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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—40系列】【40-08】科技 Black Hat

发表于 2014-8-13 10:22:49 | 只看该作者
这篇Obstacle简直惊人!我现在有一个小疑问,为什么每天训练突然觉得理解力跟速度都有点跟不上了,好像卡在一组一组的小词组上了。 有大牛能告诉我怎么回事嘛T.T
Time 2: 01:41
Time 3: 00:47
Time 4: 01:12
Time 5: 01:47
Time 6: 03:36
Obstacle: 06:!2
Three articles in one title actually have nothing to do with malleability
Definition of three terms
How Malleability works in the transaction
One example of Mt. Gox: the sequence of entering the confirmation was wrong, resulting in transaction open to the ground.
People were trying to test their accounts and thanks to the standard Bitcoin QT wallet, the actions were circumvented.
The Silk Road is identified as so easy to spot the cause.
发表于 2014-8-13 12:02:17 | 只看该作者
2/    2’50
the devices can be attacked by figure movement.
Should surfing – steal by watch the movement  -- is  becoming more stronger
A’s presentation in the  conference. A can identify the people whose devices are vulnerable
AT: vedio footage – can get code at distance.

3/  2’47
Need to know the screen orientation and dinger position. A software can solve this problem. It activate the final and identify the orientation , finally track the finger movement.

Defend ways: 1 swap keys  2. Button shift

4/     2’ 41
App  + wireless – make car more vulnarabel
1 resrache:  CM , CV: most security system can be comprised  2. Introduce a c rating system
2.research  2: can hack the car by CD, cellular connection

5/   3’13
Attack of auto system: 3 steps:  expoile the veicle system, comman ECU, get ECU execute the command

Celluler  connection + Bluetooth make the vunarable – depends on the design
Car company need to design a system that can defend the hacking.
The in-car app – make car vulnerable.
Security into vehicle become more imporatant.

6/   6’17
Remote control and system in phone make it easy to be attacked
ODM – has flaws
Researcher can take over the devices and steal data.
Now 2 billion device with ODM, and  70 -90% with a package software
The invader can build own network to get access to the phone.

Android is the most vulnerable one.  The full unlock mobile phone is the most security one.
R B has start the patches.

S: after patch, ODM attack can still exist.
This hole can be a problem to law institution and police.  Since they use mobile base to send message.

OBSTACLE   12.57
The M means piable without breaking the metal.  Means changeable
Signiture: math scheme    bitcome encrypt digital signature
Id:  T components: variable facts + digital objects. The signature =input and can be used in the whole T process
M: exent to change the signature but not breaking the validaty of the transactions
M: sign pose no security threat , no double spending

0/10: wallent use id as primary indicator. M compromise this.
If the wallet the original sig: paid + confirmation
If the wallet get the M version: paid + no confirmation
This risk of double spending == risky enough to stop the Bitcom withdraw

DDOS: 7/10 M
Attacjer use M poor wallet show up. But developer use IRC to prevent invaders.

QT:  0/10    bug is fexed. And the issue will only be eliminated years after.

Silk Road:  0/10  little possibility of being stolen.
发表于 2014-8-13 22:34:25 | 只看该作者
Speaker 太快,只过了一遍. 最后一篇只知道主题是比特币,但具体讲了什么不是很清楚。。
(2:18) Google glass would be a threat to security as well as other technical machines.

(1:00) A software can capture the pass codes. Researchers try to find ways to defend it.

(1:18) Cars with wireless and apps have high risks to be hacked.

(1:57) There are 3 steps to attack a car by hackers. The steps should be prohibited by car manufacturers.

(4:00) The smartphones can be attacked by updating software automatically and changing the setting that cannot erase to let out the secrete data and private communication.

(11:50) Explain the terms. States the process of transaction. States problems sometime will meet about different between original version and m version.
All scores for each system.

发表于 2014-8-14 00:20:57 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-8-14 09:27:18 | 只看该作者
[Time2] [316 words] 1’44
Google Glass can not only make surreptitious video recording but also recover passcodes at some distance.

[Time3] [138 words] 0’48
To capture a passcode, the software must identify the position and orientation of a device’s screen as well as the position of a person’s fingertips tapping on it. The researchers are working on ways to against the software.

[Time4] [214 words] 1’06
Cars are vulnerable to potentially dangerous hacking as more cars come with wireless connection. Automatic industry should increase cybersecurity of cars.

[Time5] [279 words] 1’43
Car companies need to design their systems to detect exploitation attempts and prevent security from being compromised.

[Time6] [580 words] 3’06
ODM installed in smartphones make them easy to be hacked.

发表于 2014-8-15 00:09:40 | 只看该作者
Part III: Obstacle

Part I: Speaker
cyber currencies got high-profile endorsements
apply bans bitcoin, but allows some other cyber coinage
D network, TV network, accepts bitcoin for monthly fee
that helps cyber coinage into mainstream

[Time 2]
Google glass could be a tool for stealing personal info such as password
long distance is also vulnerable

[Time 3]
the positions of device and fingertips tapping are critical
countermeasures, swapping

[Time 4]
cars, easier to be hacked than before
mid price sedan

[Time 5]
hacker could manipulate the control sys of car
manufacturer should design better security for car
to update the software could patch the problem

[Time 6]
smart phones are vulnerable to hack
the backdoor open
OEM, ODM targeted
Android is comparatively worse
it hard to patch the problem because of the disagreement

Part III: Obstacle
definition, Malleability, Hash, Signature
transactions and Malleability
the scores of diff platform
发表于 2014-8-15 12:21:40 | 只看该作者
Google glass, the camera climbed-on-face,can steal the password by recording the motion of your hand .
The counter action is to fluid the password.
Car become more and more velunrable while there is not the standard to measure the safe degree of car at all.
There are three steps to attack the car. The manufacture should advance the safe degree.
The app make the car stolen easily.
The phones which carry the ODM are easier open to attack.Apple &Andorid. More unclosed, easier be attacked.
The consequences are bad:1.steal the sensitive data.2. operate the app.
Even though you reset the mobile phone, the virus is still there. And there are some patches aimed at these attack point.
The problems could be of interest to law enforcement and surveillance agencies to intercept the messages.
发表于 2014-8-16 14:15:16 | 只看该作者
Time 2 - 1:54 - 316
Researchers have developed a software that can recover the passport of people recorded on video with Google Glass.

Time 3 - 0:45 - 138
two major problems toward this software
the researchers are now attempting new ways to defend against such software.

Time 4 - 1:17 - 214
With more digital controlled system added into the cars , some researchers have found that the vehicle will be more vulnerable to potentially dangerous hacking.

Time 5 - 1:42 - 276
three steps are involved to attack automotive control system
what the car companies should do to reduce such problems.

Time 6 - 3:47 - 580
ODM could be used by hackers to secretly control may divices.

Obstacle - 11:21
发表于 2014-8-16 23:46:22 | 只看该作者
Time 3: 0'48''
Time4: 1'10''
Time 5: 1'49''
Time 6: 3'39''
发表于 2014-8-17 00:32:18 | 只看该作者
Crypto currency have recently rebounded.
Household pay their monthly bills using bitcoin.
help bring cyber tokens closer to the mainstream

Time2: 2:34
Main idea: the google glass can steal your passcodes
footage captured by the face-mounted camera could also pose a security threat
The attack works by watching the movement of the fingers to work out what keys they are touching.
video footage can be used to recover passcodes at some distance.

Time3: 1:01
the software must identify the position and orientation of a device’s screen as well as the position of a person’s fingertips tapping on it.
defend against such software-enhanced shoulder surfing.

Time4: 2:34
Main idea:
Car security is likely to be worsen
more of them will be vulnerable to potentially dangerous hacking
vehicles have become easier to hack with digital system.

Time5: 1:58
other research groups have studied car security and demonstrated ways to take control of brakes, acceleration, and other functions.
Attacks on automotive control systems involve three steps
Updating the software in a car means bringing the vehicle to a dealer for service

Time6: 4:23
Main idea: smartphone is easy to be remote control
A powerful remote-control system installed on most smartphones could be used by hackers to secretly take control of many devices
Android devices were found to be most vulnerable
ODM will remain possible even after those patches are applied.
interest to law enforcement and surveillance agencies

Main idea;Four headline events. Culprit: Transaction Malleability.
Transactions and Malleability
Transaction Malleablity score: 1/10
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack---Transaction Malleablity score: 7/10
Bitcoin QT Wallet Client---Transaction Malleablity score: 0/10
Silk Road 2.0---Transaction Malleablity score: 0/10
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