
标题: GMAT 逻辑分析题 (14) [打印本页]

作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2010-11-23 11:18
标题: GMAT 逻辑分析题 (14)
Recently discovered prehistoric cave paintings on Diaoyu Dao, or Uotsuri Jima in Japanese, have archaeologists puzzled. The traditional theory about these cave paintings was that they were mostly a description of the favorite diets of the prehistoric painters. This “diet” theory cannot be right, because these painters must have needed to eat the animals populating the East China Sea if they were to make a living on the island and to sail across the East China Sea, but there are no paintings that distinctively depict these sea creatures in the cave.

Each of the following statements, if true, weakens the argument against the traditional theory about the cave paintings EXCEPT:

a) While living on the island, the cave painters hunted, caught, and ate land animals.
b) A significant part of the original cave paintings on the islands were lost during a tsunami.
c) The cave paintings that were recently discovered on the islands pictured many land animals.
d) The cave painters learned the Chinese traditional method of how to preserve meats.
e) These cave paintings on the island were completed by the original islanders who ate the meat of farmed land animals.
作者: 梦离ouzi    时间: 2010-11-23 12:00
D吧。Since they had learned the chinese traditional method implies that they must have made a living on the island and had sailed across the East China Sea. Hence, statement D supports the argument against the theory.
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2010-11-23 12:08
This is a tricky question.  You need to read the question prompt to know CLEARLY which theory or argument to support or weaken.
作者: fielcy    时间: 2010-11-23 12:12
Is that right to choose D which is irrelevant?

BTW, it is so surprise to know that you made up those questions by yourself.
作者: kevin0214    时间: 2010-11-23 12:33
P( live on the island and sail across Sea), Q(eat sea creature),X(paintings depict sea creature),Y(we see these paintings)
A表达: P推不出Q,可以解释非Y;

作者: kevin0214    时间: 2010-11-23 12:36
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2010-11-23 12:52
Very nice logic chain!  C is the only irrelevant answer choice among the five.  The other all weaken the author's argument.

Good job, Kevin.
作者: 梦离ouzi    时间: 2010-11-23 12:57
好难啊。。下次要乖乖拿起笔来分析了。If these questions were to appear on gmat it would take quite long to figure out.  你们好聪明唉。
作者: fielcy    时间: 2010-11-23 13:05

作者: efrenreyes    时间: 2010-11-23 22:14

回答的最努力的kevin,你的推理错误百出,我只指出你最开始的一个。考古学家的假设给出的Q和X的关系,并不是你所说的Q(eat sea creature) → X(paintings depict sea creature),恰恰相反,应该是:X → Q。并且如果你确实是在全部写出来以后,才完成了对此题的推理的话,那么很遗憾你的逻辑能力应该很难再上一步了。

好比这题的X → Q还是Q→X,一般人容易弄混(但这恰恰反映了你最原始的逻辑能力)。可能你认为二者是充要条件(暂且假设考古学家是对的),但是其实二者并不是,因为painters也可以Q(eat sea creature),但仍然“非”X(paintings depict sea creature),如果sea creature不是favorite diets of the prehistoric painters的话,则考古学家的假设仍然是对的。

原文试图用"there are no paintings that distinctively depict these sea creatures" ,基于"painters must have needed to eat the animals populating the East China Sea"这个假设,去argue against 考古学家的假设。注意按照题意"there are no paintings that distinctively depict these sea creatures" ,已经是一个客观事实,不容否认。那么要weaken the argument ,可以从以下几个方面入手:

1、weaken "painters must have needed to eat the animals populating the East China Sea" "if they were to make a living on the island ",这只是个假设,是可以weaken的。比如选项A,如果the cave painters hunted, caught, and ate land animals成立,那么假设就直接被weaken了,因为painters caught and ate land animals,因此不是must have needed to eat the animals populating the East China Sea;同理,选项E也直接weaken了该假设;

2、weaken "painters must have needed to eat the animals populating the East China Sea" " if they were to sail across the East China Sea" 。比如选项D,因为painters learned how to preserve meats,因此不是must have needed to eat the animals populating the East China Sea when they were sailing across the East China Sea;

3、指出原题"there are no paintings that distinctively depict these sea creatures"这个客观事实不全面,不具代表性。比如选项B,如果"A significant part of the original cave paintings on the islands were lost"成立,则"there are no paintings that distinctively depict these sea creatures"这个事实不全面,因为可能有大量的paintings that distinctively depict these sea creatures were lost;

4、选项C并不是无关选项,"paintings that were recently discovered on the islands pictured many land animals"具体化了"there are no paintings that distinctively depict these sea creatures"这个原题中已经给出的客观事实,那么如果考古学家的假设是对的,则 X(paintings depict land animals) → Q(painters eat land animals as favorite diets ) ,与原题所提出的"painters must have needed to eat the animals populating the East China Sea"(暗示sea creatures 才应该是 painters' favorite diets)的假设相悖。


作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2010-11-23 23:51
Hehe,  I will write a review later.
作者: kevin0214    时间: 2010-11-24 03:11
首先对efrenreyes对我逻辑漏洞的指出表示感谢!我很认真地拜读了您的回帖,并且对其中Q和X的解释很认真地思考了一遍,the favorite diets 和the food they ate的区别我并非没有看出来(当然我这样事后诸葛亮显得很假),但是后面的题干和选项中都没有关于favorite和unfavorite的比较,所以我自以为用the food they ate的意思带替代就足以判断答案了,当然事实证明这样会产生逻辑错误,这是我的失误,也谢谢efrenreyes指出。
     原本按照原文的意思the food was their favorite diets 和paitings depict the food是充要条件,但是我把the food was their favorite diets换成the food they ate之后,就只能从paitings depict the food推出the food was what they ate而不能反过来推了,这就是我的错误,也是efrenreyes指出的。
       “那么如果考古学家的假设是对的,则 X(paintings depict land animals) → Q(painters eat land animals as favorite diets ) ,与原题所提出的"painters must have needed to eat the animals populating the East China Sea"(暗示sea creatures 才应该是 painters' favorite diets)的假设相悖。”
      第一点,efrenreyes兄的第4比较费解,不过既然认为C不是无关,同时又是正确选项(非削弱),那么唯一的可能是加强。怎么加强的呢?我确实是看了几遍才理解的,我反应慢没办法。efrenreyes兄认为:在C(最新发现的洞穴画画了很多陆生动物)的条件下,如果考古学家是对的,则推出一个与原题中反驳者相悖的结论Q(画者把陆生动物当作最喜欢的食物),——以下是我补充的内容,我想efrenreyes要表达的是这个意思,也是我唯一想得到的C作为加强项的合理解释,请跳过破折号读——   所以Q不可能是对的,所以考古学家的理论也是错的(已知C为真,Q为假,则C→Q这个推理有误)。所以C通过证明考古学家的理论错误支持了反驳者的论证。
      第二点,即使Q(painters eat land animals as favorite diets) 为真,与原题所提出的"painters must have needed to eat the animals populating the East China Sea”有何相悖之处?“画者最喜欢的食物是陆生动物”和“画者必须吃鱼” 有任何相悖之处吗?如果我每天必须吃米饭,那我最喜欢吃的就必须是米饭?
      第三点, efrenreyes兄本想用来解释第二点提出的问题,就是括号中的“暗示sea creatures 才应该是 painters' favorite diets”  。“画者必须吃那些生活在中国东海中的水产”如何暗示了他们最喜欢吃的是海产?同样是米饭的比喻,必须吃跟喜欢吃显然没有推理关系。

      为何我认为C选项是无关呢?GMAT的无关指的是没有对我们考虑的“目标论证”有增强或者削弱的作用。注意上面对题目的分析,我们考虑的论证是哪一个呢?是对假说的那个反驳:“如果画者住在岛上并且来自中国东海岸,则他们必定要吃东海里的鱼。现在事实上画上没有鱼,所以这个假说(画者画的是他们最喜欢的食物)是错误的”   而C项给出的内容是:最近发现的洞穴画里有很多陆生动物。这个无关是非常明显的,它没有给出任何支持或者削弱这个论证的信息。
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2010-11-24 04:26
First, if the way I created this question caused some confusion among readers who tried to find the correct answer, please accept my sincere apology. Second, if the confusion led to your inability to pick the right answer, again, please accept my sincere apology. However, this is simply a weird test question I created, which is akin to a game for those who want to have some fun and is not a litmus test to rank any reader’s intelligence. That said, the following are my original thoughts on how to solve this problem.

Recently discovered prehistoric cave paintings on Diaoyu Dao, or Uotsuri Jima in Japanese, have archaeologists puzzled. The traditional theory about these cave paintings was that they were mostly a description of the favorite diets of the prehistoric painters. This “diet” theory cannot be right, because these painters must have needed to eat the animals populating the East China Sea if they were to make a living on the island and to sail across the East China Sea, but there are no paintings that distinctively depict these sea creatures in the cave.

Each of the following statements, if true, weakens the argument against the traditional theory about the cave paintings EXCEPT:

a) While living on the island, the cave painters hunted, caught, and ate land animals.
b) A significant part of the original cave paintings on the islands were lost during a tsunami.
c) The cave paintings that were recently discovered on the islands pictured many land animals.
d) The cave painters learned the Chinese traditional method of how to preserve meats.
e) These cave paintings on the island were completed by the original islanders who ate the meat of farmed land animals.

After reading the stimulus, it is apparent that this is a strengthen/weaken type of question paired with EXCEPT. Therefore, we're expecting four wrong answers among the five answer choices to weaken the argument and one correct answer not to weaken the argument. The correct answer might strengthen or have no impact on the argument.

Before analyzing the answer choices, let’s go over the core of this argument first. According to the stimulus:
1) There are no sea creatures in the cave paintings.
2) The painters would have needed to eat sea creatures to make a living on the island and to sail across the East China Sea.
The paintings were not mostly a description of the favorite diet of the prehistoric painters.

As we learned from working with GMAT logic questions, there are multiple ways to weaken an argument. You can either attack the premises on which the conclusion rests or undermine the conclusion by showing that the conclusion fails to account for some element or possibility. The job we have at hand is to find 4 ways to hurt the argument and eliminate them as wrong answers. The last one left standing would be the correct answer. With this strategy in mind, let’s jump into the answer choices

a) While living on the island, the cave painters hunted, caught, and ate land animals.
This statement weakens the argument by suggesting that the diet of the painters included land animals and did not need to include sea creatures. It is an attack on premise 2.

b) A significant part of the original cave paintings on the islands were lost during a tsunami.
This statement suggests that the cave paintings we have now are not complete and there might have been paintings depicting sea creatures in the cave. It is an attack on premise 1.

c) The cave paintings that were recently discovered on the islands pictured many land animals.
This statement is the correct answer. The author's argument is based on the lack of sea animals. How many land animals are in the paintings has no bearing on his argument.  It is irrelevant to the argument.

d) The cave painters learned the Chinese traditional method of how to preserve meats.
This statement weakens the argument by removing premise 2 from the consideration. If the preserved meats constitute cave painters’ staple food, they didn't need to eat sea creatures at all.

e) These cave paintings on the island were completed by the original islanders who ate the meat of farmed land animals.
This statement weakens the argument by questioning the premise 2 of the argument.  It points out that if the painters farmed land animals, they would not have had to eat sea creatures.
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2010-11-24 04:48
Another way to look at the fallacy is the following:

When the author evaluates the following argument --

A) The cave paintings were mostly a description of the favorite diets of the prehistoric painters.
B) The cave painters must have needed to eat the sea creatures.

he reaches the conclusion:
C) The cave paintings must depict the sea creatures.

In formal logic, this argument equals to (A + B) -> C

When the author finds out that conclusion C is wrong, i.e., the cave paintings depict no sea creatures, he conluded that the premise A is wrong. In formal logic, this process equates : not C -> not A.  However, in formal logic, the correct contrapositive for an argument of (A + B) -> C should be : not C -> either not A or not B.  In other word, when the sea creature is not found among  the cave paintings, it could be caused by the possibility that the cave painters did not need to eat the sea creatures. Answer choices A, D & E point out this possibility, while answer choice B simply refutes the author's finding of not C.
作者: efrenreyes    时间: 2010-11-24 09:37
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2010-11-24 11:14
We all have our own idiosyncratic ways to solve logic problems or to present our view points. After all, this forum would be a void without a thread like this.
作者: kevin0214    时间: 2010-11-24 11:32
作者: fielcy    时间: 2010-11-24 12:46

作者: fielcy    时间: 2010-11-24 13:28
作者: xingym    时间: 2011-10-23 14:37
, 我就是efrenreyes兄所说的这种, 逻辑怎么练都不上路

我觉得这道题目, 本省描述部分不难, 挺好理解的, 但是题干太绕了, weaken( negate once ) the arugement against( negate twice) the traditional theory Except (Negate the 3rd times)

omg; 这到底是找出 支持还是反对的观点啊? 这种题目在考试的时候肯定晕掉
作者: 放肆的小狂可    时间: 2011-10-26 10:44
efrenreyes, 我想表达的是,你一定要懂得我们在这里讨论的是什么。按照你所说,逻辑能力是无法通过后天提高的,那么,就让GMAT逻辑分数那样了?不,我们想通过训练和学习,来提高我们做GMAT逻辑题的能力。为什么很多人在N次尝试GMAT之后, 最终获得了自己满意的分数?就只通过提高语法和阅读?



作者: 单调唱    时间: 2012-5-8 10:32
我逻辑不差,但我并不觉得逻辑是不能通过后天锻炼的。 efrenreyes 把他自己的逻辑能力描述成天才一般,可是他自己的话却又很多逻辑错误,我不想说什么,只希望每个人都通过自己的努力获得成功。满分大牛TONY不是光靠天赋就满分的。
作者: 单调唱    时间: 2012-5-8 10:34


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