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[校友答疑] 马上要申请加拿大的MBA,纠结选校,跪求各位大神指点~~~

发表于 2015-9-23 05:53:27 | 显示全部楼层
As a finance professional who works in Toronto, my three top choices for you would be
Rotman at U of T (costly, strong international reputation, relatively low ROI)
York Schulich, (better ROI than Rotman, more international Chinese students, but bad campus location)
or Western Ivey (strong alumni network)

Also, many business professionals in Toronto went to Wilfrid Laurier University's MBA including my manager.
It it not a globally recognized university but it is a locally well known university with high ROI, great employment placement after graduation and relatively cheaper tuition.

Btw your GMAT score is high enough to apply any Canadian universities, so no need to retake it.

Good luck!
发表于 2015-9-23 21:11:47 | 显示全部楼层
假如你只想留在西海岸可以考虑UBC,但是UBC的毕业生到东部几乎没什么竞争力(金融工作机会大部分在东部)Queen的本科很好,但是MBA我就不清楚了,IVEY的白人校友偏多,毕竟你不是在西方社会长大,所以对你以后network可能帮助不多,但York的中国人校友真的好多好多,多伦多金融界的中国人很多都是York毕业的,我觉得反而比较适合你的情况,而且不难申请。如果想留在加拿大的话,为了多大的名气而选择它我觉得反而不是那么rational, 毕竟多大只是在国际上有名,它商学院的口碑和就业率在加拿大本地真的一般般
发表于 2015-9-23 23:41:08 | 显示全部楼层
MAXHONEY 发表于 2015-9-23 23:14
谢谢~你说的都是我之前不了解的情况,对我来说非常有用。那请问你对麦马了解吗?应该是一个二流大学,但 ...

Sorry, back at work again, cannot type in Chinese.

Trust me, your are way more qualified to be admitted by decent schools like York schulich.

Here is a quick search I did for you about Schulich MBA requirements:

IELTS minimum 7.0

GMAT: "A competitive score based on our successful candidates is around 660. You should have a balanced score (at least 50th percentile) across all four measures of the exam."

Undergraduate GPA: Minimum "B" average ->  A B average is a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or 74-76% depending on the grading scale on your university transcript. For international degrees this may vary. The grading scale provided on your university transcript will help to determine if you fall within this range.

Dont even bother to apply McMaster - bad location and weak competition compared to other business schools we've discussed.

I recommend you to apply as many schools as possible first (such as Rotman, Schulich, Ivey, Queens and McGill), and make your decision UNTIL you got all the offers?

发表于 2015-9-26 01:11:30 | 显示全部楼层
MAXHONEY 发表于 2015-9-25 22:42
Hi Jon,

Thanks for your reply. I'm fine with the cold since I come from the north part of China.  ...

I grew up in Vancouver so trust me, don't apply B-schools in Vancouver (UBC,SFU) unless you wanna end up selling houses as a realtor

Again your GMAT score, GPA, and work experience are seriously good enough for admission. The only thing that you may wanna improve would be your english speaking skills which will help you nail the interview later. (btw, have you taken TOEFL yet?)

Dont be misled by your agent and underestimate yourself

PS: The winter here isn't really that bad compared to cities like Chicago or NYC, and Toronto is one of the few cities in North America that has the real authentic Chinese restaurants!
发表于 2015-9-26 11:32:25 | 显示全部楼层
MAXHONEY 发表于 2015-9-26 11:10
Then I delete UBC and SFU from my target list~

I didn't take TOEFL. I passed IELTS with overall s ...

我觉得你可以完全考虑申请一些别的提供实习机会(co-op)的Master, 如果没有北美经验,学校如果提供实习那真的太有帮助了,你的资历申请Ivey, Schulich, Queen还有Rotman松松的,真心不用担心,但记得一定要尽早申请!
发表于 2015-9-26 20:19:09 | 显示全部楼层
这些你要多跟学校的recruiters交流,每个学校的recruiter都很热情,会给你很多有用的建议,因为你的地理位置我想可能会安排Skype 或者电话面试?学校网站上都会有recruiter的电子邮箱,你可以直接发信息问问题,一般他们都回复很快的
不少学校包括Ivey, Rotman都会有CV assessment,你可以把你的简历总结好(最好是一页的简历)上传给他们看,他们会直接告诉你他们会不会建议你申请。我建议多刷刷他们的官网,你会发现很多很多有用的信息。
发表于 2017-4-7 02:08:18 | 显示全部楼层
missdarcy111 发表于 2017-3-17 14:24
你好。谢谢回复。最后加拿大我只申请了McGill 并且拿到了offer。不过现在纠结了。IESE 要我去面试。我在纠 ...

发表于 2017-4-25 02:24:47 | 显示全部楼层
missdarcy111 发表于 2017-4-7 13:42
谢谢!我现在担心的是就业问题。大家都说蒙特利尔经济不好,不好找工作。事实情况如何呢? ...

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