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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—29系列】【29-17】经管—Welch's management

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发表于 2013-12-27 20:55:42 | 只看该作者
Warm up (1’28)
The former CEO of the GE Jason Welch is the manager of the century.
He led the GE to a world best company.
He is a man who always wants to win.
Time2 (1’54)
If you want to be successful you need emphasize on the ideas especially those innovated one.
Do not blame on risk taking and reward the risk.

Time3 (1’30)
You should treat different employee with different method.
For the top 20% staff you should reward them give them money and let them feel being recognized.
For the average 70% staff you should tell them what to do to help the 20%
For the bottom 10% staff you should tell them they are not good and how to revise those false or let them leave to go to some other places that really suit them.

Time4 (1’15)
For those 70% staff you should give them the chance and the training to let them can approach the 20% places.
For the bottom 10% you should coach them out and let them know that it is wise to leave the company.
You must treat those 20% employees as a star.
You should let all the people stretch a little more than they are capable of and never let them feel bored.

Time5 (1’30)
Jack Welch also taught the little boy who want to help to mow the lawn.
The boy got the money whatever others want to give.
Jack welch pay the highest money and want to have the best lawn
He taught the boy the lesson that being excellent always worth the reward.

Time6 (1’31)
The way of Jack Welch made the boy think that mowing the lawn is the best thing to complete and he was full of energy.
This experience also led this boy to a better life.
So when you want to ask somebody to do something just ask them to do to a best level and be brave to take a risk.
发表于 2013-12-29 01:02:00 | 只看该作者
掌管 8        00:08:29.58        00:19:05.23
掌管 7        00:01:41.06        00:10:35.64
掌管 6        00:01:35.20        00:08:54.58
掌管 5        00:00:58.08        00:07:19.37 the rest
掌管 4        00:01:23.24        00:06:21.29
掌管 3        00:01:33.33        00:04:58.04
掌管 2        00:01:59.93        00:03:24.71
掌管 1        00:01:24.77        00:01:24.77 warm up
发表于 2013-12-29 21:13:23 | 只看该作者
broden the question, broden the answers so that the boss learns a lot from having you deliver the answers. overdeliver. answer your boss more they expect. your boss is getting smarter and smarter,and happer and happer with you. because you've given them bigger product prospective on the issue.

发表于 2013-12-30 03:32:03 | 只看该作者

Part 2  Speed
His Explanation On Ideas;He Encourages Every Risk;
Employees can be broken down into a performance differentiation,Treat The Top 20% Like Stars,Show The Middle 70% What They Need To Do To Get In The Top 20%,Tell The Bottom 10% Why They Should Move On;
How To Treat The 20%、70% And 10%;
How Welch Described Six Sigma,It Reduces Variations And Errors;
How Welch Inspired The Lawn Boy And That Changes The Boy's Focus To Know Excellence Is Rewarded;
What Welch Did(Call The Lawn Boy To Greatness)Made A Difference To That Boy,And We Should Do What Jack Did;
发表于 2014-1-1 23:41:43 | 只看该作者
The route to your next good job: take every opportunity to broad your perspective and give your boss unexpected insight.
Why Winning Matters:
Winning is everything: winning companies make money, pay tax, and bring genius.
Win is social responsibility.
Win the job, successful career, life, revenue and society needs driven by good winning companies.

Warm Up: 01:53
Jack Welch, the former CEO of GE, thought winning and being profitable is the number one social responsibility of one company and he did bring GE into the most winning company in the world.

TIME2: 02:20
Jack encouraged the ideas which can bring innovation and he thought managers should take risks and be responsible for the failures of their employees everyday.

TIME3: 01:46
The 20/70/10 Differentiation: reward 20% top, deal with middle 70% and move out the bottom 10%

TIME4: 01:29
Training the middle 70% and give them guild to top 20%
Let the bottom 10% know their situation clearly and move out
Make employees stretched a little more than they are capable of.

The Rest: 01:11
Six Sigma: remove the variation and errors
Jake used Six Sigma to help GE save the cost and win the market share.

TIME5: 02:06
One condition:
Jack required one lawn boy to make the lawn look different from others and give the boy more money, and when the boy reflected the situation, he realized that excellent is rewarded.

TIME6: 01:48
Accepting the challenge: Jack’s requirement made the lawn boy feel the work is fun and pursue the greatness.
An invitation to make difference: when you ask someone to do sth, try to do what Jack did, and it will call them to greatness and the result will be surprised.

Paraphrase7: 09:10
The evolution of Six Sigma: problem solving tools->quality tool-> sophisticated quality philosophy
MAIC four-stage problem-solving approach: Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control
Motorola is the first company to use the six sigma in business to achieve the zero defect in quality.
Design the Six Sigma skills as Black Belt to apply Six Sigma from quality to all business
Redesign Six Sigma deploy tactics: Champion, Master BB, BB, and Green Belt
Jack Welch, the CEO of GE, introduced the Six Sigma into GE and lead GE to save cost and achieve great revenue.
Jack made Six Sigma the most popular technique in industry because he aligned the skill into performance review and prerequisite of career development in GE.

坦白来讲,我接触过Six Sigma两年的时间,但是从来没有这么清楚的了解过整个变迁,谢谢瓜瓜~~~
发表于 2014-1-3 23:47:41 | 只看该作者

发表于 2014-7-1 23:36:31 | 只看该作者
1 A 01:26
2 A 02:06
3 A 01:28
4 A 01:12
5 A 00:59
6 A 01:40
7 A 01:07
8 A 00:22
9 A 08:47
six sigema history. at first, born in motor, after the factory was taken by j, the new management system boost the productivity and quality. in asu, h write paper with a in motor about how to promote quality. at that time, s was just a quality tools helping motor achieve rewards. then n follow the step, in n, together with an artist they chanllege the short cycle of s, and when he noticed that senior manager focus on fingures, and he reverse his model. after b became one of GE, wilch completly support s. and make his employee focus on s, bouns consists from 60% financial and 40% from s.
发表于 2016-1-9 07:26:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2016-1-9 08:37:53 | 只看该作者

broden the question, broden the answers so that the boss learns a lot from having you deliver the answers. overdeliver. answer your boss more they expect. your boss is getting smarter and smarter,and happer and happer with you. because you've given them bigger product prospective on the issue.

Time 2 2.17
Time 3 1.59
Time 4 1.32
Time 5 1.21
Time 6 2.25
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