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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—44系列】【44-19】经管 Insurance

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发表于 2014-11-22 12:19:09 | 只看该作者

发表于 2014-11-22 13:09:32 | 只看该作者
20141121   8:55am
timer 2:   1:44'76
most people are not familiar with their own family insurance coverage.  
Three key questions to test your coverage: 1. update at least annually  2. update for any major lifestyle change    3. ....

timer 3:    1:50'28
some areas, such as earthquake, strong storm, need a separated coverage.
another area---disability insurance, are come in short , and according to survey, most americans need it.

timer 4:    1:11'25
everyone knows that life insurance is important.Finding the right and suited life insurance for you is just the beginning.
the biggest mistake is lying about your life insurance to get a lower rate. so the first thing you should do is telling truth when you are applying.

timer 5:   1:52'55
activities such as suicide, illegal and dangerous activities have specific policy you should notice.
what's more, you also should pay attention to analysis certain type of life insurance to make sure you do need it, and this type of life insurance can definitely satisfy your conditions.

timer 6:   2:11'05
it's time to use your end-of-year benefits, and expert talks about methods that minimize costs.

timer:  9:43'90
even though the whole life insurance industry have a decreasing  market shares, the 30 largest life insurance companies are in a increasing trends. the point is they are successfully  in managing  poolable risk. what's more, in this era, finding new growth is equally important. The writer offers 4 ways to seize this opportunity.     
发表于 2014-11-22 17:08:13 | 只看该作者
The hospital provides service, the patient accepts the service, and the insurance company pays for the company. But the price changes in a day in different regions, so it is hard for the customers to know to how much the true price is and how they could get a completely fair insurance.

2. 01:31.87
It’s better to check the insurance coverage once a year. There are three questions you should ask your insurance agent. When you have home improvement or lifestyle changes, you should tell your agent to see if you need change the insurance coverage.

3. 02:01.85
Having some specialty coverage for emergent cases like flood or earthquake, otherwise they will cost you a lot. Liability protection is also important. Two-thirds of American lack of disability insurance for short term.

4. 01:08.97
From the beginning, you should know your insurance and compare the different policies. First, you should always tell the truth, otherwise the insurance company could cancel your reimbursement in the first two years when they find you are lying for whatever reasons.

5. 01:30.19
For suicide and illegal activities, the insurance company will also not pay for it. So you should read the contract carefully before you buy a premium insurance. Besides, you should also balance your financial picture and consider if you really need it. Don’t make your insurance worthless.

6. 01:55.38
Patients could maximize the year-end benefits to make a dental checkup in order to avoid more expense in the next year. For patients those require more expensive procedures, they could spread the produces to the longer period.

The rest 01:03.88
The new practice of the dental clinic offers financing and payment plans, it also tells the patients the exact cost before the procedure. The practice is described as pricing transparency and quality, affordable care.
发表于 2014-11-22 19:59:19 | 只看该作者
2.  1:40   insurance coverage is necessary and people should pay attention to three important points when they buy insurance.
3.  2:24   different kinds of insurance  , two parts of the oversights of the insurance policy.
4.  1:18 the important thing when people buy insurances ; the mistake
5.  2:18   maybe insurance is unnecessary for some people, it is important to consider carefully.
6.  2:17 the broaden benefits of the dental insurance
the rest.   1:39 the efforts of Cool Springs Dentistry

obstacle  14:34   The US life-insurance industries are turning to less and less and  Life insurers have lost ground to banks, asset managers, and brokerage firms   
However, the largest life insurers have a stunning spread in value creation
The disadvantages of the life insurers.
Put out some points for life insurers to find new growth and four opportunities
(醉了,第一次读,时间花了这么多···还没怎么看懂。。。)                                                                                                          想请教一个问题:  写回忆的时候要是想不起来英文表达,只想得起来中文意思,是用自己的话写成英文还是再回到文章中找关键句呢?
发表于 2014-11-22 21:10:28 | 只看该作者
time 2: 1:30 People should review their insurance policies once a year; furthermore, people should also think of reviewing their insurance policies for any major life style changes.
time 3: 1:28 Getting familiar and understanding aspects of insurance are important. Do not neglect specialty coverage.
time 4 and 5: 1: 47 It is important to pay attention to exclusions and loopholes in insurance policies.
time 6: 1: 32 : Dental Care team reminded people how to take advantage of their dental insurances.
发表于 2014-11-22 22:06:17 | 只看该作者
I have to say, the original obstacle article accompanied with graphs is easier to understand. furthermore,  I found another article written by the same author on the same topic is so much easier.
发表于 2014-11-22 22:42:33 | 只看该作者
A survey indicates that most of people are not familiar with their insurance's details. They need to know more about their insurance. The passage presents 3 questions that people can ask their insurance company.
Three deficient factors of insurance: some special damage costs desperately, liability protection, many people lack disability insurance.
It's better to understand life insurance well, so people know the loopholes and the exclusions. Applications need to tell truth to make sure that they can get the compensation.
Life insurance is useless. Company doesn't need to pay out the death benefit for suicide during first one or two years. Also, if you participate in illegal activities, the insurance company won't pay for. So people need think about if they really need life insurance.
dental insurance provide people a free dental insurance check to help they minimize the cost of basic dental health care, but this insurance can't satisfied the people who want to a better, more expensive health care.
the dental insurance is affordable, and everyone can get the basic care.

发表于 2014-11-23 02:19:01 | 只看该作者
Figure out what health insurance cost is hard. Three parties: hospital, insurance company, patient.
Negotiated rate between hospital and insurance company is secret. True cost of health care is hidden from patients.  
Speed 1 :
Theme: understand life insurance.
1.        Lying, illegal and dangerous activities, and suicide will make the insurance void.
2.        Evaluate your financial and personal situation to determine if you really need the life insurance policy.

T2: 2’24’’
T3: 2’00
T4: 1’29’’
T5: 2’03’’
Speed 2:
T6: 2’59’’
Allocating dental service to spread out expense is a way to utilize insurance benefits. Insurance check can help you accomplish that.  
Obstacle: 8’45’’
Theme: life insurance market, what why and how
1.        Reason why some are doing poorly while tops are doing well
2.        Four areas outperformers should focus on
3.        Challenges faced
4.        Future four opportunities for growth
发表于 2014-11-23 14:26:32 | 只看该作者
Time 2-01:55
Time 3-03:27
Time 4-03:29
Time 5-01:57
Time 6-02:36
Time 7-17:02

发表于 2014-11-23 14:56:50 | 只看该作者
Survey shows that most people are not farmiliar with the details of insurance. Three questions are needed to ask your insurance company. When you are suffer from damage, you can get protected from the insurance.
There are many shortages of normal insurance policy, especially diability protection, which can help you when you are suffering from short term financial difficulty.
Tell the truth when you apply for the insurance, otherwise you will not be able to get benefits from the insurance.
Suicide and illegal or dangerous activities are excluded from the insurance benefits. You should also consider whether you really need the insurance before you purchase it.
Life-insurance industry has lost its ground on the whole. However, top ones has increased their value and the the gap between the best and the worst is spreading. Many factors has contributed to the difference and the most significant one is the management of poolable risk.There are four areas that outperformers need to focus on. The industry can find new opportunity after the 2008 financial crisis, but it will also be faced with new challenges.There are four opportunities too.
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