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发表于 2003-8-16 23:08:00 | 只看该作者


13 Years work experience
former general manager and chairman of a medium -sized company
gmat 690
toelf: at least 620

发表于 2003-8-17 09:46:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-8-18 11:55:00 | 只看该作者
First, if the company in the original post is a state-owned or unknown company, it will be a very hard case to sell regardless of your title. It’s a KNOWN fact that top business schools prefer people from famous foreign consulting companies or multinational conglomerates. In other words, it’s very important to have experience working in a recognized and respected international working environment. Coincidently, most of the candidates with this kind of background have better English communication skills as well.

Second, no, LBS isn’t much better than Oxford or Cambridge. Take O for example; when you compare the vital things, such as employment statistics, student quality, faculty quality, and brand name, Oxford is not behind in any of the above. Sure, LBS is currently ranked higher and is more recognized among employers mainly due to its longer history.

Allow me to get into a bit more details. 1. Employment statistics, O has sent its students to all the top consulting and banking firms you can name (this information is available on O’s website). As a matter of fact, 5% of O’s students are sponsored by Mckinsey & company. 2 let’s talk about student quality. I know many O’s students have turned downed offers from top US schools, Insead, and of course, LBS. I know one guy from US who has a GMAT of 700 and 6-figure salary and working as a manager was turned down by O and Cam, but admitted by LBS. I am sure that there have been more cases like this. Regarding Chinese applicants, in 2003, more than 300 applicants from China applied to O in the first two rounds alone, and there are totally 4 rounds of applications. Among the admitted, there are a PHD working for a well-know pharmaceutical firm and graduated from top US school, an America Express marketing manager who came to the US during high school, and a partner of a well-know consulting firms in Beijing, and the list goes so on. You get the picture. 3. Faculty. O has already hired away many senior LBS people and most of the faculty members hold Phd degrees from top institutions, such as Wharton. Finally, brand name is something O and Cam have been and will continue to build upon to attract top students, faculty members, and employers. There is no doubt that O and Cam will continue to climb up the ranking in an amazing pace as they have been doing in the past years.

Finally, choosing B school is a very personal choice and getting into them is a total crap shot. There are so many factors going into the admission process and it’s practically impossible to evaluate a person’s chance based on several lines of vague description. As a Chinese/Indian candidate, no one can say s/he will be welcomed at any good schools unless, to some extent, you currently work for the top US consulting firms.
发表于 2003-9-26 12:54:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-10-14 14:52:00 | 只看该作者
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