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[校友答疑] 圣母大学会计硕士项目/Notre Dame MSA Program 2014年申请答疑贴

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发表于 2013-10-30 06:14:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The last admission meeting about international students just finished. All results will be released in a day or two. No plan to accept more international students.

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哈罗大家好!我是ND MSA program class of 2014的在读学生。先简单介绍一个圣母大学会计硕士项目的情况吧。


现在我们的项目在商学院下面,学校的Career Center帮助我们。但是在明年7月,MSA项目会开始讨论并入MBA的事宜,如果通过的话,2015年秋季开始,MSA项目的Career Service将会进入MBA项目里面。但是,这对于今年申请的同学没有影响。

  • 关于申请:

11.25 The goal is to enroll 15 "international" students this year. 陆本 will be around 5-6 so they probably will accept 7-8 in case that some one goes elsewhere.

1.16 The wild card is how many will be from the applicants who are currently "Hold." They also expect to lose a couple "Accepted."  It is a moving target.

1. 需要材料

2. 条件:很多申请的筒子们都反映圣母喜欢国内名校,我个人觉得这一点很难界定,够优秀的Candidates一定会在自己的PS和Resume里面发光的。但是有必要强调的是,因为刚到美国就马上需要投入找工作,所以圣母的确对学生的英文水平有很高的要求。其实对于每一个想要在美国工作的同学,英文水平是一个基本要求,在国内要多加练习! 2014年Class profile已经公布,。今年有17个中国学生,job seeking students占12个,相较于去年有增加。

3. 申请时间:对于所有Rolling basis的申请来说,个人感觉是越早越好。

4. Reference: CD有一个旧贴,里面详细写出了TOEFL的要求。各个楼层也有很多useful的信息, ... hlight=notre%2Bdame

  • 关于就业:

Class of 2014 job placement statistic (100% placement rate for three years in a row):

Currently, we are 17/17 and have NYC (7), Chicago (4), San Fran. (2) and others (4; Altanta, Austin, Detroit and Kansas City).  12 students got 28 OFFERS in total!! This shows that we are a true national university.  ND ROCKS!!

相信这点是很多筒子最关心的一点。Notre Dame MSA Program的staff和教授老板在就业方面非常的supportive,我本人是陆本,来到ND之后发现这边的合作气氛太棒了,老师们都真心诚意的帮助你,想要你成功。

招聘季在8月末就开始啦,因为ND是四大的Target school,有很多跟四大Networking的机会。通过了Resume screening之后就是Campus interview和Office interview。

1.24 我们的招聘季正式结束!!今年placement仍然是unbelievable的100%!!我们连续三年实现100%的美国四大就业率,。今年的location相比于往年更加diversified,涵盖了美国南部,中部,东部和西部。

  • MSA students Q&A

1. How do you like ND?
LaurenL我个人感觉和我原来的学校比, 这里的学生有很多很聪明的,该认真的时候超级认真,是时候玩的时候很能玩。来这里做team project, 组员们比以前给力多了。还有就是校友们很和善,都很以Notre Dame为豪。Notre Dame在美国还是很受赏识的。当我在纽约面试时,旁边坐着Vandy, NYU的学生,我突然很惊讶地发现我不觉得我自己很弱了。像Notre Dame这样的学校真的会给一个学生很多气场,塑造气质,这是有些学校所不能给的。还有很重要一点,你若想要,你可以在学校和各式各样的人(CEO,CFO...)谈上话,为自己拓展人脉和争取机会。很多我们这届的人都觉得在找工作的这两个月中成长了很多进步了很多,很大原因是Notre Dame给我们创造了很多机会,这里的文化也激励着我们去利用这些机会。

2. Am I qualified for ND?
Sam91: 圣母 will look at your GMAT, TOEFL, GPA, and activities. For Notre Dame, GMAT 780 is not necessarily better than 710.
The committee will consider two things: 1) Will the applicant contribute to the profession/ND community? 2) Will the MSA education benefit this applicant?  
aileenhuangFor the 985/211 criteria, there is some rumor in the chasedream forum. If you are a top candidate and value our program a lot, you should go for it and strive for a chance. The most important traits ND values are leadership, communication skills, community service and your personality, which you can demonstrate pretty well in your PS and resume. The application is not about scores, instead, it is about who you are and who you want to be in the future.

3. Interview tips
BenjaminT: 面试时我觉得假如有新的例子当然更好,但是没有也没所谓,我觉得DVD考察的是你professional presentation ability,Skype面试考察的是你实际的应变能力和communication skill. follow up question一般比如说你在面试的时候举例子有关bad team experience的,那么面试官可能会follow up问一下你what lesson did you learn from that? 或者说面试官对你某一点很感兴趣他会继续问,比如说你在四大做audit实习,做了bla bla bla,然后面试官对你的客户很感兴趣,他会问你一些更detail关于那个客户的东西。

BenjaminT:我个人比较建议一个穿正装的professional的presentation,像课堂presentation那样,我觉得DVD考察的是你的presentation skill and professional business sense

ND MSA program 的官网(提供很多有效的信息,大家可以积极利用。如果有什么问题,直接跟贴,我的同学和我会尽快回复大家的!


11.1 update.  1 more offer! And we beat Navy!!
11.4 update. All the DVD sent to us have been evaluated.  We will communicate the result with the applicants on 11/05.
                     New section: MSA student Q&A.
11.6 update.  1 more offer! Congrats!
11.14 update. job placement statistics
11.22 update. Application process
11.25 Important update. Enrollment info
12.1 update. Correct job placement statistics
12.2 update. “There is a meeting scheduled Monday afternoon.  I expect the results will be communicated to applicants on Tuesday.”
12.5 update. From school committee: "we would like to receive them as soon as possible in order to conduct Skype interview and make the final decision by Christmas break!"  "We will request several DVD’s soon."
12.9 update. From school committee: the next committee meeting will be on the 19th. We plan to inform the applicants of our decisions on the 20th.  In the meantime, members will still communicate and make decisions if necessary
12. 15 update. Skype interviews conducted till Thursday night (Beijing time) will be included in Committee meeting on Thursday (Dec. 19th, starting at 12:30pm)
12.16 updates. No skype interview in Wednesday.

1.16 the next committee meeting is on Monday the 27th and they will try to communicate with the applicants on Tuesday (28th) morning. My estimate is 陆本3 美本 3-4. The wild card is how many will be from the applicants who are currently "Hold." They also expect to lose a couple "Accepted."  It is a moving target.  
1.24 100% Placement achieved this year!!! Three years in a row!
1.27 周一committee开会啦!但是像sam91说的那样,周一,周二学校关了。。所以不确定什么时候能通知大家结果~但是committee保证asap,请不要太焦急。不少同学在问seats的问题,大致的情况是 3 more 陆本 and 2 more美本,当然最终的录取还是跟applicants有关系啦!
2.6 Committee will have a meeting today.  Final decisions will be made for all the available files.

2.17 1-2 US internationals and 1-2 pure internationals
3.20 Application updates: 1 more pure and 1 more US internationals. Admission Committee will try to finish all the Skype interviews by March 31st and make “admit” decisions right after that.  Rejections will be communicated quickly.
3.25 Last update. The last admission meeting about international students just finished. All results will be released in a day or two. No plan to accept more international students.

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发表于 2013-10-30 06:31:51 | 只看该作者
楼主你好~ 我也很想申ND,但是我本科是读经济,ND要求好多先修课都没有学过。我发邮件问过admission office,他们要求说我如果被录取了,要在入读前修完所有先修课。请问楼主有没有这方面的信息呢?有没有一些大学暑假提供短时间修读先修课呢?
发表于 2013-10-30 07:17:24 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-30 07:55:23 | 只看该作者
cat.chan 发表于 2013-10-30 06:31
楼主你好~ 我也很想申ND,但是我本科是读经济,ND要求好多先修课都没有学过。我发邮件问过admission office ...

Hi, I did accounting in my undergrad so the only course I need is Federal Taxation.. All the international students have the chance to do Taxation here at Notre Dame in August.. I am not sure about your situation.. Maybe you can take some at your undergrad right now?
发表于 2013-10-30 09:51:16 | 只看该作者
支持圣母!! 75% placement so far => 9 out of 12. That is incredible.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-30 10:19:35 | 只看该作者
worrier 发表于 2013-10-30 09:51
支持圣母!! 75% placement so far => 9 out of 12. That is incredible.

I believe we are gonna have 100% later this year. And we beat USC AGAIN!!
发表于 2013-10-30 10:43:48 | 只看该作者
Great! ND 已投,dream school啊!楼主能简单介绍一下去年中国学生的profile吗?谢谢~
发表于 2013-10-30 11:06:10 | 只看该作者
appreciate it!! ND is my dream school!!
 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-30 11:08:51 | 只看该作者
迷路de馥 发表于 2013-10-30 10:43
Great! ND 已投,dream school啊!楼主能简单介绍一下去年中国学生的profile吗?谢谢~ ...

It's pretty diversified. In general, I think we had a good GMAT/TOFEL/GPA and all of us had great leadership experience.
I looked at your profile and thought it was good. Best of luck on your application!
发表于 2013-10-30 11:11:54 | 只看该作者
aileenhuang 发表于 2013-10-30 11:08
It's pretty diversified. In general, I think we had a good GMAT/TOFEL/GPA and all of us had great  ...

Thanks a lot. But I have no idea when ND will release its result... I have submitted my application on Oct 11, haven't  had any response yet...
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