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楼主: Hazellto
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发表于 2022-11-17 23:30:06 | 只看该作者
发表于 2022-11-19 10:48:34 | 只看该作者
发表于 2022-11-19 11:10:20 | 只看该作者
51. B
52. C;只有C是完全平行的
53. D
B:has been created主语和谓语之间不能加逗号
54. E
A:whom were his creators不正确,whom只能充当宾语成分
55. E
56. C
57. D/C
58. D/A
这道题考的是背景知识的理解,Asian carp不属于feral swine,所以不是举例,而是类比,排除AE;C不平行;B的时态错误,将一个客观事实没必要用现在完成时,而且后面的形容词需要跟be动词,但是前面是have
59. C
E:had later become过去完成式时态不对,become famous novel应该发生在主句时态之后
60. A

发表于 2022-11-24 21:30:52 | 只看该作者
发表于 2022-11-26 18:18:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2022-12-8 03:50:31 | 只看该作者
1.(51)Ansel Adams’s passion for the environment is evident in photographs that range from majestic landscapes of snow-capped mountain ranges across the American west, particularly in his home state of California, and simple images of lone trees and blossoming flowers wherever the beauty of nature struck him.

(A) and
(B) to
(C) and to
(D) in addition to
(E) withe错误, 应该选b, range to

2.(52)Every region faces its own potential disasters: tornadoes in the Midwest, hurricanes in the South, earthquakes along the West Coast, and killer blizzards wrack the East Coast.

A. tornadoes in the Midwest, hurricanes in the South, earthquakes along the West Coast

B. the Midwest's tornadoes, the South's hurricanes, the West Coast's earthquakes

C. tornadoes trouble the Midwest, hurricanes plague the South, earthquakes disturb the West Coast

D. the Midwestern tornadoes, Southern hurricanes, earthquakes along the West Coast

E. tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes in the Midwest, South, and West Coast
a do b

3.(53)A seemingly insatiable demand for luxury apartments in New York, created in large part by wealthy Europeans, have caused land prices to soar and made affordable housing projects nearly impossible in Manhattan.

A. created in large part by wealthy Europeans, have caused land prices to soar and made
B. has been created in large part by wealthy European, caused land prices to soar, and made
C. the creation of which is in large part due to wealthy Europeans, have caused land prices to soar and made
D. created in large part by wealthy Europeans, has caused land prices to soar, making
E. in large part created by wealthy Europeans, causing land prices to soar and making


4.(54)Leonardo Da Vinci worked both for the Medici, whom he described as his downfall but also were his creators, and for Sforza, for whom he painted The Last Supper.

A. both for the Medici, whom he described as his downfall but also were his creators, and for
B. both for the Medici, whom he said were his downfall but also his creators, and  错
C. both for the Medici, which he said was his downfall but also his creators, and for 错
D. for both the Medici, about whom he described them as his downfall but also his creators, and for 错
E. for both the Medici, who he said were his downfall but also his creators, and 错

parallelism: bothe for a and for b; both for a and b
the+某些形容词 【表示一类人】谓语动词用复数。如the old/ poor/young/wounded。
the medici medici一家

5.(55)As contrasted with Walter Scott, Charles Dickens wrote novels that include comic characters designed to elicit laughter from readers.

A. As contrasted with Walter Scott,
B. In contrast to Walter Scott's
C. Unlike the novels of Walter Scott,
D. Unlike those of Walter Scott,
E. Unlike Walter Scott,

6.(56)In order to improve the safety performance of newer cars in the event of an accident, certain sections of each car are designed to compress, so that they absorb the energy from the collision and reducing the sudden deceleration experienced by the passengers.

A. are designed to compress, so that they absorb
B. are designed to compress, so in order to absorb
C. are designed to compress, absorbing
D. being designed to compress, absorb
E. being designed to compress, absorbing

7.(57)A résumé is a history of past work experience, and when it is well written it is also a savvy piece of marketing, but there is one thing it is definitely not; a chronology of past performance.

(A) and when it is well written itis also a savvy piece of marketing, but there is one thing it is definitely not; a chronology of past performance.

(B) and when it is well written it is also a savvy piece of marketing, but there is one thing it definitely is not. It is not a chronology of performance in the past.

(C) and when it is well written itis also a savvy piece of marketing, but there is one thing a resume definitely is not: a chronology of past performance.

(D) and when it is well written itis also a savvy piece of marketing, but there is one thing It definitely is not. It is not a chronology of past performance.

(E) and when it is well written itis also a savvy piece of marketing, but there is one thing it is definitely not. It is not a chronology of past performance.

8.(58)There is generally agreement that feral swine are unwelcome — such as the Asian carp that are threatening to invade Lake Michigan, but that are far larger, more vicious and mounted on four legs.

(A) such as the Asian carp that are threatening to invade Lake Michigan, but that are far larger, more vicious and mounted on four legs

(B) like the Asian carp that have threatened an invasion of Lake Michigan, but far larger, more vicious, and mounted on four legs

(C) like the Asian carp that are threatening to invade Lake Michigan, but are far larger, more vicious, and are mounted on four legs

(D) like the Asian carp that are threatening to invade Lake Michigan, but far larger, more vicious, and mounted on four legs

(E) such as the Asian carp that threaten to invade Lake Michigan, but are far larger and more vicious, and mounted on four legs
a 错误, d

9.(59)In her 1851 magazine series, later becoming the famous novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe sought to portray the impact of slavery and further the abolitionist cause.

(A) later becoming the famous novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe sought to portray the impact of slavery and further the abolitionist cause

(B) which would later become the famous novel Uncle Tom’s cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe’s mission was to portray the impact of slavery further, and the abolitionist cause

(C) which would later become the famous novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe sought to portray the impact of slavery and further the abolitionist cause

(D) later becoming the famous novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe’s mission was to portray the impact of slavery, furthering the abolitionist cause

(E) which had later become the famous novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe sought to portray the impact of slavery and further the abolitionist cause

10.(60)During the reign of Mary I of England, the same Elizabeth who would later accede to the throne was imprisoned on suspicion of supporting Protestant rebels.

(A) During the reign of Mary I of England, the same Elizabeth who would later accede to the throne was imprisoned on suspicion of supporting Protestant rebels.

(B) Having been imprisoned on suspicion of supporting Protest rebels during the reign of Mary I of England, the same Elizabeth will later accede to the throne.

(C) Imprisoned during the reign of Mary I of England on suspicion of supporting Protestant rebels, the same throne later fell to Elizabeth herself.

(D) During the reign of Mary I of England, the same Elizabeth who will later accede to the throne was imprisoned on suspicion of supporting Protestant rebels.

(E) Having been imprisoned during the reign of Mary I of England on suspicion of supporting Protestant rebels, the throne later fell to the same Elizabeth.

imprison 关押;监禁;束缚;限制
reign 统治时期
accede 加入;同意;就任
throne 宝座;御座;王座
suspicion 猜想;不好的预感
rebel 翻盘
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