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黄金题目AA024 都是insufficience evidence的问题么?出点主意吧大家

发表于 2005-6-17 15:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用oookk在2005-6-16 17:55:00的发言:


The following appeared in a memo from the customer service division to the manager of Mammon Savings and Loan.

“We believe that improved customer service is the best way 无理假设,可以从必要性角度批驳。我偏说提高利率是最好的for us to differentiate ourselves from competitors and attract new customers. We can offer our customers better service by reducing waiting time in teller lines from an average of six minutes to an average of three.胡说八道。就算提高服务质量对银行又帮助,也不见得一定要缩短排队时间 By opening for business at 8:30 instead of 9:00, and by remaining open for an additional hour beyond our current closing time, we will be better able to accommodate the busy schedules of our customers. These changes will enhance our bank’s image as the most customer-friendly bank 充分性有问题。就算我们提高了服务质量很重要,就算我们能够通过缩短排队时间提高服务,但是我们银行地理位置又不好,利率又低,再好的服务大家也是不来的in town and give us the edge over our competition.”

这个好象同篇都是insufficient evidence似的;怎样套7个罪?

1.there are a lot of ways to be competetive in the market place and defferient the competetor.---Is this gratuitus assumption?or insufficient evidence?

2.No evidence to show the customer service will be better evidence?

3.also no evidence or exmaple to show these changes will enhance our bank’s image ===insufficient evidence?

还有如果都是证据不足,是放在同一段还是分开?看了7个罪,好象最拿手的是insufficient sample似的。。。。。帮忙开窍啊

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