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发表于 2010-12-16 04:11:15 | 显示全部楼层
看到一个6分得主的主谓宾展开法(用于AI), 结合楼主的缜密分析,写一个简单的E提纲练练

(1) TV and radio program should be censored. The following will discuss why, who and how to sensor. The main point is to what extent the gov. or other entity should  censor.

(2) Object - TV & radio program
Reasons to sensor:
a) as mass media, large number of audience, social influence, guidance as social value ....
b) in order to increase profits (attract more audience), some radio and TV program include offensive language and behavior which are bad to public:
example1 - kids; example 2 - privacy for movie star;
c) social value may be biased: by program host; by TV and Radio in centain countries:
example 1 - religion; example 2 - ethinic

(3) Subject - government or other group
who should reponsible for the censorship: entity with justice, fair, non-profit, and authority
thus, government is the primary entity to be responsible for censorship
whererise, NGO can take role

(4) Verb - be able to
how to censor, to what extent
a) criteria : what is offensive, who decide whether offensive or not,
b) it people's "freedom of speech"

(5) Conclusion:
a) should be censored
b) the proper entity with appropiate method: example "grading"
c) to what extent depends on cuontries.


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