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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障24系列】【24-19】经管 Greenspan

发表于 2013-9-16 11:27:56 | 显示全部楼层
Time 2 3’03
Alan Greenspan was highly evaluated when he retired. Then the article gives him both negative and positive evaluation during his tenure. However, the some economists claim the decline of inflation rate and the growth economy is not due to Greenspan’s effort.

Time 3 2’38
Some economists claim that only one tenth of the growth effort is belonging to monetary policy. While, some Greenspan’s fans conclude that he contributes tempopary economic growth in US, but the author think Greenspan was using the future growth as an expense. The last paragraph point out the current market still has so many flaws and crisis, under Greenspan’s watch.

Time 4 2’12
Greenspan has his own reason not to strike the housing bubble, instead to let it burst by itself.

Time 5+6 3’37
The author argues Greenspan’s inflation explanation one by one. At last, he concludes that Greenspan’s theory is not the best option and was not followed by ant other central banks.
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