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[原始] 辞职两个月刷G,8.17一战730,放狗

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发表于 2017-8-18 00:37:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
上午刚从北京考完G,Q 50,V 39, IR 6. 中午因为贪小伙伴一顿午餐,结果高铁没票了。。。此刻在平生第一次坐的卧铺车上放狗给大家。考试前一天晚上超级紧张,一直失眠到3点,比高考还紧张 555,小仙女和小王子(?)不要向我这样。早餐吃的是面包+红牛,正是那罐红牛让我一直精神抖擞撑到现在放狗。。。
  • 一 数学:数学JJ已经很多了,我主要补充一些变体和补充吧。PS 楼主考试前一天晚上又重新过了一遍数学JJ(数学太差加上大学4年小语种和2年工作,数学忘得精光)
  • 1 一个变体:DS,问a,b是否均为Odd
    条件1: a+b Even
    条件2: a/b Odd
    2. 一道几何题DS,如图,印象中给出的两个条件都是变长,没有给角度,但是根据勾股定理,列方程是可以解出来的。
    3. 补充JJ第56题:DS: 有两个 SET,A 含 19 个数,B 含 17 个数,B给A一个,问的是 A 的平均数在给一个之前是否比B接受之前的平均数大。(题目,尤其是问题有点绕,the average of the set A previous to give one number to B is greater than the average of the set B privies to recent one number)

    条件 1: 给了一个之后,A和B的中位数都不变
    条件 2: 给了一个之后A和B的平均数都不变
    4 一个整数N吧,除以7余3,除以6余2,问除以5余几?
    5. DS:生产Shirt和Pants, shirt 造价0.05,卖0.1,pant 造价0.1(记忆模糊,但是比shirt造价贵),卖0.25。问题是shirt+pant是否大于5000(还是20000)
    条件1: 造价一共多少钱(算出来不满足)

    条件2: 一共卖了不少于多少钱(满足)
    6 有个二次函数的题,解起来还挺麻烦的,答案是-15/3 和3
    打折的那道题,点开吓一跳,上面是一个表格,下面好长一段话(废话。。)说Airline推出的促销Bla Bla,反正最重要的信息都在表格上。条件1:优惠的钱是原价的5/16,就选这个!看到那大段文字不要害怕哈!

    15 JJ123 补充,这道题还请大家来解答哈,当时懵了,140个卡片平均分给m个人,m大于等于2,每个人分得的卡片也大于等于2,问m的值。其他选项都排除了,但是两个选项犹豫了,一个为5,一个为10.
    16 河流的那道题:一条船,从 P 到 Q 逆流而上,水速是 v, 船的速度保持一致,问船速? 条件 1:从 P 到 Q,再回到 P,花了 4/3 hours
    条件 2:从 P 到 Q,再回到 P, 船走了 10 miles

    二 逻辑:

    三 阅读:阅读遇到了两篇JJ,一篇是妇女运动那篇,是17年OG上得阅读,我做了很多遍,但是题目有变,然而如果理解那篇文章的主旨,问题就很简单:主旨:the middle class reformers are unaware of the situation of workers,她们争论的点就是:是否abolish the children labor。另一篇就是核电Survey的那个第一题,JJ上内容很全,不赘述了。
    第一段:交代背景,14世纪的serf发现自己可种的土地越来越少了,crises 。讲到Serf完全属于lord,这里注意有提到law,就是法律就是这么规定的(有两道考题都涉及到了)。所以后面英国农村经济遭遇危机都是因为Lord沉迷于追求life style,不关注生产啊,Serf又无法自主耕种(注意Lord并没有Instruct serf种地,有考到)
    第二段进行了反驳,这种观点忽略了一个因素,那就是free serf(自耕民,后面有解释)他们可以自己耕地,还经常违抗Lord的命令。(所以后面考题,一定要看清楚是serf还是free serf,完全相反啊 老铁们)
    第三段讲,都这样了,lord们不能坐视不管啊,于是他们出了restriction 来限制耕地买卖啊什么的,然而,这更加剧了农村经济的恶化,最后导致崩溃了,整片完!
    还有一篇新RC,很短,是楼主第一篇碰上的阅读,然并卵,当时Q考完,去洗手间,突然想到自己河流那道题选错了,好难过,回来坐V的时候,心情好差,尤其是最重要的前几道题,哭死。所以在此提醒小仙女们,考完就忘呀!不要再想了啊,不要影响到后面的pace和心情!特别重要!这篇讲的是有很多模型,来算Profit,特别举了一个什么effect 模型,但是它有局限性,只能算某个阶段的Profit。第二段提到另外一个H设计的Modle规避了这一问题。
    问题问了主旨(不说答案了,做的很差 555)

    四 改错,主要考了平行结构和时态,总体不难。排除答案的时候,凭语感会比较危险,先从这两个入手比较有效,正确率也较高。考到了more than 和 as as 。

    五 IR只拿到6分。。。时间不够呀呀呀!前几题有认真做,为了给大家节省做IR的时间,仔细讲一下第一道题目,涉及三道题。
    第一段讲的是有三个Site,A,B,C,其中A和B已被发现并挖掘,但C只知道存在,但还没找到在哪。最后一句话很重要,优点难懂,突然蹦出这三个Site存在的三个时期I, II,III。
    第三段讲的是bowl+dish的数量代表财富Wealth,问题1 就从这里入手:问题也有点复杂:选Wealth Decrease Yes or No,下面是Site A,B and C,问wealth I到II时期,且II到III也decrease。
    读懂其实很简单,跳到第三个表格Inventory,看Bowl+Dish 数量在三个时期的变化,就好了。
    第三个题考的也是变化,注意第一个表格最后一段提到在SiteA发现的18个盘子是SiteC 生产的,在算第三题时要减去,但是就算减去之后也不会影响趋势。

    六 作文:就是Bus fares 不多说了,写完还剩35秒,吓出一身冷汗。


    • 带好证件(除了身份证,有护照的,建议也带上)
    • 最少提前半个小时到考试点,我这次去北京考试,监考老师说最少需要半个小时,因为一系列的身份确认,指纹录入,照相和检查,锁东西时间过的很快。另外,早一点进去,早点考试,休息和做完的时候也会早点出去,干扰相对少些,不像我这次是最后一个进去的,大家都走完,一个人答题的时候,好紧张 555
    • 衣着轻便,少兜(每次进出老师都让你全部翻一遍),不要佩戴饰品(少一项东西,就少一项检查啊),小仙女们的头发最好扎起来,还是带一件长袖衬衣,温度是16度,尤其是考V的时候,因为不用做很多演算,一直坐着,好冷,一边搓手,一遍推逻辑,不要太酸爽啊。
    • 很重要,私人物品分两个袋子装,一个只放水和食物,其他的什么都别放哦(纸都不行)

    后记:跟G就分手了,但是楼主还要去考托福。。。对,我就是还没看托福,还要在20天之内考托福+申请材料  555  摔!

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发表于 2017-8-18 01:25:15 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-8-18 01:33:27 | 只看该作者

Any analysis of why the early fourteenth-century agrarian economy was so predisposed to 'crisis' necessarily requires careful consideration of class and property relations on the land, for, as Robert Brenner and S. H. Rigby have both emphasized, these could be of decisive importance. At that time landlords exercised feudal rights of lordship over their tenants, many of whom were of servile status and therefore legally subordinate to their lords. This power relationship shaped the tenurial relationship between those who owned the land and those who occupied and worked it. Thus it was tenure, as regulated by landlords, that determined the supply of holdings and the form and level of rents that were charged. Until recently it was widely believed that feudal tenurial relationships sanctioned and facilitated the extra-economic exploitation of tenants by their lords. Together, the heaviness of rent charges and the arbitrariness of lordship discouraged and depressed tenant investment in agriculture. Meanwhile, lords were more interested in pursuing a feudal lifestyle of conspicuous consumption than in enhancing the productivity and profitability of their estates. The upshot, it has been claimed, was a vicious circle of underinvestment, static technology, and low and declining agricultural productivity.

Such pessimistic views of lords and their relations with their tenants have long exercised a compelling appeal. Nevertheless, they have become increasingly difficult to reconcile with a growing body of historical evidence. The preoccupation with serfdom overlooks the numerous free tenants who were exempt from the most coercive aspects of lordship. Free tenants mostly paid fixed and low rents and their property rights enjoyed the protection of the royal courts. The more substantial customary tenants were, in fact, relatively well off. Many of these tenants certainly paid a proportion of their rent in labour, but historians, probably because of a modern abhorrence of the institution of forced labour, have exaggerated its economic significance. In reality, only a minority of tenants actually performed labour services, and the aggregate value of rents in cash far exceeded that of rents in kind. Notwithstanding the much-vaunted powers of lordship, tenants had long been remarkably effective at opposing efforts by lords to raise rents and increase labour services in line with rising land values and commodity prices. They did so by countering seigniorial power with custom and denying that, as tenants, they were obliged to pay their lords anything more than a de facto ground rent for the land. Tenant right, in fact, often proved more powerful than landlord right.

As this article argues, the fact that so many tenants were in such conspicuous economic difficulties by the early fourteenth century had less to do with feudal lordship per se and the supposed oppressions and inequalities of serfdom, than with the contradictions and inefficiencies inherent in the coexistence of customary, contractual and commercial relationships. Herein lay the real source of the agrarian problem in the early fourteenth century. In so far as lords were the inadvertent agents of this adverse state of affairs, it was because their dealings with their tenants were typically more compliant than coercive. By yielding to tenant demands for access to land on terms that were so favorable to the tenants, lords created the preconditions for the subdivision and subletting that stoked population growth and thereby engendered the rural congestion that was the source of so much under- and unemployment, with all the negative consequences that this implies for labour productivity, living standards and purchasing power. This deteriorating situation in the countryside acted as a brake upon the continued growth of the economy and, from 1315, left increasing numbers ever more cruelly exposed to the heightened risk of environmental hazard
B:傳統的觀點認為,lord給tenant,特別是serf tenant (隸屬於lord的,給其交租納貢的tenant),帶來了極大的經濟壓力,因為tenant要交很高的稅負,要孝敬lord,缺乏人身自由。
S:因為其一,有很大一部分是non serf tenant,這些人只要交很低的錢,有很大的自由度,小日子還挺滋潤;其二,即便是serf tenant,他們的生活也沒有那麼糟糕,他們還是有一定自主權的,諸如lord要增加稅賦的時候,他們可以提出反對意見,並且有一定的力量。
S:但是中世紀的經濟還是惡化了,這是為什麼呢?究其原因,是因為,為了應付tenant想多租地擴大自身利益的欲望,地主想出了一系列方法。。。,生詞很多,看不太懂。。。結果就是造成巨大的 unemployment in rural area. 地主的這種做法相當於對經濟的一個“brake”,阻礙了14世紀的英國經濟發展。lord在表面上向tenant做了讓步使tenant獲得短期經濟利益,但是從長期來看,lord通過這些舉措遏制了人口和經濟的發展,並最終帶來了社會環境的惡化。

2,Free tenant例子的作用
3,关于landlord赋予free tenant对土地的权利,作者同意哪个
A.serve the short term and long terminterest of landlord;
B.serve the short term and long terminterest of tenant;
C.serve neither short term nor longterm interest of landlord;
D.serve neither short term nor longterm interest of landlord;
E.serve short term interest of tenantbut not the long term
 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-18 06:58:57 | 只看该作者
gar_bbbbb 发表于 2017-8-18 01:33

Any analysis of why the early fourteenth-century agr ...

是的呢!好厉害 是考古?
发表于 2017-8-18 09:16:09 | 只看该作者
leonorhao 发表于 2017-8-18 06:58
是的呢!好厉害 是考古?

发表于 2017-8-18 17:41:39 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-8-19 07:19:06 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-19 08:11:52 | 只看该作者
Omeng 发表于 2017-8-18 17:41

是的呢,不喜欢战线拉太长~ 还有就是弄完就可以去浪了呀~
发表于 2017-8-19 08:45:47 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-21 11:32:32 | 只看该作者
王百卉 发表于 2017-8-19 08:45

恩 最重要的一点就是,考完一场就忘掉一场,千万不要再想了,会影响下一场的~   加油!
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