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发表于 2005-6-15 22:09:00 | 只看该作者


A15. The following appeared in a memo from a public health official.
“A recent international study shows that 7,000 children who brushed their teeth with a toothpaste containing altide had 40 percent fewer cavities than 7,000 other children who did not use a toothpaste with this ingredient. Furthermore, altide occurs naturally in the water from springs on the island of Mandiba, and residents of that island typically have very few dental fillings or artificially replaced teeth. Therefore, the cheapest and most effective way to improve the dental health of residents of nearby islands is to provide them bottled water from the springs on Mandiba.”

1How do the researchers hold the study is unkown, thus making the conclusion open to doubt.
2Other factors that may contribute to the dental health of the island residents should be considered and ruled out.
3Other ways not mentioned by the author can be more effective and cheaper.

发表于 2005-6-16 13:11:00 | 只看该作者
Vested interest! since the main purposes of memo is to promote bottled water from the springs on Mandiba, we have enough reasons to suppose that some organizations, which can benefit from the sales of bottled water, give impact on this writing.
发表于 2005-6-16 16:04:00 | 只看该作者 is groundless.

2.7,000 children who brushed their teeth with a toothpaste containing altide had 40 percent fewer cavities than 7,000 other children who did not use a toothpaste with this ingredient. ===insufficient evidence

3.Furthermore, altide occurs naturally in the water from springs on the island of Mandiba, and residents of that island typically have very few dental fillings or artificially replaced teeth. ====not clues to justify the assumption, who tells altide occurs in the water? who knows residents in the island have few teeth treatments? and who would say people with few teeth treatment do not have healthy teeth?

4.. Therefore, the cheapest and most effective way to improve the dental health of residents of nearby islands is to provide them bottled water from the springs on Mandiba.”===there are a lot of way to improve the dental health.

5.besides,qiandonkey's opinion is special.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-16 21:19:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用qiandonkey在2005-6-16 13:11:00的发言:
Vested interest! since the main purposes of memo is to promote bottled water from the springs on Mandiba, we have enough reasons to suppose that some organizations, which can benefit from the sales of bottled water, give impact on this writing.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-16 21:20:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-7-20 13:41:00 | 只看该作者

no specific information supplied to support this conclution.Maybe these participators in this sutudy are come form this island mentioned.

发表于 2006-7-14 03:02:00 | 只看该作者

1)survey is doubtful-7,000 children who brushed their teeth with a toothpaste containing altide had 40 percent fewer cavities than 7,000 other children who did not use a toothpaste with this ingredient.the former group children get healthier teeth than the later ones before the study conducted,then altide map play little role;

2)causal oversimplification-people in M island get a healthy habits-eating little sweet food,eating a lot of vegetables and fruits,brush teeth several times a day;

3)the cheapest and most effective way to improve the dental health of residents of nearby islands is to advocate the  healthy habits; 

2)causal oversimplification-people in M island get a healthy habits-eating little sweet food,eating a lot of vegetables and fruits,brush teeth several times a day;

3)the cheapest and most effective way to improve the dental health of residents of nearby islands is to advocate the  healthy habits; 

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-14 3:03:45编辑过]
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