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[SC悬赏令] 一道OG,求大大们解答一下!跪谢万分

发表于 2017-7-23 16:37:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
To attract the most talented workers, some companies are offering a wider range of benefits, letting employees pick those most important to them.
A benefits, letting employees pick those most important to them 分析该选项
B benefits, letting employees pick the most important of them to themselves 分析该选项
Cbenefits and letting employees pick the most important to themselves 分析该选项
Dbenefits and let employees pick the most important to them 分析该选项
Ebenefits and let employees pick those that are most important to themselves 分析该选项
正确答案: A
求问这里为什么要用letting, and let 错在哪里(听过Ron的视频,这里的ing是表示同一件事所以用的嘛?)
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发表于 2017-7-23 16:53:26 | 只看该作者
首先D,E从语法不平行这个角度就应该排除,and 前面动词是offering, 因此后面也应该是letting。
B选项“of them to themselves ”太冗杂,排除。
只剩A, C选项了,但从语法结构看,A和C都没错,但从语意来看,公司提供更广范围的福利,(使得)员工可以选择对他们最终要的(福利),前后有个因果关系,所以A选项,”letting...“是前面公司的行为导致的结果,因此比B选项单纯的平行动作要更好。
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