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[申请总结] 我也来求定位

发表于 2010-11-7 22:38:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
最近也忙着在申请, 希望大家给点意见。简单说说吧

applied math PhD from a tier two university (expected in May 2011) with concentration on math finance. intensive undergraduate teaching experience. three papers in Derivative Pricing (one submited, two preprints). 20+credits coursework in finance or related fields. GMAT 710.  advisors will write very strong recommendation letters. one finance prof. also agrees to write me recommendation letters, but I do not know whether it will be strong or just an ordinary rl.  participated many math finance conferences, and gave several talks. undergrad background is in pure math.

这样的背景可以申请啥档次的学校阿?申请多少所比较合适? 谢谢各位了
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发表于 2010-11-8 00:18:35 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-8 00:27:53 | 只看该作者

人生在于折腾。还年轻, 想干啥赶紧干
-- by 会员 BeBrave2011 (2010/11/8 0:18:35)

发表于 2010-11-8 01:05:18 | 只看该作者
while, i like you background. I think you have quite big hope for good phd programs. your biggest chance maight be 15-40 schools. for top 15 schools, luck is very important.

in your PS, try to emphasize your quan background and if you can identify some potential research questions, it would be a big plus. good luck.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-8 01:17:37 | 只看该作者

Thanks a lot for your comment.  I appreciate it.
I am revising my PS, and now it is more like a research statement. cause I think this is the only thing that can make me stand out.  you know, my GMAT is just so so.

btw, is teaching important for a finance PhD?  Though I have intensive teaching experience, I do not know whether I should emphasize it in my PS.

Thanks again.

while, i like you background. I think you have quite big hope for good phd programs. your biggest chance maight be 15-40 schools. for top 15 schools, luck is very important.

in your PS, try to emphasize your quan background and if you can identify some potential research questions, it would be a big plus. good luck.
-- by 会员 xiaotian24 (2010/11/8 1:05:18)

发表于 2010-11-8 01:21:18 | 只看该作者
you are doing the right thing! In my opinion, PS shoudl always be written as a research statment. who cares about if you grew up in a small college or shanghai? reseach is what people care most... do not worry about teaching. nobody cares... but if you do have good record, it is a small plus...

Thanks a lot for your comment.  I appreciate it.
I am revising my PS, and now it is more like a research statement. cause I think this is the only thing that can make me stand out.  you know, my GMAT is just so so.

btw, is teaching important for a finance PhD?  Though I have intensive teaching experience, I do not know whether I should emphasize it in my PS.

Thanks again.

while, i like you background. I think you have quite big hope for good phd programs. your biggest chance maight be 15-40 schools. for top 15 schools, luck is very important.

in your PS, try to emphasize your quan background and if you can identify some potential research questions, it would be a big plus. good luck.
-- by 会员 xiaotian24 (2010/11/8 1:05:18)

-- by 会员 cwwlys (2010/11/8 1:17:37)

发表于 2010-11-8 01:29:08 | 只看该作者
我猜是Purdue的吧~~~觉得一定能去好学校的呢~~~去年一个Yale的stat phd去了Sloan,受鼓舞吧~~~

只是现在觉得,finance的热点在corporate finance而不是asset pricing了,特别是derivative pricing一堆stat,math的人在搞...反而finance的人做得不多
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-8 01:40:22 | 只看该作者
关键是目前做的就是derivative pricing, 没有任何corporate finance的经历, 想往上靠都靠不过去, 虽然也上过一些课, 知道大概怎么做的。你说的没错, 做derivative pricing好的学校其实就那个几个, 大多数其实是一些搞数学和统计的人在搞。不过没办法, 不管想搞啥, 总得先有个offer吧

我猜是Purdue的吧~~~觉得一定能去好学校的呢~~~去年一个Yale的stat phd去了Sloan,受鼓舞吧~~~

只是现在觉得,finance的热点在corporate finance而不是asset pricing了,特别是derivative pricing一堆stat,math的人在搞...反而finance的人做得不多
-- by 会员 irvin (2010/11/8 1:29:08)

发表于 2010-11-8 01:45:21 | 只看该作者
我推荐U Toronto吧,招得中国人挺多,John Hull和White也在那,以前还有个Duan Jin-chuan,现在有个中国人叫什么wei的也做些pricing的东西
发表于 2010-11-8 01:54:04 | 只看该作者
另外,UChicago Booth的econometrics PHD我觉得机会也蛮大的,今年有个中国人毕业,最后place去了cornell做assistant prof of finance...也算曲线救国到好学校拉~~~
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