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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—37系列】【37-06】经管 Muddy Waters

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发表于 2014-5-29 23:35:22 | 显示全部楼层
文章很有趣呀,先交作业,明天再来看一遍. 不是金融专业的外行表示看着很热闹

Time2: 1'05''  Muddy Water wrote that the NQ is massive fraud and reported the wrong share on China. Deloitte has conducted an investigation on NQ and has not find any evidence.

Time3: 0'37'' The investigation is nearly completed and shows no evidence of the fraud. Muddy water has not made any comments on the investigation. NQ plans to report the final result once it publish the annual report.

Time4: 1'28''
Muddy Water has gain a large profit from shorting the Sino Forest company and many other hedge funds want to repeat this trick.

Time5: 1'06''

Time6: 1'44''
Muddy water conducted an investigation that shows RINO  is a dud and claims many false information about the company's profit and operation.

Obstacle: 3'33''
A research company muddy water has successfully spotted several fraudulent practices at Chinese companies and in turn causes these companies lost the value in the stock market.
Carson Block, the founder of Muddy Water research finds the fraudulent practices are not rare in Chinese companies and points several red flags of such companies.
Muddy water has been looking to make a bet on stocks it wants to buy for the long-term and has not found one yet.
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