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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—45系列】【45-08】文史哲 Ferguson

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发表于 2014-12-1 01:24:13 | 显示全部楼层
TIME2  2’56’’
The grand jury decided not to bring indictment of the police, but there is no surprise to do that, we should blame MC.
The evidence MC interrupted the jury.
The background of MC( long history of siding of police)
The disadvantage of grand jury ( only to find a  reason)

TIME3 3’26’’
Three reasons: 1. Proceeding dragged on for months. 2. All of leaks 3. MC decided not to recommend a charge
In fact, MC chose to change jury’s views. This decision has profound implications.

TIME4 2’40’’
The unmitigated failure of government is very important. In F, what we  see is very different from what we learned in school.

TIME5 4’14’’
F is very disorganized. The F mayor K ignored the advice and demanded local police release a police report. And the state lead govern was no better.
A shot list of his failure.

TIME6 2’56’’
In dealing this problem, Obama has failures.
The reasons that author should point out :All entities should have good function.

The turmoil in F let people think about human right in USA.
Some news services pay attention to the story. And many of them charge USA with hypocrisy.
EG1: a similar event in history, and how the other countries responded.
EG2:how president E deal with a response. The story has a little-known end.
Today strong presidential leadership is needed. And the effect should depend on sustained efforts.
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