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[Resume] 美本 + 四大两年 + GPA 3.87/4.00 求定位

发表于 2018-5-3 22:43:23 | 显示全部楼层
tarushentan 发表于 2018-5-3 22:38
四大audit背景pre-MBA直接转strategy&或者ATK这样的'Tier 2'都不容易,比较现实的增强背景的方式是考证、在 ...

So true!!!! I can barely survive 60 now...
I Agree big 4 audit to strategy consulting pre-MBA is unlikely. But it's very easy post-MBA.

Big 4 TS/TAS/Deals to strategy consulting is very doable. Two Seniors in my firm went to Delotte Consulting S&O, which is on-par or better than Strategy& or ATK.

Big 4 Advisory +1
发表于 2018-5-3 22:49:21 | 显示全部楼层
My friend, with decent execution in application, you can most definitely get into Kellogg or Booth. Living in Chicago, I know K/B folks with pure audit background and nothing more. It is not that hard when you are already working in the US.
发表于 2018-5-4 23:59:07 | 显示全部楼层
Dlove3 发表于 2018-5-4 11:00
谢谢您的回复,我注意到您说post-MBA做strategy consulting还是很有希望的,而后面一条评论中您也提到纯a ...

四大部门其实有两类。一类是战略咨询和投行。这种比较难进。另一类,无论审计还是什么所谓advisory的,都是或多或少的compliance / shit job。所以不觉得你转practice会给你加太多的分。反而early promotion,leadership opportunity, "audit innovation (aka we want to charge you more but can't think of anything else)" 都是可以炫耀一下的东西。看你的故事是什么了。你要是转一个align到你的career goal。那也是有帮助你的故事的。这只是MBA。

如果你想跳槽,那请立刻离开audit相关的。ERS我觉得都不太容易。不过你可以去Deloitte Consulting Technology. 进S&O肯定还是有难度的。看你手段了。。。

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Mark一下! 看一下! 顶楼主! 感谢分享! 快速回复:


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