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[原始] 3.31 一战750 放狗

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发表于 2015-3-31 16:31:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
没什么建议, 多做题 GWD, Prep, OG + Manhattan SC
做了两遍OG, 然后前后模考了接近40次, GWD TN24套, Prep 9 套, Prep软件Exam 1 and 2, Exam pack 2套, 满分CAT一套, 最后考试还是非常紧张。

寂静数学很重要, 这期数学很全了, 没什么好补充的

语文寂静: 只看了阅读,没看题目 了解背景, 略读了, 中了2篇,前两篇失忆, 后两篇中了,但是做题依然要细读。 教训寂静早点看, 额 狗主为了看寂静搞得昨晚没睡好。。。

再加一句, 因为没时间看逻辑寂静, 刚翻了下, 中了4题, 额, 结果最纠结的,估计做错的是寂静中的。 逻辑基金不看答案也要还是看看Stimulus


A plant’s …, …, and … increase its attractiveness to pollinator and its pollination success, but also its …. and … (detrimental aspect of character, regarding predator )

The other option being: a plant’s attraction to pollinator and pollination success,

It seems that the latter would seem to be more parallel to the part after ‘but also’. Nevertheless, the phrase ‘increase its attraction to pollinator’ is less ideal.
‘so as to’ is also being tested. I didn’t select that option, as it didn’t convey the meaning ‘in order to’

Linking arrangements (?) between … and …  never evolved in the United States as they did other developed country.

Other options use ‘among…’ and such

The one I stumbled on is ‘between … and … never evolved in the United States as’. The omission may seem appropriate here.  

A few more questions underlings the whole sentence. But the difficulty is manageable.


A lot of bold face questions at the start, a question type that I personally find straight forward.

I got wrong probably on two later questions, due to time management:

1.        Souper’s restrauant question can readily identified in the memo> WEAKEN
2.        1000BC excavation of weapon. Reference: 26.最早到达北美大陆的人 > assumption
3.        Advertisement: 众不信明星代言广告 > Weaken


Millisecond Pulsar (mostly found globular clusters, with companion binary system) VS Normal Pulsar (in Supernova remnant, such as Crab Pulsar, )
US government regulation (pro-business or favor public interest)
Previous view: favor public interest
New View: favor business interest
Author of the passage: The latter may not be completely true.  1. Industry do not necessarily like new regulations, 2 the attitude of industries towards certain regulation is not uniform.
Note, the legislation granted ICC the authority regarding railroad pricing, and thus expanded its power. Opposed by Coal industry, favored by agriculture and lumber industry is split.

I just found that I also got this one! Should have read all those before going to exam.

In any case, the question is quite a simple one….

Stem: Whether to buy or to rent an office building.
1.        Buy = Down payment + fixed mortgage.
2.        Rent = Rent go up every year
The company leans towards buy the property, since _____________

All other options are out of scope.
The correct choice, in my humble opinion, is E which states ‘the company will use the office building for over 20 years’.  

Thus, decision buy eliminate that uncertainty of future cash out flow.

One more question:

Last question of my exam:  I had 30-40 sec to go through it.

The stem is long, 5-6 lines. The subject is about coupon. Some difficulties of retailers have regarding consume using coupons.

I didn’t full comprehend the problem, however, I noticed that:
At the end of the stem, it states:  blabla _____________ , and thus further decrease retailer’s profit.

After quick scan through the options:
One option stands out: The wholesaler will issue more high value coupon.

It would seems to be reason as a reason to decrease retailer’s profit.
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-31 16:37:32 | 只看该作者

Biotech industry is one of the most fast growing sector in the world. It create new innovations, and its presence will benefit the town. It requires highly skilled workers and large funding. A previous lab in the town Maniston next to Maniston University is closed. Presentation states the short-sighteness of the town of Maniston is an opportunity for Zanisville, so city council of Zanisville should support a new biotech lab (firm) to attract Maniston graduates.
发表于 2015-3-31 16:41:13 | 只看该作者
发表于 2015-3-31 18:20:29 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-31 18:57:28 | 只看该作者


A lot of bold face questions at the start, a question type that I personally find straight forward.

I got wrong probably on two later questions, due to time management:

1.        Souper’s restrauant question can readily identified in the memo> WEAKEN
2.        1000BC excavation of weapon. Reference: 26.最早到达北美大陆的人 > assumption
3.        Advertisement: 众不信明星代言广告 > Weaken

I just found that I also got this one! Should have read all those before going to exam.

In any case, the question is quite a simple one….

Stem: Whether to buy or to rent an office building.
1.        Buy = Down payment + fixed mortgage.
2.        Rent = Rent go up every year
The company leans towards buy the property, since _____________

All other options are out of scope.
The correct choice, in my humble opinion, is E which states ‘the company will use the office building for over 20 years’.  

Thus, decision buy eliminate that uncertainty of future cash out flow.

One more question:

Last question of my exam:  I had 30-40 sec to go through it.

The stem is long, 5-6 lines. The subject is about coupon. Some difficulties of retailers have regarding consume using coupons.

I didn’t full comprehend the problem, however, I noticed that:
At the end of the stem, it states:  blabla _____________ , and thus further decrease retailer’s profit.

After quick scan through the options:
One option stands out: The wholesaler will issue more high value coupon.

It would seems to be reason as a reason to decrease retailer’s profit.
发表于 2015-3-31 19:06:49 | 只看该作者
发表于 2015-4-5 08:38:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2015-4-6 13:12:28 | 只看该作者
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