
标题: 新加坡国立大学NUS MBA 在线聊天 - 在线(3/3) [打印本页]

作者: steven    时间: 2016-2-3 15:06
标题: 新加坡国立大学NUS MBA 在线聊天 - 在线(3/3)

NUS MBA Online Chat

Date: 3 Mar 2016 (Thursday)
Time: 8:00pm – 9:00pm


Place: ChaseDream Chatroom

以“环球视野、领航亚洲”为己任的新加坡国立大学NUS MBA项目驰名中外。在课程安排上,NUS不光重视把最前沿的商业理论知识传授给学生,更会通过各种其他课外活动如社交、商业竞赛、实习、学生会、志愿者项目等等从实战角度全方位提高学生的综合素质与领导力。而且在新加坡这样一个自然环境优美、中西多元文化交融的国际化大都市也能为大家提供各式各样拓宽视野以及令人生增值的机会。

为了帮助大家更好地从学生的角度思考和选择适合自己的项目,我们邀请到NUS MBA 应届生杨小露和Phillip同学和与大家一齐分享他们这半年多来的MBA生活、各种student clubs活动、study trip的见闻还有参加各种商业活动、竞赛的经历。



National University of Singapore (NUS) is ranked consistently as one of the world's top universities. Motivated, talented and ambitious individuals come to NUS Business School to study in one of the most exciting regions in the world. It is our goal that NUS Business School to produce leaders of integrity and quality, informed by Asian cultural and business insights.

To ensure that our graduates acquire the full gamut of knowledge and skills during our intensive 17-month MBA course, we aim to bridge the theories that are learnt in a classroom with practical, hands-on experiential learning offerings, such as our Management Communication module and Management Practicum, are imperative to offering an immersive and authentic experience in the world of business. And it opens up a wealth of opportunities for embarking on an exciting career.

When you choose the NUS MBA, you are choosing to invest in a valuable asset: yourself. The world-class faculty, the rigour of the course, the global alumni network and the optimum location all combine to make this a wise investment in your future.



For enquiries, please contact:
Phone: +65 6516 2068

作者: jinjinjeanhuang    时间: 2016-3-21 22:42

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