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LSAT 7-1-14

发表于 2006-8-27 03:46:00 | 只看该作者

LSAT 7-1-14

LSAT 7-1-14

Marine biologists had hypothesized that lobsters kept together in lobster traps eat one another in response to hunger. Periodic checking of lobster traps, however, has revealed instances of lobsters sharing traps together for weeks. Eight lobsters even shared one trap together for two months without eating one another. The marine biologists’ hypothesis, therefore, is clearly wrong.

The argument against the marine biologists’ hypothesis is based on which one of the following assumptions?

(A) Lobsters not caught in lobster traps have been observed eating one another.

(B) Two months is the longest known period during which eight or more lobsters have been trapped together.

(C) It is unusual to find as many as eight lobsters caught together in one single trap.

(D) Members of other marine species sometimes eat their own kind when no other food sources are available.E

(E) Any food that the eight lobsters in the trap might have obtained was not enough to ward off hunger.


发表于 2006-8-27 04:32:00 | 只看该作者
A) "Lobsters not caught in lobster traps" -- who cares.  这里讨论的是"Lobsters  in lobster traps"
B) "
longest known period  " --  who  cares.  for example, 2nd longest won't change anything in the argument

C) yes, it is unusual. or NO, it is usual. So what?
D) we are talking about Lobster, Let's focus on Lobster. Other species(such as Human or shark) won't matter here
E) 如果不成立. 龙虾们有足够的食物, 那么他们就不用自相残杀, 也就不会削弱biologists’ hypothesis
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所属分类: 法学院申请


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