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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障21系列】【21-14】文史哲

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发表于 2013-7-9 13:49:35 | 只看该作者
AceJ 发表于 2013-7-8 14:19
有一种“美帝跟天朝越来越像”的感觉,前天看了一个美帝的食品安全问题的视频,虽然不像天朝这么严重,但 ...

美国食品安全应该主要是转基因食品的问题吧 其实天朝现在走的路就是以前美帝走的路 当年美帝垄断可怕的时代 等着看了
发表于 2013-7-9 21:04:14 | 只看该作者
Time1 1'41"
Time2 2'10"
The rest 1'55"
Time3 1'33"
Time4 1'49"
Time5 1'55"
Obstacle 5'35"
发表于 2013-7-9 21:26:28 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-7-9 21:28:09 | 只看该作者
铁板二米 发表于 2013-7-9 21:04
Time1 1'41"
Time2 2'10"

发表于 2013-7-9 22:16:28 | 只看该作者
background about a different and old transmitter, and the current situation     
goodbye gestures in history and now
the unsolicited advices influence the closest relationship        
advices from partners or spouses easily annoyed each other        
how to give advice and how to respond one

obstacle: 05:12
background for children back to live with parents
4 solutions for parents how to cope with that situation:
1.time frame
2.charge rent
4. supportive
the outcome and the meaning to do above.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-7-9 22:29:51 | 只看该作者
ufoufo1102 发表于 2013-7-9 22:16
background about a different and old transmitter, and the current situation ...

发表于 2013-7-9 23:24:42 | 只看该作者
1        0:03:19        0:03:19
2        0:04:04        0:07:24
3        0:03:29        0:10:53
4        0:02:09        0:13:02
5        0:02:31        0:15:32
6        0:02:51        0:18:23

7        0:07:58        0:26:22
Today lots of young adults who are in their 20s are still living with their family. It results the situation that they are always relied on their parents and parents always take care of young adults as teenagers.
=> 20s reduce the ability to live  =>parents should not do these for their child. They should:
Time limited
Charge rent
Don’t let your child be comfortable
Be supportive
发表于 2013-7-10 03:19:21 | 只看该作者
今天来交前天的作业,明天早上起来做今天的科技 -时差党的安排。。。。今天做作业注意记结论了。感觉比昨天好些,不过还是有一篇文章想不起来最后讲神马了。。。

[21-14] Tuesday
Time1 - 2’22” [Words: 342]
P1: Describe the stairs.
P2: How the stairs were built during WWII and its function: send signals to submarines.
P3: In 1950 it was rebuilt with new materials but damaged. Residents complained.
P4: Local government wants to reopen the stairs but nearby communities reject.
P5: You can still climb to the mountain by arriving at the stairs before 5am when the guard starts to work.

Time2 - 3’09” [Words: 437]
P1: Describe “ghosting” from author’s recent experience.
P2: Explain what is “ghosting”: To leave a social group without saying goodbye.
P3: Give more example of ghosting.
P4: Other ways to say ghosting.
P5: Compare to saying “hello” which is easier and more delightful.  

Time3 – 2’12” [words: 324]
P1: Topic: giving advice is tricky, especially between spouses and partners.
P2: Illustrate the topic further. People say lots of advices is less pleasant than little and surprising advice.
P3: A research at the U of Iowa studying giving advices between husbands and wives.
P4: One finding. The person asking for or receiving advices is more important than the person giving advices in a relationship.  
P5: Another finding… no advice is dangerous too?? Wives are the no.1 source of encouragement for husbands. If wives ask for advices from people other than their husbands, the relationship is unhealthy either. ??

Time4 – 2’25” [Words: 374]
P1: Men and women experience different emotion when receive advices.
P2: Example between a couple. Mr. C taught Ms. C to cut an onion. Ms. C felt insulted. Men feel nagged when women give them advices. Women feel incapable when their men give them advices.
P3: Ms. C told Mr.C not to talk about himself on a friend get-together. Mr.C felt criticized by his mother.
P4: Don’t remember…

Time5 – 2’18” [Words: 453]
P1: Advice giver: ask the other person if he or she needs advice.
P2: Advice giver: tell a story.
P3: receiver: say “thank you” to show the gesture.
P4: receiver: simply say “I don’t need advice at this point”.
P5: Other tips of giving advices: outsource the advice; timing is important.
P6: Mr. and Ms. C can give and receive advices better now.

Time6 – 4’57”
1. Describe a situation faces a mom whose three adult children live with her in her house.
2. It’s difficult for young people to get employed in a weak economy. Studies show more and more young generation live in a multi-generation house since 1950s.
3. Experts provide several advices for parents who have adult children living with them:
1) Set up time frame
2) Charge rent – Some say charge 30% as normal; Some say charge minimum; Some don’t charge to help their children to save money; Some assign house chores to substitute rent.
3) Create a slight discomfort environment – to motivate children to move out.
4) Be supportive
发表于 2013-7-10 10:59:09 | 只看该作者
[TIME1] 00:02:22.78
[TIME2] 00:02:35.86
[TIME3] 00:01:51.77
[TIME4] 00:02:04.56
[TIME5] 00:02:09.65
Part 2 Obstacle        00:05:32.15
the life of a family with “boomerang” children
how to stay sane and make sure you are preparing your adult child
Set a time limit.
Charge rent.
Don’t let your child get too comfortable.
Discuss ahead of time everything
发表于 2013-7-10 14:30:04 | 只看该作者
An introduction of ha'iku stairs in a steep mountain
The author thought it was OK to leave without saying goodbye.
Giving or receiving advice may sometimes be harmful.
Spouses often feel angry at each other's offer of advice.
Some pieces of advice are given to deal with the problem discussed above.
Main idea: It talks about the phenomenon that children graduate from college and live at home. Then, several pieces of advice are given to the parents in order to help these fledging adults.
-the introduction of the phenomenon that graduates come back and live at home
-some pieces of advice given to the parents

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