first
meeting of UN. and People though she can totally present the position.
She spended a lot time to travel, and found that the African Countries were
so poor. She was troubled after back, then she apealed that American should
help the undeveloped countries.
then she died and left a famous remark:This life always seems to me to be a
continuing process of education and development. What we are preparing for,
none of us can be sure. But, that we must do our best while we are here and
develop all our capacities is absolutely certain. We face whatever we have
to face in this life. And if we do it bravely and sincerely, we're probably
accomplishing that growth which we were put here to accomplish."(此部分为抄录)
the Supreme Court wrote the lastest chapter on schoold desegration. several schools involved, however the court fractured stuck the pretaining plans. ans court found that none of the plans is narrowly enough to be under  scrutiny.
four Justices show their concurrences over the racial integration plan.
and there are many thing one can focus about this issue, such as the method, doctrine and methodology. the author think what is most important is to confirm whether this issue is really important.
the answer is mixed: one hand, the integration plan is not on the agenda of most school for at least 20 years.
other more important thing are the reform of the school funding, the school choices, and the standands and testing.
the dominant question is which of these reform will improve the accdemic achevements.
tailored: adj 定制的
Concurrence: n 同时发生的,赞同, 合作
plurality: n 多面性, 多样性
fad:an interest followed with exaggerated zeal
发表于 2012-7-30 09:32:07 | 只看该作者
1.56  233
E, one of most influential wife of American president. She has a wealth family but a unhappy childhood. She gain happiness from helping others.
2.06  260
E’s marriage life.
1.49  246
E’s politic career.
1.55  253
E’s contributions.
2.13  282
E’s belief and what she sayings and the evaluation of her:great loss of the world.
5.33   535
MI: whether school integration should be impose.
Various views about this issue.
Educators focus on other means to realize the equality.
发表于 2012-7-30 09:41:09 | 只看该作者


Main topic: Is the integration good or bad?
1. Background: The court has made a decision on the case of integration of students. The court thought that students assignment based in race is unconstitutional.
2. Ideas from different Justice:
1) K: He agree the decision made by court to some extent.
2) B: He wrote a dissent.
 S: He wrote a dissent.
3. Influence of this case/ put forward a question: Is the decision important, if so, why?
4. Author’s opinion:
1) The decision cannot change the situation that the minority faced indeed. Although it is important to improve the educational level of minority students, integration by itself is not a good way to achieve the goal.
2) In the other hand, the integration can teach student to prepare for the corporation for citizenship.
发表于 2012-7-30 10:22:27 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-7-30 12:36:31 | 只看该作者

people's opinion towards disegregation and my opinion.
Super court' opinion, J K' opinion couldn't ...but not plurality's. Some support assist protect minority ss.
But wether this fits larger scale. i thinke, is this important? if so? why?
altitudes mixed.does change much,but not the goa, wars in school. the dominant question, which will improve. school should also prepare ss from diversity background to adopt to citizen.

发表于 2012-7-30 12:38:56 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-7-30 12:41:33 | 只看该作者
Obstacle:说实话...没读懂啊..再继续去读吧- -
The Supreme Court denied 2 plans about desegregation because neither of the 2 schools has gone through the scrutiny.
There are 2 groups of people holding different opinions about integration and how to protect minority students.
In author’s opinion, the fundamental question is: whether school desegregation is important. He thinks that the answers is mixed because on the one hand modern school might still have the goal to achieve equality of all students from different ethnics but on the other hand, people now pay more attention on the other aspects such as school choice so that the school integration becomes the background.
发表于 2012-7-30 14:37:13 | 只看该作者
recall完全无力啊,看完纯记不住,就记得superme court made some decisions concerning integration

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